Friday, May 31, 2019
America is Not Responsible for September 11 :: September 11 Terrorism Essays
America is Not Responsible for September 11 I am starting to hear something somewhat disturbing close to the September 11 attack on the United States. I hear people in the press saying it. I hear it from foreign spokesmen and organizations. And today I hear students and professors agreeing. What they are all saying is that American foreign policy is responsible for this attack. This is not the first time I have comprehend it. I read this when I was researching Internet sites in the Middle East for a school project. But now I hear it in America. Well, I absolutely reject that belief. And before you start down that road, let me give you an alternative argument and the facts to accompany it. In todays world of sound-bite journalism and quick, dumbed-down answers, this is an easy effect to a problem that doesnt have an easy solution. Sure, jump on the bandwagon. Blame America for all the bad things that happen to her. We are big, powerful and an easy target. wherefore not blame us? Who else can you blame? Well, simply put, the United States did not plant the bombs that have killed close to 9,000 Americans in the last decade. Someone else did. nine-spot thousand Americans were lost in terrorist bombings around the world in a decade. Still think this is our fault? There are some good critiques of American foreign policy. But when do we say enough is enough? When do we put the safety of our citizens above public opinion in other countries? spate we not say to the world that these are our policies, they are based on good values and sound judgement, without fear of being killed? The answer is yes, we can, we will and we must. If we do not, then the hatred of a small minority dominates the rule of law for the vast majority. Let us examine the American foreign policy that is so terrible that terrorists feel justified murdering people in the hundreds and thousands at a time. I think you will see it may not be the stemma of all evil. &nb sp First, let us examine our relations with Israel versus the Palestinians. This is the center of the criticism laid upon the backs of Americans dealing with the Middle East for at least 40 years.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Oedipal and Electra Complexes Essay example -- Sexuality Heroine Freud
Oedipal and Electra ComplexesIn Rebecca female knowledgeableity is explored through the heroines symbolic development of a negative Oedipal complex followed by an Electra complex. Although shunning of incest was believed by Freud to be the impetus for normal sexual development, the film explores the abnormal outcome of a negative Oedipal/Electra complex, i.e. replacement of the mother by the daughter as the fathers heterosexual love interest. The heroine is torn mingled with her desire to merge with Rebecca and to separate from her due to this combination of negative Oedipal and Electra complexes. The key difference between these two complexes underlies the heroines development.The difference between a negative Oedipal and Electra complex is non subtle. A negative Oedipal complex involves love for the mother in the take a leak of Freuds bisexual attraction. The girl will desire and identify with her, wishing to emulate her. An Electra complex is defined by the girls im agined competitor between mother and daughter for the fathers love. For Freud the heterosexual development of little girls is more difficult to explain compared to that of little boys because the girl must adjustment the object of her love from woman to man. Initially the girl has a negative Oedipal complex until some catalytic occurrence shifts her into an Electra complex marked by nauseate of the mother and rivalry. In a normal Freudian non-incestuous relationship the girl will transfer love of the father to other men and will not stop loving the mother entirely. In an incestuous relationship the girl will eliminate the threat of the mother, take her place, and engage in a sexual relationship with the father. Avoiding this, Freud believes, drives the female sexual development. Embracing this, Hitchcock displays, drives the unheimlich development of Rebecca.Symbolically in the film, the main characters take on the roles of key players in Freuds development strategies. The winsome heroine is clearly the girl, very young relative to adage and for the first half of the film innocent, weak, and small. She is made smaller by the overpowering presence of Rebecca, who for her typifies the perfect female. Maxim is clearly the father figure due to his age relative to the heroine and his relationship with her. His comments about her being a child, his desire for her never to grow up or wear ... ...e destruction of Mandalay and the death of Danvers, her last true worshiper. The last scene shows Maxim and the heroine embracing, insinuating that they go on to a heterosexual, symbolically incestuous relationship that is not overshadowed by Rebecca.In short the heroines development in the film from a naive, weak little girl into a powerful, knowledgeable wife is reverberate by this symbolic transition from a negative Oedipal stage to an Electra stage to a father-daughter incestuous relationship. The heroines actions are not given explicit acknowledgment i n the film, but the typical behavior of Freuds proverbial girl matches her behavior perfectly. The heroine tries to become like the woman who she believes Maxim loves, fails, and tries then to compete with her. The bout on the Oedipal/Electra complex comes about when the girls feminine rivalry turns to aligned opposition with the father against the mother leading to an incestuous relationship, precisely the outcome Freuds theory sought to avoid. Because the films development of the heroine diverges from normal sexual development in this way, Rebeccas development attains Hitchcocks sought later unheimlich effect.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
An Analysis of Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart :: Things Fall Apart essays
The Importance of Things Fall away The novel Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, was an eye-opening account of the life and eventual extinction of an African tribe called the Ibo. It focuses on one character, Okonkwo, who at a very early age laid out on a quest of self-perfection. Coming from a family ruled by a man who was lazy and inconsistent with everything he did, Okonkwo vowed to never fancy the fate of his father. Okonkwo and his family suffered through many hard times in their lives, but usually managed to come out on top. Through terrible crop seasons and uncollectible judgement calls, Okonkwo usually prevailed, until the day came when he was faced with a situation that could not be resolved by his strength and character alone. This novel likewise provided a very detailed, and seemingly accurate, account of the lives of the Ibo. The Ibo were an extremely spiritual people who sufficeed to their gods daily. A hardworking people who based their personal worth on their association and crop achievements. Their yam crops were the backbone of the community and he who possessed the largest crops were usually respected by all in the community. The Ibo were a very gendered people. The men normally made all the rules and the woman were taught to respect their husbands decisions. In particular, Okonkwo ruled his household with an iron fist. He often beat his wives for small reasons and felt little to no remorse for doing so. While it was not uncommon for the men of the Ibo tribe to beat their wives if they disobeyed orders, Okonkwo was a character that oftentimes took it too far. In one point in the novel he badly beat one of his wives, Ojiugo, during the sacred week. During this time no one in the tribe is to commit such acts, as it is a time for peace. By beating his wife, he defied the gods and was forced to offer up animal sacrifices and payment to them. This one of Okonkwos major character flaws, he is stu bborn and self-righteous, and wishes to answer to nobody but himself. This even leads to eventual fate, when he refuses to join the Christians when most everyone else of the tribe gave in to their ideas.
Suffering in Job and The Aeneid Essay -- Comparison Compare Contrast E
Suffering in Job and The Aeneid Throughout Virgils Aeneid and Job from the Old Testament, great obstacles block the paths of the protagonists. Mental and physical, anguish is placed upon Job and Aeneas. though both men suffer extreme pain, the extent and content of the tribulations are different. Jobs suffering is placed upon him without provocation. Aeneas as well as believes his pain is so great and unmerited (Virgil 2.89). Junos nuisance towards the Trojans, however, is fueled by many things such as the descent of the Trojans from Jupiters illegitimate son and the fact that the Trojan people are fated to destroy Carthage, her best-loved city. God takes away everone deat to Job. He is physically alone except for Eliphaz, Bilad, Zophar and Elihu. These men, although they are the alone people to speak to Job, offer very little sympathy. They blame him for his happening and tell Job that he has probably angered God to an extent that his punishment is deserved. Aene as, though, has the companionship of his men and other friends which help him along his journey. Not only are his men friendly and admiring of Aeneas, they are on his side. They help him on his journey. They are all fighting for the same cause. This fact alone makes Jobs misfortune more than taxing. Their psychical anguish is non limited to matters of this world. Each man is faced with dillemas concerning their spiritual beliefs. Though he begs and calls to God for an explanation, Job receives nothing. This causes alone causes more mental anguish than anything else that happens in either work. Jobs family is exterminated, he is pile of fermenting flesh, and he has no sign from God as to why t... ... He has thousands of mortals working with him, not to mention the fact that he has the gods working to protect him too. The proportionate level of suffering weighs heavily on Jobs side. Aeneas has some tough times, but Job suffers around beyond human capabilities. Aene as had moments of excitement and adventure along his path, while Job had utter misery. Aeneas had far from a pain free voyage, but he was also worlds away from feeling the desperation and unheralded torture of Job. Works Cited Block, Elizabeth. The Effects of Divine Manifestation on the Readers Perspective in Vergils Aeneid. Arno Press, New York, 1981. Green, Joel B., & Longman, Tremper (Eds.). Holy sacred scripture -- The Everday Study Edition. Dallas Word Publishing. 1996. Quinn, Kenneth. Vergils Aeneid, A Critical Description. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London. 1968.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Global Warming Essay -- Environmental Global Climate Change
Today, scientist argue over the consequences of global warming. Scientist say that theheating of the atmosphere can influence many health problems. Some of the relatedproblems due to global warming are death to heat waves and other clime channelises, and infectious diseases. With the atmosphere temperature rising, we all will be at risk. Theclimate not only harms our bodies, it can also harm our crops and waters. Floods and droughts associated with global warming can undermine our health inother ways. The heat that is produced can ill-treat our crops. The temperature will allowour crops to be infected with diseases and infestations such as pests and weeds. Bydestroying our crops, this can lead to malnutrition world wide. With the weather being sointense, this can deepen our water cycles. With the extra water condensing, this will lead to larger downpours. While the oceans are heating, so is the land. If the land heats up, dry areas can become highly perched. When parching enlarg es, the pressure sensation gradients can cause winds to develop, leading to turbulent winds, tornadoes, and other powerful storms. With altered pressure, global warming can affect where storms, floods, and droughts occur. Another way climate variety can affect human health is climate change in the ecosystem. Ecosystem upheaval is one of the most profound ways in which climate change caneffect human health. Pest control is one of natures underappreciated services to people. Well-fun...
Global Warming Essay -- Environmental Global Climate Change
Today, scientist argue over the consequences of global warming. Scientist say that theheating of the atmosphere can work on many health problems. Some of the relatedproblems due to global warming are death to heat waves and other climate changes, and infectious diseases. With the atmosphere temperature rising, we either will be at risk. Theclimate not only harms our bodies, it can also harm our crops and waters. Floods and droughts associated with global warming can undermine our health inother ways. The heat that is produced can damage our crops. The temperature will allowour crops to be infected with diseases and infestations such as pests and weeds. Bydestroying our crops, this can lead to malnutrition world wide. With the withstand being sointense, this can alter our water cycles. With the extra water condensing, this will lead to larger downpours. While the oceans are heating, so is the land. If the land heats up, run dry areas can become highly perched. When parching enlar ges, the pressure gradients can cause winds to develop, leading to turbulent winds, tornadoes, and other powerful storms. With altered pressure, global warming can bear on where storms, floods, and droughts occur. Another way climate change can affect human health is climate change in the ecosystem. Ecosystem upheaval is one of the most great(p) ways in which climate change caneffect human health. Pest control is one of natures underappreciated services to people. Well-fun...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Pope John Paul Xiii Impact on Christianity Essay
Pope crapper xxiiI played a vital role in shaping Christianity as we know it today. He contributed socially, politically and liturgically and was a major influence in the establishment of ecumenism and interfaith dialogue between other churches and religions. He advocated Christian unity, social justice, human rights and the promotion of realism peace, and his openness to all people led to him obtaining the name Good Pope John. The early life of Pope John XXIII shaped his morality and future ideas, and his travelling made him tolerant towards other people, cultures and beliefs.He believed that No one is excluded by love and pursued this belief throughout is papacy, even see prisons in order to forgive those who had sinned, considering them all his children. He had a strong personal spirituality that was central to his character and he promoted obedience and peace in all that he did, becoming a role model for many. The will of God was central to his belief and Pope John XXIII def ined himself as a man of action, not an authority figure, allowing Christians to connect and relate to him personally.Pope John XXIII promoted the openness of the Catholic church, establishing the second Vatican Council which worked to modernise the liturgy and Catholic Church organisations. He changed the language of the mass from Latin to Vernacular, allowing adherents to develop a greater understanding and a more active role in their worship. The Council increase the role of the Laity and women in church, allowing them to participate in readings and also removed altar rails and made priests face the congregation, eliminating the physical barrier between the priest and the congregation.His hospitality to Communists was highly controversial amongst the Catholic church, and showed how he believed strongly in developing ties in order to discuss human rights and encourage peace. During his Papacy, Pope John XXIII published several encyclicals promoting world peace(Pacem in Terris) an d increasing the consciousness of ones dignity and rights of workers, women and newly independent nations (Mater et Magisterum). Pacem in Terris was addressed to the undivided world and received warmly by Christians and non-Christians alike.It altered thinking about the Cold War and initiated the resurgence of Catholic social teaching. John Pope XXIIs main contribution to Christianity was for human kind rather than Catholics. He affirmed human rights as the basis of peace. He explicitly praised the Declaration of kind Rights which had been issued by the UN in 1948 and has helped to recapture the Christian sense of family. By initiating the Vatican II Council, John Pope XXIII contributed to sweeping changes and widespread reforms with the Catholic church which note in motion forces that were to affect Catholics, Christians and non-Christians alike.His emphasis on world peace and creating a dialogue between Christian variants and other religions impacted Christianitys knowledge an d expression, and created unity. He was respected and loved by many and after his death Pope John XXIII was honoured by many Protestants organisations as Christian reformer. To the absolute world Pope John has given what neither diplomacy nor science could give a sense of unity to the human family. Time Magazine, article on Pope John XXIII Man of the Year.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Sarbanes-Oxley Act Acc 403- Auditing
SARBANES-OXLEY ACT ACC 403- AUDITING PROFESSOR August 19, 2012 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was placed into effect July 2002 the act introduced major changes to the regulation of corporate giving medication and fiscal practice. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was named after Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael Oxley, who were the main architects that set a number of non-negotiable deadlines for compliance. The organization for Economic Cooperation and Development was one of the first non- presidential term organizations to spell out the principles that should govern the corporate and issued the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.The Sarbanes Oxley Act also known as Public Comp whatever Accounting Reform and Information surety Act and Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act. It is a federal law that set various principles for all the U. S. companies to detect and evade fraud. It detects the scandals in the securities markets when the shargon prices of securi ties are affected. The act requires the Securities and Exchange Commission to implement rulings on requirements to comply with the law. It created a new agency called Public Company Accounting Oversight Board which regulates, oversees and inspects the character of analyzeors of public companies.The act covers auditors independence, corporate governance, essential control assessment and financial disclosures. The SarbanesOxley contains 11 statute titles that describe specific mandates and requirements for financial reporting. Each title consists of several sections, which are the following below I. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) provides independent oversight of public flyering firms providing audit work and creates a central oversight board tasked with registering auditors. II.Auditors Independence establishes standards for external auditor independence to limit conflicts of interest and states new auditor approval requirements, audit ally rotation, and aud itor reporting requirements. III. Corporate Responsibility mandates that senior executives takeindividual responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of corporate financial reports. It defines the interaction of external auditors and corporate audit committees, and specifies the responsibility of corporate officers for the accuracy and validity of corporate financial reports. IV.Enhanced Financial Disclosure describes enhanced reporting requirements for financial transactions, including off-balance-sheet transactions, pro-forma figures and stock transactions of corporate officers. It requires internal controls for assuring the accuracy of financial reports and disclosures, and mandates both audits and reports on those controls. V. Analyst Conflict of Interest includes measures designed to help restore investor confidence in the reporting of securities analysts. It defines the codes of give birth for securities analysts and requires disclosure of knowable conflicts of interest. VI.Commission Resources and Authority defines practices to restore investor confidence in securities analysts, and defines the SECs authority to censure or bar securities professionals from practice and defines conditions under which a somebody can be barred from practicing as a broker, advisor, or dealer. VII. Studies and Reports requires the Comptroller General and the SEC to perform various studies and report their findings. Studies and reports include the effectuate of consolidation of public accounting firms, the eccentric of credit rating agencies in the operation of securities markets, securities violations and enforcement actions.VIII. Corporate and Criminal Fraud Responsibility It describes specific criminal penalties for manipulation, remainder or alteration of financial records or other interference with investigations, while providing certain protections for whistle-blowers. IX. White Collar Crime Penalty Enhancement It recommends stronger sentencing guidelines and s pecifically adds loser to certify corporate financial reports as a criminal offense. X. Corporate Tax Returns Section 1001 states that the Chief Executive Officer should sign the company tax revenue return. XI.Corporate Fraud Responsibility It identifies corporate fraud and records tampering as criminal offenses and joins those offenses to specific penalties. It also revises sentencing guidelines and strengthens their penalties. Prior to Sarbanes Oxley act, auditing firms were self regulatory. It may happen several quantify that challenging the counts of the companies damage the relationship with the clients. The frauds of the companies cannot be detected easily. There are many risks associated with the auditing report since it will not be able to report the genuine position of the companies.The Sarbanes Oxley act states that it shall be unlawful to contravenes the provisions of the commission because it is not in the public interest or it is unprotected for investors, for any o ther person to take any action to fraudulently influence, manipulate, coerce and mislead any independent person in the carrying into action of preparing the audit report of the financial statements of any concern. The most important aspect in the financial statement is to follow and regulate the internal control system of the organization.This is the most important point in this act as it detects that the internal control system of the corporations is sound or not. It wants to report about the internal control system of the organization so that the positive picture of the organization can be reflected easily in front of the members of the companies and the investors. Since the main motto of Sarbanes Oxley act is to protect the investors it has to report about the internal flunk and strengths of the companies to give a true picture of the company. It requires management to report the following points * The operating effectiveness of internal control related to the significant acco unts which affects the materiality of the account or from which the material misstatement risks can be occurred. * The flow of transactions so that it should be understood that whether in that location is any material misstatement could arise or not. * judge the control of the company to record the components of COSO framework. * Perform the fraud risk assessment of the organizations. * Evaluate the control performance to detect and evade the errors. * Evaluate the control performance to detect and evade the fraud. Evaluate the work of the management to ensure that whether they consider the basic elements like objectivity, competency and risks. * Evaluate the internal control over financial reporting. * Evaluate the size and complexity of the company. The findings of Sarbanes Oxley act incorporate a code of Best Practices on Directors Remuneration. The four main issues which were dealt with as follows * The role of Remuneration Committee in setting the wages packages for the CEO and other directors. * The required level of isclosure needed to shareholders regarding details of directors remuneration and whether there is the need to obtain shareholder approval. * Specific guidelines for determining a remuneration policy for directors and * Service contracts and provisions binding the Company to pay compensation to a director, particularly in the event of dismissal for unsatisfactory performance. The important recommendation was the establishment of Remuneration Committee of Non- Executive Directors which would be responsible for deciding the remuneration of executive directors.The majority of the recommendations of the committee were incorporated in the Listing Rules of the London Stock Exchange. The principles of corporate governance are evolved as under * Sustainable training of all the stakeholders- it ensures the growth of all the individuals associated with or effected by the enterprise on sustainable basis. * Effective management and distribution of r iches- it ensures that enterprise creates maximum wealth and judiciously uses the wealth so created for providing maximum benefits to all the stakeholders and enhancing its wealth creation capabilities to maintain sustainability. Discharge of social responsibility- it ensures that enterprise is acceptable to the society in which it is functioning. * masking of best management practices- it ensures excellence in functioning of enterprise and optimum creation of wealth on sustainable basis. * Compliance of law in garner and spirit- it ensures value enhancement for all stakeholders guaranteed by the law for maintaining socio-economic balance. * Adherence to ethical standardsit ensures integrity, transparency, independence and accountability in dealings with all stakeholders.The Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, incision of Public Enterprises has issued Guidelines on Corporate Governance for Central Public Sector Enterprises. For the purpose of evolving Guidelines on corporate governance, Central Public Sector Enterprises have been categorized into two groups, namely 1. Those listed in the stock exchange and 2. Those not listed in the stock exchange. Some claim that the financial activities of publicly traded companies are still seriously nder-regulated while others hold that SOX was necessary, but that some of its requirements are not cost-effective which I believe will change over time. Reference * Arens, A. , Elder, R. J. , & Beasley, M. (2010). ACCT 403 Auditing and assurance function 2010 custom edition (14th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson Education. * http//www. soxlaw. com/ * http//searchcio. techtarget. com/definition/Sarbanes-Oxley-Act * http//www. sec. gov/about/laws. shtml * http//www. sec. gov/news/testimony/090903tswhd. htm * http//www. sox-online. com/basics. html
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Judy Bradys I Want a Wife Essay
In Judy Bradys I Want a Wife she talks approximately the tasks of a desired married wo populace. There are certain things and duties required for a housemarried woman to do. Brady describes all told the helpful things d genius for a economize and children without raze realizing all the responsibility and what she is doing. No one ever ac sack outledges that things done by a wife can be done by someone who was not a wife, exclusively instead a humanity. Judy realizes she supports her husband so he can go back to school. She keeps the house clean. She has to be sensitive to the withdraws of a man in general. There overhear been m either studies about gender roles in a marriage.The wife seems to do a lot. Women feel sometimes they do similarly much. Married couples should be able to work together. Sometime when the wife does everything it puts a constraint on the marriage. A marriage not moreover needs to survive, but thrive. In a marriage a husband and wife should be able sh are the same roles as needed. Society has a perceived conception of this. Everything today in a marriage should be able to be shifted back and forth as needed. This is all evidence that a marriage should be between two people who are willing to share all family responsibilities.It is a married couples responsibility to take control of any major problems they may have prior to marriage if possible. Research has shown that when men change roles in the family, in that location are more challenges for them. There seems to be many issues and problems when the man in the family shows the father involvement Fineman (17). For many years society did not tell apart much about the changing of gender roles in a family. The husband should be able to do anything when needed. Statistics show that the effects of a fathers involvement with their children can sometimes cause angry reactions Kefalas (845).This can make to disjoin at times. Based on the evidence that spousal conflict adversely in fluences physiology and health, negative impact does affect the husband also. The stronger impact of relationship negativity contributes to the change magnitude marriage benefit for men also. Evidence bearing on two explanations for this differential impact of conflict is reviewed. The relational-interdependence view, proposed by Kiecolt-Glaser and Newton (473), holds that men can be affected by marital conflict because of their more independent self-representations.Men do experience physiological and psychological reactivity to marital discord at times, but typically they do occupy the more powerful positions relative to their wives. Monin (5-6). Researchers have utter that gender roles are interesting. In the past, clear gender roles for husband and wife had been understood within the context of the marriage. Today there are fewer clearly defined models for contemporary marriage gender roles and how these roles ought to be lived out. It must(prenominal) be admitted that in some cases, a lack of clear gender roles weakens the marriage.However, when a husband and a wife have the freedom to bring to a marriage his or her whole self, and not just live a traditional gender role, the American marriage has been strengthened by feminist theory. It was said years ago there is one kind of marriage that has not been tried and that is a contract made by concern parties to lead an equal life, with equal restraints and privileges on either side. Treckel says, so far we have had men marriage and nothing more. Treckel (1995 ). Change is not easy, but change is happening. by education, hopefully more people will see the benefits offered to contemporary marriage by these changes.A real common concern among researchers is that men let the wife take care of everything. Society has heard jokes about who wears the pants in the family. Yet, leadership in the home is no laughing matter. During the last few decades our elaboration has redefined the meaning and responsibilitie s of man and woman in society and in the home Martin (421). Many men are confused and insecure. Many do not know how to act in the home. Growing up, they lacked a good model for leadership at home and have no mental picture of what it means to lead a family. Consequently, they do not lead effectively, or they do not even try.Increasingly, many men are becoming passive in the home. They have decided that the easiest thing to do is nothing. The simplest thing-with the smallest risk-is to stay on the fence with both feet firmly planted in mid-air and let the wife do it. When a man is married to a strong wife who will take over, he often lets her do just that Nock (2). By providing these studies there is still a problem today in society that men themselves think the wife in a marriage should take control. They figure they work so the wife can hold down the fort. Mentally there is no real scientific evidence that states why a man feels this way in his mind.If there are going to be respon sible parties in a marriage it should be both. It takes two to run a household and makes things run smoothly Christian (34). Researchers said by talking to people, women would not achieve equal opportunities at work until their men folk contributed more to looking after the home. Gender inequalities in all areas are rooted in social structures. They are also in ones attitude. It is difficult to see how women will ever have the same opportunities in the labor market if equality at home is not achieved Yu (651-668).In a large group of men and women were asked about everyday chores, such as the laundry, cleaning, cooking food, shopping, looking after sick relatives and carrying out repairs. But men only made a significant contribution by mending ill-timed items around the house. At least two-thirds of women said it was usually them who carried out the opposite tasks, rising to eighty five percent for doing the laundry. More than half of men and even more women, seven out of ten, agre ed that men should pull their weight more. Similar proportions also believed that men should also be more involved in looking after children.Nearly three in four adults said it was right for both men and women to work to bring in money. Kalmijn (26). But only eight percent believed that mothers of the under-fives should be in full-time jobs. Nearly half thought that pre-school youngsters were likely to lose out if their mothers worked and that family life suffered when women had full-time jobs. This month, it emerged that mothers who stay at home to look after children under five were in the minority for the first time Yapp (56). By reading the studies about marriage and men twist their weight, couples must be able to rely on each other to address tasks and responsibilities.Many couples early on enter the marriage with the belief that the other will automatically know what is expected. The Trouble is, both likely hold different opinions as to the expectations of the other. It is di fficult for couples to pull their weight when they do not know what the other person may be thinking. This is like starting a new job without knowing anything about the job. It does not matter who cleans around the house, how pay are handled, or how the groceries are obtained, discuss what is to be expected in the beginning. In conclusion Judy Bradys I Want a Wife told a story of a desired wife.The desired wife in her story seemed to be the head of the house. This was unfortunate due to her husband. In Bradys eye a husband should be the head of the household. Most women in a marriage just want things to be shared equally. All Brady is saying is that men need to do their share. In life every day we experience gender issues. This is experienced from home to work. This gender has become a label. Women and men experience gender side effects every day. Gender relates to society. Expectations in a marriage need to be between two married people and not one sided.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Not sure if this is good or not
The novel Runner shows us how much Charlie cares most the people in his manner. Discuss In the novel Runner written by Robert Newton, we see that Charlie has a very caring nature, and will do almost anything for the people who are important to him. Charlie generally is always willing to do anything for those he cares for, as an example, even though he does go against his Mas will and starts to works for Squishy, he does it so he can achieve a better life for his family, to give Ma and Jack a nicer way of living.Charlie really cares about the Redmond and after he makes a lot of money when e wins the Ballard mile cut race he shares it with them. He offers as much of his winnings as Mr. Redmond wants to take, so that he is financially better off. Charlie really means it because when he was lecture to Mr. Redmond after he had won the race, It anti Just the running, Mr. Redmond. Yea done so much fear us, I dont know where wed be without yea. The reason he give tongue to that is becau se The Redmond had given so much to the Foeman family, and were always willing to help them out, Charlie offers the money, because he feels like it is an appropriate gesture to show his appreciation. This proves Charlie cares about the Redmond, as much as they care about him. Charlie and Nostrils are on a liquor run when the cross Barlow and his mates, Barlow soon begins to beat Nostrils, and Charlie runs away to safety.Charlie wants to help his takeoff booster out, but he felt paralyses, like he couldnt physically move because he was so afraid, and ashamed of leaving him there by himself. He said Far worse than fear, it was shame that paralyses me. Because Charlie cares for Nostrils so much, he is upset and regretting his decision of leaving Nostrils to fight for himself. The regret e has shows that he does truly care about Nostrils because it is shown how bad he feels for the mistake he made.When Charlie goes to the bakery that Alice works at and her father owns, to collect the taxes, he sees that there are Just people in the same situation he and his family in. When they cant afford to pay, Charlie decides he will because he knows what it is like to struggle. The two words kept repeating themselves. Something good Something good Charlie pays the three pounds the Cornballs owe from his own pocket because he knew what it was like to be desperate, and it was the best thing he loud do for people in a needy situation.It shows that Charlie is caring, because he was doing something so kind for people he barely knew, but he understood their situation, and could tell it was the right thing to do. Charlie is a truly caring person, who was systematically kind and loyal to those who were important to him. It is shown that he did almost anything to be caring towards others, but when he was in a situation where he has afraid, he froze. Charlie went to immense lengths to fix what he had done wrong, and did not stop until he felt like he had fully achieved that.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Commodity Fetishism
Karl Marx introduces the concept of commodity fetishism which is our societys obsession with the consumption of goods and services. It is in Marxs opinion that this is used to mask the exploitation of the running(a) class as they become obsessed with consuming. We use capitalism as a governing body of exchange repute, for example we exchange our promote in order to afford food to survive instead of producing our own food. The prices we see when we walk into a gunstock represent the human labor required to produce the product and the approximate use value one would achieve using it.The use value is scarcely the amount of utility we gain from consuming or using a good or service. Now, I travel very often on trading trips with my fathers investment company recently we went on a trip to Boston with Mackenzie Investments. We stayed in a world class hotel and were treated to stripe seats at a NFL game, this was paid for Marx would refer to Mackenzies business functions as having an exchange value.The company will subsidize our travel costs as well as provide goods and services to satisfy our wants in order to build a relationship and in turn receive our business. The use value we receive from the consumption of these commodities will as well impact how we view Mackenzie. Perhaps a person in attendance at the football game detests the pas seul while another adores it each person will value the experience differently as it provides different utility to each person.Our relationship between ourselves and Mackenzie is not based on an intrinsic level but rather on the bighearted of commodities, we will only briefly talk to the fund managers of the company so its hard to build a relationship on anything but what they provide us with. This relationship has the ability to be built on the giving of goods and services due to the capitalist societys commodity fetishism. We will observe the working class where more and more people atomic number 18 working in factories and large corporations to produce more commodities for people to buy or services to use.While the lower class is trapped in a cyclical labor to consume cycle (in other words living pay check to pay check like 47% of the Canadian economy (globeandmail)) the rich are reaping the benefits. The workers must consume because this is what society tells them to do, they must labor in order to consume so the workers labor, be it mental or physical they are beseeming a commodity themselves because they are for hire. They sell themselves and their labor to their boss who sells what they produce and in turn makes the profit.This relates directly to the alienation earlier discussed by Marx. The workers become confused from the product they are producing for they will not use it, they become alienated from self because they are not in control of their actions, often they will also be alienated from people in their be it in their own office or at their station in a factory. The drive arsehole our society seems corrupt and vague we observe the prices of goods and services but do not account for the hardships of the workers producing them.We often see ads about children overseas in sweatshops macrocosm exploited but what about our own people who slave a counselling 9-5 at a job they hate producing goods they do not consume for the patent benefit of the monetary gains of their boss Question Now that we have uncovered the true nature of capitalism how can we change it? Is there any way to help abolish the fetishism which takes advantage of the working class and benefits the rich?
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
E-Manufacturing: A Technology Review
Proceedings of the World social intercourse on engineering science 2008 Vol II WCE 2008, July 2 4, 2008, London, U. K. E Manufacturing a Technology review article Dr. H. K. Shivanand, Nanjundaradhya N. V, Prabhakar Kammar, Divya shree S, Keshavamurthy YC. Abstract With a rapid change in technology especially in the manufacturing sector, customers are demanding more(prenominal) value, less risk, and better integrating of productions, hence there is a need to change the manufacturing strategies, which burn down result in improved surgical operation thereby run across the customer demands.This paper critically reviews a new area to overcome the above problem called E Manufacturing which can integrate customers, products and suppliers with the help of Internet Technology. The model of E Manufacturing, its development, tools and potential benefits are discussed along with application examples on Automobiles. Areas like E Maintenance, E Diagnostics, E Business related to E Manufacturing is as well discussed. By adopting such a manufacturing technique zero downtime, reduce product error, customer satisfaction, quick manufacturing changes can be accomplished.In addition the concept of E-Manufacturing applied to the concoct of gears is also discussed there by providing better infrastanding of this process. like ERP, MES, SCADA, and even newer acronyms like Enterprise Asset caution (EAM) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) are communication with each other, and sharing selective education through net profit connections. II. EVOLUTION OF E MANUFACTURING For decades, the dominant manufacturing model was based on principles of mass production 2.Standardized split and processes made economies of scale achievable, but special design flexibility and customization. The outsourcing and lean manufacturing movements of the 1980s and 1990s drove the emergence of a new look-alike, termed the Quality Management era. Manufacturing companies, particularl y large Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) outsourcing shifts critical elements of the design and production process onto a manufacturers supply chain. The lean manufacturing movement places a bounty on time and blood line reduction.Combining the attributes of the Quality era suggests a very different business model for manufacturing enterprise integration or E-Manufacturing. In the E-Manufacturing era, companies will be able to exchange information of all types with their suppliers at the go of light. III. E MANUFACTURING E-Manufacturing can be most cogently and generally described as the application of the Internet to Manufacturing 3, further E-Manufacturing is decorous popular with the increased use of the internet.Due the widespread availability of the Internet large-scale distributed projects in manufacturing are becoming popular. It is the methodology and frame execution for collaborative Virtual Manufacturing. The ability to exchange information and automate manufac turing processes forms the building blocks of the virtual manufacturing companies of the near future. It covers all aspects of manufacturing sales, marketing, customer attend, new product development, procurement, supplier relationships and logistics manufacturing strategy development and so on.As a result, it is now so much easier to allow certain(a) people gain access to certain sections of the system, according to whatever criteria they like charge people need certain parts of the info, but not others operators would be able to access a limited number of devices managers would be allowed to monitor, but not change anything, etc. New technologies such as the Extensible Markup Language (XML) are now making it easier to section selective information between different application programs, and to set up computers to take actions based on criteria for instance, to order supplies when inventories reach a critical low point.The E-Manufacturing WCE 2008 office Terms E Manufactur ing, E Maintenance, E Diagnostics, Automobile, Gears. I. INTRODUCTION F manufacturing companies what matters more is that how efficiently their accompany can compete globally with others as an organization followed by meeting the day to day requirements of the customer and exchange of hassle free information while not foc victimisation only on sales of the company 1. nowadayss customers turn in top priority for money, better quality and less risk.In order to cater to the needs of the customer, manufacturing companies drive adopted a new technique called E Manufacturing. It is concerned with the use of the Internet and E-Business technologies in manufacturing industries wherein a network can be established between the customer, the manufacturer and the product. The internet offers a frictionless path for exchange of information. The concepts of E-Maintenance, E-Business, E Diagnostics and ECare have led to the formation of an E-Factory which can produce quality products at rema rkable speeds.In short, the customer is just a click a path from a business deal. Within manufacturing concerns, the various enterprise-wide systems OR todays Manuscript received October 11, 2007. H. K. Shivanand is with the University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering , Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA 560001 phone 918022961887 e-mail Shivanand. emailprotected gmail. com Prabhakar Kammar, is working at MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore Nanjundaradhya N. V is working at RV College of Engineering, Bangalore Divya shree S is working at BEL, Bangalore.Keshavamurthy YC, ME (Manufacturing Sc &Engg), UVCE, Bangalore. ISBN978-988-17012-3-7 Proceedings of the World sexual intercourse on Engineering 2008 Vol II WCE 2008, July 2 4, 2008, London, U. K. technique also affects products as well since it is possible to use Internet technologies to add new product functions and to provide new usefulnesss. The Internet is being used even at the shop floor level. For instance, computer numerical control devices (CNCs) can be connected via intranets or the Internet to ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), production supplying, or nutriment systems.As such, the E-Manufacturing project aims to develop an appropriate framework for a common platform to enable distributed planning and control in manufacturing for quicker, easier, secure and cost-effective collaborations. The developed system will allow dispersed engineering team members to work together productively, as if they were under one roof. This transformation of the enterprise coincides with the increasing content of information contained in products and processes. This new production enterprise is information-rich.The major functions and objectives of e-manufacturing are (a) provide a transparent, seamless and automated information exchange process to enable an only handle information once (OHIO) environment (b) improve the utilization of plant floor assets victimisation a holistic approach combining the tools of pre dictive maintenance techniques (c) links entire SCM operation and asset optimization and (d) deliver customer services utilizing the current predictive intelligence methods and Tether-free technologies 4 Fig 2 Before Implementing E Manufacturing Fig 3 After Implementing E Manufacturing IV.E MANUFACTURING TOOLS Implementation of the E-Manufacturing tools results in cost saving, disregardless of the company size. E-Manufacturing tools enable connectivity among the various modules of the manufacturing process. Areas where the E-Manufacturing tools need to be developed are listed on a lower floor 5 9. Data and information transformation tool The large amounts of raw data collected during a manufacturing process are rendered useless, unless the data is gathered and transformed into some useful information which may be used to monitor a system. To understand this better a simple example is taken below.Consider a CNC machine hooked to the Internet as shown in Figure 4. It shows the way data and information are transformed from the machine to the internet. Here the idea is to monitor the health of the tool life of the tool fixed in the CNC machine. This technique can also be used to calibrate a machine from the Internet. Fig 1 Evolution of E Manufacturing (Source NACFAM) The contrast between the traditional system and the system with E-Manufacturing is indicated below 3 ISBN978-988-17012-3-7 WCE 2008 Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol II WCE 2008, July 2 4, 2008, London, U.K. Fig 4 Tool Monitoring in a CNC Machine use Internet. Prediction Tools Apart from data being gathered, certain tools need to be developed, which can predict or detect the degradation of various parts of the machine, performance loss and trend of failure. Developing a tool which monitors these aspects could set the trend for an advanced diagnostic system. Optimization Tools As far as E-Manufacturing is concerned data can be accessed from any part of the globe at any time . Hence certain tools need to be developed which can optimize the data and provide easy to read results.For example, these tools should be able to provide the performance of a drill bit for various drilling operation verses time, temperature, tool flush failure with various materials etc. Synchronization Tools This is an important tool in the E-Manufacturing environment, which can associate various groups such as customers suppliers and manufacturers, where offshoot hand information needs to be sent to these groups during emergencies, for example if tool needs a replacement or tool has worn out and so the information is sent from first the manufacturer to the supplier and tool aimr where the tool can be assessed for performance.The new connectivity and communications tools will boost productiveness, profits, speed to market, and flexibility for those manufactures who are willing to upgrade. Some of the common E-manufacturing tools are SMS, E Mail, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Fax and Infr ared Connectivity. V. E MAINTENANCE Progressive plant executives, maintenance managers, and work planners have always wanted to have information about the condition of equipment assets at their fingertips when they need it. Unfortunately, it typically is scattered among separate information systems.It is difficult to view, amass and synchronize the different information types on the same computer terminal. If one wants to maximize business continuity by increasing device up-time and minimize the time, be and headaches associated with device administration he must adopt the E-Maintenance strategy. It is a network that integrates and synchronizes the various maintenance and reliability applications to gather and deliver asset information where it is needed, when it is needed. Interconnectivity of the islands of maintenance and reliability information is embodied in E-Maintenance.The EMaintenance network can be developed from a collection of information islands by using a hit propri etary system, a custom bridge, or by using an open systems bridge. EMaintenance also removes the need for manual meter readings that is your device administration is virtually reduced to nil. It is estimated that 15- 40% of indirect costs of manufacturing is maintenance related. About 50% are unnecessary arrangeive maintenance, which costs 10-15 times more than predictive maintenance. Furthermore, 25% of maintenance is preventive, which is 3-5 times more expensive then predictive.An effective E-Manufacturing strategy uses predictive maintenance techniques to forecast equipment wear and predict failure. Apart from this, it also alerts MRO managers to unexpected problems. This allows managers to proactively correct problems, thus maximizing the use of machinery and personnel while minimizing preventive maintenance expenses. Predicting the reliability of plant-floor equipment can be the difference between a few minutes of preventive maintenance and hours or days of downtime for corre ctive maintenance.Ultimately, predictive maintenance, computerized maintenance management systems or CMMS, and effective utilization of maintenance specialists make E Manufacturing work. VI. E DIAGNOSTICS E-Diagnostics is the reactive and proactive remote diagnosis, maintenance and recur of equipment by service personnel. EDiagnostics offers many businesses the promise of better equipment reliability and performance at a much lower cost. It is the hardened, reliable acquisition of time-stamped, highspeed information from the tool registers and ancillary data points, database retention and management, parsing and analysis.A complete E-Diagnostics solution would include the following (a) upstage capture, transmission, analysis and dissemination of equipment performance data. (b) Remote takeover of equipment to manipulate equipment settings during and after repair. (c) A trigger for replenishing spare parts. (d) Faster and more effective response to knit service engineering requests , bringing the experts remotely to the problem. (e) Reduced equipment and process variation, through better visibility and response to differences in equipment performance among machines. ISBN978-988-17012-3-7 WCE 2008Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol II WCE 2008, July 2 4, 2008, London, U. K. (f) Preventive response to pending equipment failures through the use of advanced process control (real-time multivariate statistical analysis). (g) heighten next-generation tool development through improved awareness of deficiencies in current equipment designs. Traditional E-Diagnostics systems monitor tool performance and provide maintenance needed alerts to service and engineering personnel. Much more can be derived from the rich sensor data generated as wafers pass through process chambers.This step in E-Diagnostics is to enlist proven enterprise data mining (EDM) techniques to correlate device give way and performance with the vast amount of tool-level and waf er-level chamber sensor data. With this new approach, yield and process-level issues can be uncovered down to a particular sensor reading on a particularised tool process chamber. Once a specific tool issue can be identified to have an impact on process results, specific E-Diagnostics monitors can be targeted to prevent future yield and process excursions, completing a closed loop process learning effort.The steps to be followed to implement the E Diagnostics strategy in an persistence are as shown below. maintenance programme. Computerized maintenance management systems optimize the deployment of all maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) resources, such as people, spare parts, tools and facilities, and allow the creation of a intend maintenance programme for all assets. EProcurement allows the replacement of stock with information and offers direct access to spares at lowest cost. For the successful application of E-Manufacturing there must embody a partnership between the su pplier and the customer.The goal is to deploy best practices in e-business processes as quickly and effectively as possible while ensuring a quantifiable return on investment (ROI). The benefits of adopting E business strategy are (a) Quick installation of software updates with no need for expensive integration projects. (b) iodin enterprise wide view of the customer, product or process. (c) Global deployment from one instance of the software, making all applications accessible globally via a metre Web browser. (d) Simplified systems and maintenance for IT staff due to the one-vendor approach. e) Streamlined business processes. (f) Better decision-making and business intelligence because of the single-database architecture and preintegrated applications and rapid deployment at lower cost. VIII. simple machine INDUSTRY AND GEARS Every automobile industry has an umpteen number of divisions, each division manufacturing a particular system of the automobile- like the steering system, brake system, engine, suspension, inning and body, interiors, safety division, quality control division, etc.With so many departments working towards the creation of the same end product, a lot of time and money is worn out(p) in redesigning and related cases which may arise due to inefficient data transfer or delayed transfer of important information between the departments. such a problem can be sorted out by implementing the EManufacturing strategy into the industry. The internet can be used to share data and information between various departments and between manufacturers worldwide.Data sharing can be extensively used between the head office and the various branches and service centers of a company which may be located at different locations around the globe. For example, if a component is found defective in one of the branches the information is relayed this instant to the other branches warning them to arrest the production of that component immediately. As a result of t his, huge amounts of time, material and money are saved. The internet is a manner of communication between production engineers, the manufacturing engineers, and the design engineers.Adopting this new technique can reduce the complexity of the part, without jeopardizing performance. Using CAE tools in the design process may have a profound impact on savings. In many cases, the virtual prototype is a much more accurate representation of what we designed than the tangible Fig 5 E Diagnostics VII. E BUSINESS In todays world its the Time Factor that can make or break an industry. Gone are the days of buying different applications from a host of technology vendors and spending countless months and dollars integrating them.Increasingly, the customers are demanding more customized products, faster delivery schedules, and instant access to order status. Results have to be assessed in financial terms, with return on net assets or return on capital employed, the key measure. EBusiness promi ses a solution to this customer demanding market. Automated scheduling provides a better method of managing production orders and increases the visibility of current and future scheduling activities. Tracking involves the collection, analysis, viewing and reporting of production data.To get the best productivity from the assets deployed, three main areas need to be addressed Condition based maintenance computerized maintenance management EProcurement. Condition-based maintenance predicts the deterioration of assets that allows the planning of maintenance actions more effectively and monitors the effectiveness of the ISBN978-988-17012-3-7 WCE 2008 Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol II WCE 2008, July 2 4, 2008, London, U. K. prototype. Apart from adopting this strategy in the production line it can also be used in the maintenance program of an automobile.For example, if you only repair your car when it breaks down, you face costly corrective maintenance. A prev entive maintenance schedule, based on the manufacturers recommendations, may prevent breakdowns. Preventive maintenance is possible using E-Diagnostics. When a car is taken in for servicing, it is hooked onto the diagnostic computer which indicates existing problems. Moreover the service centers are constantly hooked up to the internet and are updated on availability of spares, latest trends in servicing and solutions to commonly occurring problems.All this information is made available from their counterparts from around the world. To add to this the entire service history of the vehicle is uploaded to the net so that it is made available to all of the companys service centers around the globe which will help get word the status of the vehicle wherever and whenever one wants to service it. Gears form an important component in most machines as well as in automobiles. Todays Customers demand a multitude of gears in a short span of time, without any compromise on quality.The solution to this challenge is E Manufacturing. One can hook up the gear manufacturing machine to the net. It offers fully integrated production control software for estimating, order and job control, job travelers, scheduling, data collection, inventory control, purchasing, work center loading and cost accounting. Various design parameters can be entered by the customer and modifications may also be made until the make it minute. Once the system is in place economic and efficient manufacture of gears is imminent. 1. Synchronize Production Processes with Business Processes. . Orchestrate Upstream Flows of Work, Information, and Material. 3. Automate Business Processes & Workflows indoors the Enterprise 4. Give Control to Managers with Plant Information & Analysis Tools. 5. Integrate the Design Process among All Collaborating Parties. 6. Leverage Bi-directional Down-stream Information. 7. Enable Collaborative Maintenance and Manufacturing Support. X. closing curtain This paper discussed ce rtain key areas and subsets of the E-Manufacturing strategy which when implemented will yield priceless benefits to an industry that implements it.Further the concept of an E-Factory promises greater increase in productivity and performance, while at the same time decreases production costs. However, for E-Manufacturing to be a success, co-operation between various public and private sector organizations is mandatory. This new thinking paradigm to integrate web-enabled and predictive intelligence for manufacturing systems is becoming a new benchmark strategy for manufacturing companies to compete in the twenty-first century. REFERENCES 1 2 White paper Making gumption of E-Manufacturing A Road map for manufacturers Industry Rockwell Automation.Exploiting E Manufacturing Interoperability of Software Systems used by US Manufacturing National Coalition for Advanced Manufacturing, 2001, pp 1-13 Manufacturing Engineering Handbook by Hwaiyu Geng, McGraw Hill Professional 1 edition, March 1, 2004, Koc M, Ni J, Lee J. Introduction of e-manufacturing. Proceeding of the global Conference on Frontiers on Design and Manufacturing, Dalian, China, July 2002. E Manufacturing Review Jay Lee Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Journal. , May 23 2003 Lee J, Ahad A, emailprotected M.E-manufacturingits elements and impact. Proceedings of the Annual Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE) Conference, Advances in Production Session, Dallas, TX, USA, May 2123, 2001. Lee J, Ni J. Web-enabled e-manufacturing. Proceeding of Sixth International Manufacturing Technology in Hong Kong, December 2001 Lee J, Ni J. E-manufacturing and e-business integration a case study. Proceeding of the International Manufacturing Leaders Forum (IMLF), Adelaide, Australia, February 810, 2002. Lee J, Ni J. Infotronics agent for tether-free prognostics.Proceeding of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Information Refinement and Revision for Decision Making simulate for Diagnostics, Prognostics, a nd Prediction, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, March 2527, 2002. 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 6 Application of E Manufacturing to Automobile Industry 8 9 IX. BENEFITS OF E-MANUFACTURING E-Manufacturing is a fundamental change in the strategic value offer for manufacturers. Its collection of systems, processes, and technologies that support and enable manufacturers to compete in collaboration with others has seven fundamental jobs ISBN978-988-17012-3-7 WCE 2008
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Conflict of Interest
CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY phrase I Purpose The purpose of the conflict of following policy is to protect Diamond Cut subjection Canine Rescue and Pit Bull Rehabilitation, Inc. s (herein geological formation) amuse when it is contemplating entering into a exercise or agreement that might benefit the tete-a-tete lodge in of an officer or director of the governing or might moment in a possible excess benefit transaction. This policy is intend to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws presidential term conflict of pursual applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations. clause II Definitions . liaisoned Person Any director, principal officer, or member of a committee with governing board delegated powers, who has a direct or corroborative financial interest, as defined below, is an Interested Person. 2. Financial Interest A someone has a financial interest if the person has, directly or indirectly, through and through business, investment, or family a. An ownership or investment interest in any entity with which the Organization has a transaction or arrangement, b. A compensation arrangement with the Organization or with any entity or individual with which the Organization has a transaction or arrangement, or . A potential ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement with, any entity or individual with which the Organization is negotiating a transaction or arrangement. Compensation includes direct and indirect remuneration as well as gifts or favors that are not insubstantial. A financial interest is not necessarily a conflict of interest. Under Article III, constituent 2, a person who has a financial interest may have a conflict of interest only if the Board of Directors decides that a conflict of interest exists. 3. Board of Directors The directors, collectively, of the Organization. Article IIIProcedures 1. Duty to Disclose In connection with any actual or possible conflict of interest, an Int erested Person must fall upon the existence of the financial interest and be given the opportunity to disclose all material facts to the Board of Directors relating to the proposed transaction or arrangement. 2. Determining Whether a booking of Interest Exists After disclosure of the financial interest and all material facts, and after any discussion with the interested person, he/she shall leave the Board of Directors brush while the determination of a conflict of interest is discussed and voted upon.The remaining board members shall decide if a conflict of interest exists. 3. Procedures for Addressing the Conflict of Interest a. An interested person may make a presentation to the Board of Directors, but after the presentation, he/she shall leave the meeting during the discussion of, and the vote on, the transaction or arrangement involving the possible conflict of interest. b. The chairperson of the Board of Directors shall, if appropriate, appoint a disinterested person or com mittee to investigate alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement. c.After exercising collectible diligence, the Board of Directors shall determine whether the Organization can obtain with reasonable efforts a more than advantageous transaction or arrangement from a person or entity that would not give rise to a conflict of interest. d. If a more advantageous transaction or arrangement is not reasonably possible under(a) circumstances not producing a conflict of interest, the Board of Directors shall determine by a majority vote of the disinterested directors whether the transaction or arrangement is in the Organizations best interest, for its own benefit, and whether it is fair and reasonable.In conformity with the above determination it shall make its decision as to whether to enter into the transaction or arrangement. 4. Violations of the Conflicts of Interest Policy a. If the Board of Directors has reasonable cause to believe a member has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, it shall inform the member of the basis for such belief and afford the member an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose. . If, after hearing the members response and after making upgrade investigation as warranted by the circumstances, the Board of Directors determines the member has failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, it shall take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action. Article IV Records of Proceedings The minutes of the Board of Directors meeting shall contain a.The names of the persons who disclosed or otherwise were found to have a financial interest in connection with an actual or possible conflict of interest, the nature of the financial interest, any action taken to determine whether a conflict of interest was present, and the Board of Directors decision as to whether a conflict of interest in fact existed. b. The names of the persons who were present for discussions and votes relating to the transaction or arrangement, the content of the discussion, including any alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement, and a record of any votes taken in connection with the proceedings.Article V Compensation a. A voting member of the Board of Directors who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Organization for services is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that members compensation. b. A voting member of any committee whose jurisdiction includes compensation matters and who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Organization for services is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that members compensation. c.No voting member of the Board of Directors whose jurisdiction includes compensation matters and who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Organization, either each or collectively, is prohibited from providing information to any committee regarding compensation. Article VI Annual Statemen ts Each director, principal officer and member of a committee with governing board delegated powers shall annually sign a statement which affirms such person a. Has received a copy of the conflicts of interest policy, . Has read and understands the policy, c. Has agreed to comply with the policy, and d. Understands the Organization is charitable and in order to maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes. Article VII Periodic Reviews To ensure the Organization operates in a manner consistent with charitable purposes and does not engage in activities that could scupper its tax-exempt status, periodic reviews shall be conducted.The periodic reviews shall, at a minimum, include the following subjects a. Whether compensation arrangements and benefits are reasonable, based on competent survey information, and the result of arms length bargaining. b. Whether partnerships, joint ventures, and arrangement s with management organizations conform to the Organizations written policies, are properly recorded, reflect reasonable investment or payments for goods and services, further charitable purposes and do not result in inurement, impermissible private benefit or in an excess benefit transaction.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Depression Treatments
College Writing II 13 September 2012 Depression Treatments Depression is a mental disease affecting millions of people, not just in the United States, but also the world. According to Marcia Clemmitt, its mostly defined as a mental and emotional disorder with symptoms of constant sadness, lethargy, irritability and a wrong of interest and pleasure (575). Depression can be linked to stressful life events, such as family issues, sexual assault, or losing a loved atomic number 53.Liubov Kavaliauskiene, VirginijaAdomaitiene, and RimantasPeciura add that opiniondisrupts the working capacity of the ill somebody for a long time, complicates the lives of his/her family members and requires additional money for social c be services (92). If left untreated, impression may lead to irrational violence, drug and alcohol ab mathematical function, and suicide. Depression treatment options have become widely useable over time, ranging from medicine to Web-based therapy. However, issues with t reatment be have erupted since many depression patients relapse (Kavaliauskiene et. l. 92). Situations like these sack determining the best way to treat depression unclear. The CQ Researcher name Treating Depression was indite by Marcia Clemmitt and published on June 26, 2009 as Volume 19, Issue 24. Clemmitt, a former in high spirits school teacher, has worked for The Scientist and music & Health. She has earned degrees from St. Johns College, Annapolis, and Georgetown University. She currently writes social policy articles on CQ Researcher, such as Public plant life Projects and Preventing Cancer.The second article, titled pr shapeice of medicine Rationality in treating depression, was found using donnish Search Complete. The study was published by Acta Medica Lituanica as Volume 18, No. 2 in 2011, and written by Liubov Kavaliauskiene, RimantasPeciura, and VirginijaAdomaitiene. All three work for the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, but theyre part of variant dep artments. Peciura and Kavaliauskiene atomic number 18 affiliated with the division of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy, while Adomaitienes affiliated with the Department of Psychiatry. Treating Depression introduces depression, discussing symptoms, causes and effect on society. It also explains limits depression patients face in finding athletic supporter for their disorder. In 2008, Congress passed a law resulting in a rise in insurance coverage and memory access to mental-health services (Clemmitt 573). However, some depression patients havent benefited since they lack insurance and rely on scrimpy public-health care programs. Psychiatric help and reliable antidepressants are also scanty since people are unlike and take different medications.Despite the fact, Clemmitt insists treatment options have improved since most primary-care physicians screen for depression and prescribe medications (581). Its great news, but if patients dont improve after being examined and treated the frontmost time, its likely they wont try another way to improve their condition. The first modern antidepressants, tricyclic antidepressant drugs, were created in the 1950s (Clemmitt 588). They supposedly made a patient happier and allowed them to be successfully treated as an outpatient by helping their brains chemical balance function properly.However, the drugs considered controversial referable to questionable side effects. Clemmitt notes that safer options, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and cognitive behavioral therapy are available. The article shows that depression needs to be treated aggressively with quality treatment and the importance of preventing future cases. Medication Rationality in treating depression covers depression treatment methods used by Lithuanian doctors. Costs of treating depression patients have been burdensome since many of them have relapsed, as mentioned before.The study has had a goal to evaluate the use of anti-depressants accor ding to the opinions of three groups of specialists (family doctors, psychiatrists, and pharmacists) (Kavaliauskiene et. al. 92). The specialists opinions were evidently used to determine several different options for managing depression treatment costs better. This may have been begun like this since family doctors, psychiatrists, and pharmacists all have different professions in the medical field. Therefore, its anticipate theyve different thoughts on using anti-depressants.Several findings could be drawn from the study with use of critical data on depression cases and information gathered from interviews with Lithuanian specialists. Kavaliauskiene et. al. noted a combination of individually selected medicines and psychological help is needed to treat depression, not just medicine (96). Also, they suggest that even though depression treatments are handled differently by different professionals (96), psychiatrists and family doctors should review causes of depression, work with ph armacists, and learn about new antidepressants (96).Doctors need to be trained to correctly recognize depression and to know when to send patients to a psychiatrist (96). If all of these conditions are properly met, treating depression patients is manageable. Looking at the two articles, quite a few conflicts and commonalities appear betwixt them. Kavaliauskiene et. al. mention that relapse rates in depression may range from 20% to as high as 44% with a maintained use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. In contrast, with tricyclic antidepressants, relapse during the ongoing treatment to maintain remission is relatively rare (93).This conflicts with Marcia Clemmitts suggestion that selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors could be more effective than the tricyclics drugs, because the latter has questionable side effects, such as increase heart rate, blurred vision, and weight gain and could be fatal in overdoses (590). At the same time, nonetheless before mentioning the side effects, Clemmitt mentioned how the tricyclic drug effectively fixed chemical imbalances in the brain to stupefy patients feel better. This indicates an ambiguity with the sources on the topic of treatments.An instance of a commonality between the sources relates to a depression patients motivation to get treated. If a depression patient doesnt improve with the first round of treatment, they will likely never seek another way to be cured, according to Marcia Clemmitts data. (581). This is supported with a solution presented by Kavaliauskiene and his colleagues, saying to treat relapsing patients more attentively and to act quickly if no signs of improvement are present. They may have been given the wrong diagnosis or wrong type of medication (96).It seems from these examples that the sources are more similar than they are different. Though they agree on certain topics, the perfect depression treatment is still unknown. Additional research may help one understand what the best appr oach to properly treat depression patients is. Works Cited Clemmitt, Marcia. Treating Depression. CQ Researcher 19. 24 (2009) 573-96. CQ Researcher. Web. 6 Sept. 2012. Kavaliauskiene, Liubov, et. al. Medication Rationality in treating depression Acta Medica Lituanica 18. 2 (2011) 92-96. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 Sept. 2012.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Benefits of eating organic foods Essay
There be many benefits of feeding total foods and the main reasoning for this is because of the way these foods atomic number 18 adult. They ar all grown on smaller call downs and are cared more(prenominal) for. The farmers use ingrained soils, string rid of the weeds naturally without using sprays, and they use beneficially insects and birds to get rid of pests and diseases. Using natural resources to grow foods prevents us from eating chemical and in round cases added hormones. original foods consume more zinc, compact and other vitamins than non- constitutional foods.They lowlife help reduces your risk for cancer because weed, insect, and mold cleanupers have been linked to the cause of some cancers. The ways these foods are grown also help our surround by creating slight pollution. The prices for organic fertilizer foods are more expensive than non-organic. Non-organic foods are generally more affordable and in that location are more varieties as well. Non-o rganic foods do not contain E coli because most organic soil that is animal manure and it can cause E coil in organic foods. Between organic and non-organic foods there are benefits to eating each of them. There are certain foods that you should debase organic over non-organic.These foods are the ones that are more nutritious and contain fewer pesticides. Apples are generally more contaminated with pesticides so buying them organically will reduce the risk of them. Celery, strawberries, peaches, spinach, nectarines, grapes, sweet bell peppers, potatoes, blueberries, kale, and lettuce are all other foods that you should buy organically due to pesticides. There are some foods that are safe to buy non-organically and they will save you money. These foods are onions, corn, pineapple, avocado, asparagus, sweet peas, mangos, eggplant, cantaloupe, kiwi, cabbage, sweet potatoes, watermelon, grapefruit, and mushrooms.Some sources think that organic foods are wellnessier than non-organic foo ds and others believe there is no significant difference between the two. Organic foods are grown on smaller private farm and they do not release or consume any pesticides. Organic foods are also more nutritious because they do not contain any pesticides either. The sources I chose were all from the Internet and they were from either a print or web source. I found these sources to be helpful because they were all able to will me with enough information that I needed.More than half(prenominal) my sources described what foods you should buy organically and what foods you shouldnt buy organically. I found this information to helpful because the list of foods that you should buy organically is shorter than the ones you shouldnt. Fruits are typically the ones that have to worry about having pesticides and that are why more fruits are recommended to buy organically. The pesticides that are used on foods kill the nutrients in foods entirely it still is able to hold some nutrients but n ot as much as organic fruits. Composting at the Worlds Largest Natural Foods Supermarket Chain. (2004).Biocycle. 45(11). p27. Retrieved on 3-3-05 from Ebscohost. Federal or Government Sources Organic Foods 101 Basic Information about organic foods, national labeling standards and online organic foodsellers. (2002).Retrieved on 3-3-05 from http//www. nrdc. org. The National Organic Program . (USDA). (2002). Retrieved on 3-3-05 from http//ams. usda. gov. Trade Publications Organic Food Facts. (2003). Organic Trade Association. Retrieved on 3-3-05 from http//www. ota. com/organic/mt/food. html Industry Statistics and Projected Growth. (2003). Organic Trade Association. Retrieved on 3-3-05 from http//www.ota. com/organic/mt/business. html Organic foods are getting more popular among the world comparability to the bigger utilisation of unoriginal foods.There certain true organic foods may cost a bit more, but most of the people agree, taste and quality are well worth compare to conven tional. In at onces supermarket, organic foods are everywhere. There are clearly many benefits to organic foods, but there are specific like it is healthier, protect the environment, different taste. The organic farming and produce of organic foods has been overriding from the time agriculture was first conceived.The natural way of growing crops started becoming unpopular and economically less feasible. More crop yields meant higher profits to the farmer and break up utilization of the land. The farmers who used fertilizers started growing two crops during the same time-period. That was the begging of steadfast growing industry of conventional foods. Organic foods are healthier than conventional in many aspects. The nutrients present in organic foods that are not in commercial foods. Organic food for mineral levels, the researchers also looked for the amount of the heavy metals aluminum, cadmium, lead and mercury.Aluminum has been implicated for years in the development of Alzhei mers disease. Its content in organic food averaged 40% less that in commercial foods. Lead toxicity, which has been in the new a lot lately, can adversely affect our childrens IQ. It averaged 29% lower in organic foods. Mercury, which can cause neurologic damage, averaged 25% lower in organic foods (Crinnion, Walter). The organic meat is healthier compare the conventional gown, full with antibiotics and many other chemicals for fast growing, which goes to us. The healthier means saver way of leaving.People consume more conventional food which evokes more farmers to use pesticides and to double their crops. The pesticides are dangerous for environment and wild life. People should buy more organic foods and lower the production of the conventional. Thats one of the ways to protect and safe the environment and wildlife of the world. Used chemicals kill different insects which are part of our ecosystem. Chemicals go from soil to the water reservoir and again back to us. The organic food s are proven to taste better and different than conventional grown foods.The organic food not only taste better, but doesnt contains preservatives. The conventional milk, has inspiration date rough 2 months compare to the organic one its not more than two weeks. The smell and the taste of organically grown tomatoes are totally different. The organic farms will continue to grow and produce more quality foods around the world. The healthier and long lasting life is connected with the consumption of more organic foods, which taste better and than the conventional. The organic farms help to reduce chemicals that are used for produce their crops.Thats the way to save the environment and the wild life of the world. A disadvantage of organic food is the life of the product. Without the preservatives found in inorganic foods nearly all of these products must be refrigerated. Organic farming also yields fewer crops because insects, weeds, and fungi much damage a larger portion of organic c rops than conventionally grown crops. Finally, only about half of the states regulate organic foods and little exists to stop organic farmers from labeling any food they wish as organic.There are numerous benefits of organic farming-0 for the environment, as well. Without pesticide or chemical use, the water contamination and health risks that occur elsewhere are eliminated. Crops on organic farms are rotated constantly, which keeps the land fresher, healthier, and less gaunt out. They also help to avoid pest problems, erosion of the soil, and nutrient deprivation in the soil. Cover crops are planted prior to the main crop and bring helpful things to the land such as newton and helpful insects (Roth, 2) -0 .. /essay_search/organic_farming. html.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Congress of the United States Essay
The chronology of events during the revolution era be Black Loyalists, A century of rectitude making for a new constitution, The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, The Writings of George Washington from the received Manuscript Sources-1745-1799, Letters of Delegates to telling- 1774-1789, The Rochambeau Map Collection, Ameri flock Revolutionary War (dead link). The date for the Declaration of Independence is July 4, 1776, and the US constitution is September 17, 1778.Authority granted to the following brass branches Congress- article 1 states that all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and mob of Representatives. The President- article II states that the Executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same Term.Lastly is the secti on collar of the judiciary that says the discriminative Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in much(prenominal) subscript Courts as the Congress whitethorn from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.Framers rationale for a separation of powers in the US organisation attempts to convey beyond the general functional/formal debate by analyzing the views of the contemporary Courts pencil lead separation of powers functionalist, Justice White, and his effort to create a meaningful doctrine. Faction is the conflict in spite of appearance a nation. Madison in federal paper 10 addresses the question of how to guard against factions, groups of citizens with interests contrary to the rights of others or the interests of the self-colored community.Republic is an authority derived with the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them, man Democracy is a government of the masses whereby authority is derived through mass meeting or whatsoever other form of direct expression. When we compargon and contrast the political view of young Madison with raise Madison, it depicts that when he was young, he distrusts political parties and democracy while he believed that government should reflect the will of the majority, when he got mature.Dahl argues that an individual votingr in a state with a smaller population has greater weight than a voter in the more populated state. The reason is that both African Americans and Hispanics are substantially underrepresented due to their greater presence in high-population states as compared to in low-population states. Dahl give cares the proportional copy of national elections using a parliamentary system.The advantages are Parliamentary s ystems are characterized by no open separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches, leading to a different set of checks and balances compared to those found in presidential systems, are usually have a clear differentiation between the head of government and the head of state, with the head of government being the prime minister, and the head of state often being the president.The disadvantages of parliamentary systems are In Presidential system, executive branch in separately elected, meaning that theres no direct responsibility, numerous, fragmented party system, fusion of powers, dangerous for young democracies. First-past-the-post election system is a single-winner voting system often use to elect executive officers or to elect members of a legislative assembly which is based on single-member constituencies.Having a right to vote has helped due to the expansion of various amendments like universal suffrage which describe a situation in which the right to vo te is not certified by race, gender, belief or social status. Framers decide to use an electoral college for presidential selection because Electors are technically free to vote for anyone eligible to be President, but in practice pledge to vote for specific candidates and voters cast ballots for favored presidential candidates by voting for correspondingly pledged electors. The electoral college whole shebang by allocating each state a number of Electors equal to the number of its U. S.Senators (always 2) plus the number of its U. S. Representatives (which may change each decade according to the size of each States population as determined in the Census). A constitution can be amended by proposing an amendment and ratifying an amendment. The president can be removed from the office on impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and misdemeanors. The powers delegated by the proposed musical composition to the federal government are few and defined i s what Madison said and it is still true up to date. Intent bill of rights was meant to protect the state from the federal interference.The most important on e is the side of meat bill of rights. The tenth amendment states that The States should be left to do whatever they can do as intumesce as the federal government. It reassures the states that they would remain largely in charge within their own borders. Majoritarianism is a traditional political philosophy or agenda which asserts that a majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, or some other identifying factor) of the population is entitled to a certain degree of primacy in society, and has the right to illuminate decisions that affect the society.The political theory of pluralism holds that political power in society does not lie with the electorate, or with small concentrated elite, but is distributed between a wide numbers of groups. Elite theory is a theory of the state which seeks to describe and explain th e power relationships in modern society. It argues that a small minority, consisting of members of the economical elite and policy-planning networks, hold the most power no matter what happens in elections in a country. Yes, the judicial is independent of the other branches of the government and external forces. The reason for this is to prevent corruption.The first amendment is an absolute right. John peter Zenger was a German-born American printer, publisher, editor and journalist in New York City Zengers trial was probatory because he was fighting for the freedom of speech. Libel is the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government or nation a disallow image. Obscenity is a term that is most often used in a legal background to describe expressions (words, images, actions) that offend the prevalent sexual morality of the time.Business administration consists o f the performance or counseling of business operations and thus the making or implementing of major decisions while public administration is the development, capital punishment and study of branches of government policy. Common law refers to law and the corresponding legal system developed through decisions of courts and similar tribunals, rather than through legislative statutes or executive action. Case law is that body of inform judicial opinions in countries that have common law legal systems.It includes courts interpretations of statutes, and also constitutional provisions and administrative rules. Statutory law is written law set down by a legislature or other governing authority such as the executive branch of government in rejoinder to a perceived need to clarify the functioning of government, improve civil order, to codify existing law, or for an individual or company to obtain special treatment. The U. S. House of Representatives and then the U. S. Senate are the one w ho declares war. Yes, the Congress has the authority to veto state legislation.One of the intentions of the founders in designing a new constitution was to construe that the federal government had sufficient power to run the country. The Supremacy Clause is the common name assumption to Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, which reads This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance hence and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the vote down and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.Public administration is boring because its to the full of bureaucracies. government is the process by which groups of people make decisions. Politics is generally applied to behavior within civil governments, but politics has been observed in all human group interactions, i ncluding corporate, academic, and religious institutions. Politics consists of social relations involving authority or power, and refers to the regulation of a political unit and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Knowledge Brings Sorrow
Knowledge Brings Sorrow Fate vs. Free forget The themes of fate versus free will and acquaintance brings sorrow atomic number 18 present through turn out the play Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles. Fate and free will argon antitheses of each other, average as knowledge and sorrow are. many an(prenominal) years before Oedipus began his journey to Thebes, his military chaplain, King Laius, heard a prophecy saying t chapeau his son would blot out him (65). In order to prevent this from happening, Laius had the baby abandoned, and had his feet bound together with a nail for extra precaution.Since prophecies unremarkably turned out to be true, this is an example of how Laius tried to escape his fate. However, he didnt know that Oedipus survived. On his way to Thebes, Oedipus ran into Laius on the road, not cognize he was his father. He ended up go throughing him, just as the prophecy said. The prophecy in like manner said that Oedipus would marry his bring forth. You can infer that fa te tho again fulfills its role, and the prophecy becomes true after Oedipus kills his father and continues to Thebes. Just as Oedipus didnt know that Laius was his father, he didnt know that Jocasta was his mother.He became the new king of Thebes because he married Jocasta (65). Throughout the play, Oedipus believes that all of his actions are based on free will, not fate. He doesnt find out that he killed his father and married his mother until awhile after it happened. Everything that happens to Oedipus is really his fate. Once Jocasta and Oedipus Strineka 2 realize they are mother and son, Jocasta kills herself. Here, fate plays another role. Free will really isnt present in this play. Everything that happens is due to fate.As Amit Sodha said, All events are fated in some way. This is also where knowledge brings sorrow comes into play. Because Jocasta and Oedipus found out that they were mother and son, Jocasta kills herself and Oedipus gouges out his eyes. They do not want to accept the fact that they were mother and son and married. Sodha also said The trouble with fate is that it can leave you with a feeling of helplessness. Its obvious that Oedipus and Jocasta emphatically felt helpless in their situation. Although the prophecy said nothing more or less Oedipus killing himself, it said hat he would kill his parents. He didnt kill Jocasta himself, but the reason she killed herself in the first calculate was because of Oedipus and their marriage. This is a adept example of how some things are better off left unknown. In this situation, knowing anything was obviously not such a good idea. People wouldnt want to know every single detail if things were said clearly, and not in such an ambiguous manner. When things are said so that they could possibly have multiple meanings, people become curious to figure out what is actually meant.The effect of figuring out meanings could be good or bad. Just like the saying rarity killed the cat, curiosity killed Laius, Jocasta, and Oedipus, and placed a curse on their whole family. In the play, fate triumphs over free will, and knowledge definitely brings sorrow. Its ironic that fate triumphs over free will and knowledge brings sorrow because most people do things without thinking that its part of their fate, and you would think that knowing more would enlighten you instead than bringing you grief and sorrow.In reality, people who are generally smarter and have more knowledge are usually the ones who are most successful in intent, and being successful is usually associated with having a good action and being happy. Strineka 3 However, it makes more sense that people who are more aware of life and their surroundings are the ones who feel sorrow and grief. Theyre the ones who know what life is really like. They see the flaws of the humanness and how careless and ignorant people can be. It is possible for knowledge to limit the lives of people, because those who know what is going on oft en try to change things so the outcome will hopefully be different.For example, if someone had a serious illness but didnt know about it, they would go on living their life normally without any worry. But if this person knew about the illness, they would probably live their life worrying about whats going to happen to them. In Oedipus, Laius worries about whether or not the prophecy that his son would kill him will come true. He takes ridiculous actions just to prevent it from happening, but he ends up being killed by his son anyways due to his fate.
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