Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Macbeth Who was responsible for King Duncans murder Essay Example
Macbeth: Who was responsible for King Duncans murder Paper In my opinion, there are three main people that should be held responsible for the death of King Duncan: Lady Macbeth, the witches and of course, Macbeth himself. In this essay, I will be looking at the three people and how they each played a role to cause the death of Duncan. Firstly, I think that Lady Macbeth was hugely to blame. We see that both husband and wife are highly ambitious and hope to achieve a lot. Macbeth trusts Lady Macbeth and is very close to her. He informs her straight away of his meeting with the witches through a letter in which he also calls her his dearest partner of greatness. This shows us that they are close and are partners or colleagues in everything. As soon as Lady Macbeth reads the letter, she is already making plans to achieve Macbeths title as the King and hers as the Queen. We see this when she says That I may pour my spirits in thine ear/And chastise with the valour of my tongue. This could give away a hint of evil in her to us. In addition, we see that she fears that Macbeth is too kind to achieve it. This means that she is already thinking that there is dirty work involved and Macbeth is too incapable of doing it. We will write a custom essay sample on Macbeth: Who was responsible for King Duncans murder specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Macbeth: Who was responsible for King Duncans murder specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Macbeth: Who was responsible for King Duncans murder specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer She says that he lacks the illness that should attend the ambition. She also thinks that Macbeths nature is too full o the milk of human kindness. This shows us that Macbeths natural instincts would be to leave this prophecy and wait for it to come to him, not commit the murder. Therefore, we could argue that Macbeth is a kind-hearted man who was innocently wound up and captured in his wifes evil plans of regicide. We can see this supported hugely when Macbeth is reluctant to carry out the murder and refuses to do so. Lady Macbeth steps in and presses on, using different techniques to make Macbeth change his mind. At first, she mocks him saying Was the hope drunk/Wherein you dressd yourself? Then, she begins making him feel guilty, making him think that his love for her is shaky. Because they are so close, we could see this as an insult. She says to him From this time/Such I account thy love. She also makes him feel guilty by telling him that she knew what it was like to breast-feed and she knows how tender it is to love the baby that milks her, but she would have plucked the baby from her nipple and dashed its brains out if she had promised to do so, like Macbeth had done to their promise of killing the King. She also questions him, asking whether he would like to live a coward. Another technique she uses is questioning Macbeths manhood, making him feel low. Soon Macbeth was trapped in her persuasion and manipulation, and gave into the murder. Lady Macbeth also seems to have a manly, monstrous side to her. Its almost as if shes tired of being a dainty woman and wants evil to enter her so she may achieve more, with the help of evil spirits. She calls upon the spirits to come and unsex her. She also says to the evil spirits to stop up the access and passage to remorse. In other words, she does not want the natural feelings of remorse and regret to get in her way because she is so determined to do the murder. We could say that Lady Macbeth is already on the evil side, stopping herself from any natural feelings. We could argue that she is the driving force behind the whole murder and she is the only reason Macbeth killed Duncan. However, Macbeth is accountable for his actions and he had complete control over what he was doing. Lady Macbeths character shows us how eager she is to achieve high positions and we see that she will let nothing get in her way or stop her. Her character and actions play a big role in the murder. They are the two things that convince Macbeth to murder Duncan. The witches also play a very important role in Macbeth because some people argue that they put the idea into Macbeths head. In those times, the topic of witches or evil spirits was something very serious. It was so serious, in fact, that the king of the time, wrote a book about demons and evils, such as witches. A lot of people took interest in this field and many precautions were taken to protect themselves form witches and evils of the sort. In contrast to today, witches were not amusing subjects and their prophecies were, in a way, very valuable. The witches know when to appear, and purposely appear at the right moments to play on Macbeths conscience and manipulate him to do things. They know exactly how and when to enter so that the most amount of tension and dramatic effect is created at the right times. Shakespeare uses the witches very carefully to create the right dramatic effects and moods. When being performed in the Globe Theatre, there were no special effects or any dramatic lighting to create atmospheres. So, Shakespeare used stagecraft and the entrances of the witches to get the audience to feel the tension. Also, on their first meeting, the witches leave Macbeth and Banquo confused. They give unsteady prophecies about Banquo, contrasting against each other. They also seem to know what Macbeth is thinking at all times, to make themselves more powerful in the eyes of Macbeth and use him to create all the havoc. In addition, I think that some people could argue that the witches are entirely to blame because they are so powerful supernaturally, that a normal person like Macbeth would have no control over himself if the witches were ruling him. Their main motive is to create havoc, and Macbeth seems to be the easiest way to do so. Therefore, we could say that he is pulled into their evil plans and its not at all his fault. However, some people contradict this and say that the witches were not sparking any havoc, but rather telling and informing Macbeth of the events to come. Because of their powers, they could see in to the future and so were merely telling Macbeth what was in store for him, but Macbeth took the wrong turning with this information and himself decided to kill King Duncan. We can see that the witches did not refer to regicide in any of their appearances. Maybe, the throne was destined to be his but he did not need to kill Duncan to do so, and because he did, he caused trouble for himself and did not achieve anything. Macbeth, from the start, has a very ambitious and determined character. We see that when the witches disappear after stating their prophecies, Macbeth wants them to carry on and is unhappy that they left. We see this when he says, Stay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more. This shows us that he is interested in the witches predictions and wants to know more as he is allured. Also, some say that Macbeth already had the idea of doing something to calm his craving for the throne. When the mention of the Prince of Cumberland comes, he says that it is a step which Macbeth must fall down, or else oerleap. This shows us that Macbeth wants to do something to get rid of him, or move him out of the way. In addition, Macbeth is already thinking evil things. We see this when he says Stars, hide your fires;/Let not light see my black and deep desires. . . Black deep desires could suggest many things. In my opinion, we know that he is planning something evil, although we dont know what. Many people argue that the witches plant the idea into Macbeths head. However, I think that Macbeth already had the idea and was just shocked and scared to hear his thoughts being said aloud. We see this when Banquo says to Macbeth Good sir, why do you start; and seem to fear/Things that do sound so fair? We see that Macbeth fears the witches predictions and there could be a number of reasons for it. He could fear the witches themselves. He could fear the predictions, or, in my opinion, the predictions could be something thats already in his heart but he has learnt to control his ambitions and desires. When the witches speak of the prophecies, it starts the ball rolling and Macbeth is unable to control his actions. He feels inclined toward the witches and their prophecies and wants to achieve what they predicted. Therefore, he gets rid of anything in his way and as a result, kills Duncan. Macbeth takes the witches words quite literally every time and gets himself in even more trouble. For example, the incident of Birnam Wood. Toward the end, Macbeth relies solely on the prophecies, and depends on the witches. Throughout the play, we see him change. At first, he is very shaky and we see Lady Macbeth take control of the situation, leading Macbeth. But, toward the end, Macbeth becomes the leader and her true conscience shows. This is almost a transformation from good to evil for Macbeth. At the end of the day, Macbeth was the one to do it physically, so he should be blamed. He had power over his actions and when committing the crime, he should have been prepared for the consequences of his actions. Aside from the above arguments, I also think there are two other people to blame. They are Banquo and Duncan himself. Although they do not play as big as a role as the other people do, they still hold some blame. Banquo had suspicions of Macbeth but failed to do anything. He knew what Macbeth was thinking and knew he was up to something, but didnt take any action and was so killed. Although Banquos motive may not have been to get the king killed, he still didnt do anything about it. In those times, loyalty to your king was very important. It came before anything. Therefore, we could argue that Banquo had more loyalty toward his friend than toward his King, who should actually come first. In this way, Banquo is partly to blame. I also think that Duncan is to blame because he is too much of a trusting man. He only comes to stay with Macbeth with two bodyguards. Macbeth, who isnt even King, has more bodyguards than the King. Also, the King is too nai ve and vulnerable. Maybe it would have been better that Macbeth was the King because he would be a firm ruler, not a push-over like Duncan. Overall, I think that Macbeth is mainly to blame because at the end of the day, Macbeth did the crime and he went ahead with the plan. We see him change from a good, noble man to a cruel, harsh, evil man.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Ernest Rutherford Essays - Radioactivity, Alpha Particle
Ernest Rutherford Essays - Radioactivity, Alpha Particle Ernest Rutherford Rutherford was born on August 30, 1871, in Nelson, New Zealand. He was educated at the University of New Zealand and the University of Cambridge. He was a professor of physics at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec from 1989 to 1907. He was also professor at the University of Manchester in England. After 1919 he was professor of experimental physics and director of the Cavendish Lab at the University of Cambridge moreover held a professorship, after 1920, at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in London. Rutherford stated that an atom consists largely of empty space, with an electrically positive nucleus in the center and electrically negative electrons orbiting the nucleus. He identified the 3 main components of radiation and named them alpha, beta, and gammy rays. Alpha particles are actually the nuclei of helium atoms. Each alpha particle is made up of two protons and two neutrons, with a charge of 2+ and a mass of 4 atomic mass units. On the average, their speed is about 1/10 the speed of the light. Usually they travel only a few centimeters through air. They can be stopped by a single sheet of paper. Alpha particles electrically charge molecules in the air through which they travel. Beta particles consist of streams of electrons traveling at very high speeds, often approaching the speed of light. They have a mass of 0.000 55 atomic mass unit and a charge of 1-. They have a greater power to penetrate than alpha particles but less electrical charge ability. Beta particles can be s topped by a thin sheet of aluminum. Gamma rays are type of electromagnetic radiation. They are similar to X rays but have greater penetrating power than X rays, alpha or beta particles. It takes several centimeters of lead and an even greater thickness of iron to block gamma rays. Gamma rays, like alpha and beta particles, can ionize atoms they strike. His study of radiation led to his formulation of the theory of atomic structure, which was the first to describe the atom as adense nucleus about which electrons circulate in orbits. He conducted his most important experiment in nuclear physics when he bombarded nitrogen gas with alpha particles and obtained atoms on oxygen isotope and protons. This transmutation of nitrogen into the oxygen was the first artificially induced nuclear reaction. It inspired he intensive research of later scientists on other nuclear transformations and on the nature and properties on radiation. In his experiment, Rutherford used the setup shown in the next page. As shown in the drawing, Rutheford used a very thin sheet of gold as a target. On one side of the foil was a lead box containing a radioactive particle. A small hole in the box permitted a narrow stream of alpha particles to shoot out. These particles were directed at right angles to the surface of the foil. Surrounding the foil was a screen coated with zinc sulfide. Each time an alpha particles hit this coating, a flash of light, it was possible to see whether the alpha particles that passed through the foil had been deflect ed. Rutherford and the British physicist Fedrick Soddy developed the explanation of radioactivity that scientists accept today. The rutherford, a unit of radioactivity was named in his honor. Royal Society in 1903 and served as president of that institution from 1925 through 1930. His successful experiment led him to be fellow of Royal Society. He awarded Nobel Prize in chemistry. He died in London on October 19, 1937, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. He also published many books. He wrote the book Radioactivity in 904 : Radiation from Radioactive Substances in 1930, which he wrote with British physicists Sir James Chadwick and Chales Drummond Ellis, and which has become standard text; and The Newer Alchemy in 1937. His experiment brought new ideas of radiation by identifying three main radioactive particles. A lot of scientist in today studies radioactivity according Rutherford?s theory.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
SOCIETY & EDUCATION IN JAPAN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
SOCIETY & EDUCATION IN JAPAN - Essay Example With the knowledge of how his children liked toys, he told them that outside the house there were carts full of play toys that they have always wanted to have. Due to their eagerness to play with the toys, the rich mans children rushed out of the house and did not find the carts that their father had told them. Alternatively, he gave them a much better cart. A cart full of precious stones that were pulled by white bullocks is what their father gave them. The imperative thing is that the children were saved from the flaming house. From the parable, the father is used to represent the Buddha and the perceivable beings are the small children in the house. The house on fire represents the real world burning with sicknesses, old age and death among other things. Buddhas teachings are like those of the father in the parable who makes his kids move out while playing their favorite games in a burning house to a more advanced pleasure, Nirvana. The parable also talks of carts of toys being pulled by goat, deer, and ox that represents the early teachings of Buddhism. The last cart discussed, which is pulled by white bullocks to the Lotus Sutra that when followed correctly leads to the Buddha hood. The language used in the parable is a simple ad mostly direct, and there is a lot of symbolism used in this parable as teaching aids. The Buddha, as utilized in the parable illustrates the use of various things to assist others. In the parable, the word is used to mean a different thing totally. It shows a father calling his sons and daughters who are playing in a burning house, but they fail to move out of the house. The father is the used to use a trick to get his busy playing kids out of the house on fire. Thus, the word simply means different ways of achieving the same spiritual goal. From the parable, the way, which the word has been used, is appropriate. The father tries to use all the methods so as to save
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Evaluation of General Plan (urban planning course) Essay
Evaluation of General Plan (urban planning course) - Essay Example Additionally, the general plan seeks to enhance service delivery to the current residents of the city. The city has a general plan that provides an accurate guideline for ensuring economic development in the city. The authorities plan to improve the workforce, create jobs, maintain local airports, and improve the downtown area. Early this year, the planning and development department of the city of Phoenix developed and updated an elaborative and achievable general plan. The final plan was hugely based on the community suggestion and feedback concerning various economic problems in the city. As a result, the planning commission supported and approved the general plan on January 13, 2015. The city plans to improve on the type of labor force available. According to the article Plan PHX. 2015 General Plan, the economic growth and development sterns from skilled, competent, and qualified workforce in the city (94). Consequently, the expansion and building of more schools and training centers is the foundation for the city’s economic growth. Furthermore, the authorities plan to adequately fund and provide necessary resources in these training facilities. It leads to increase in the number of individuals with recognized credentials and certificates. Such an influx of professionals is a sign of economic gr owth and development. Additionally, the authorities plan to maintain and expand the airports available in the city since it is vital to economic growth and movement of people. The airports in the city are essential and necessary for bringing various businessmen and investors in the city. Furthermore, these airports generate massive revenue for the authorities. The revenues collected from businesses within the airport premises are essential in improving local infrastructure and financial strength of the city. Besides, the presence of businessmen and investors in Phoenix city is a positive and encouraging sign of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Reort Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reort - Essay Example As for site 4, it is at the south east of the Quarter. It is the gateway to the city center and a linkage between Riverside Business District and other commercial site at the south of it. The development of an integrated multi-functional site should be considered for this site. Option 1 is designed for the purpose of redeveloping the site to a high density and height mixed use area which is mainly used as business and retail sector, meanwhile there is a multi-storey car park and a hall as complementary for the site. Option 2 is designed for the purpose of redeveloping the site as a complementary for the existing residential and business area surrounded. It is designed as a mixed use sector with multi-storey car park as complementary for the site. Option 3 is designed for the purpose of redeveloping the site to a residential area. Meanwhile there is a multi-storey car park and convenience shop area as complementary for the site. There is a 6 floor building at the south end of the site for a landmark purpose. There will be 12-storey main buildings at the south end of the side, built as the landmark for the site.Two storey podiums will be in retail use. Other floors are used for business purpose. (see in final design) Furthermore,financial appraisal of Option 1 shows a relatively-high profit of  £9,291,385, 54.01% at the end. Thus it is possible for Option 1 to change during its final detailed design. So the multi-storey car park alters to underground car parking. This will increase the building cost but will provide a new additional 840 m2 vacant area. This area is going to be designed for open and green space based on the sites original planning guidance. In this case, there will be a basement car parking for 2448 m2 for the site. (residential: 21bays, business:62 bays, restaurant:7bays and hall 12 bays, total:102bays, which 102*24=2448m2) (see in final
Friday, November 15, 2019
Quality and trust in workplace
Quality and trust in workplace INTRODUCTION:- TRUST:-Trust means confidence that others action are consistent with their words that the people with whom you work are concerned about your welfare and interests apart from what you can do for them, the skills you have developed are respected and valued by co-workers and the organization. Trust is found in three characteristics of workplace relationships:- Trust grows out of the ability to perceive others as credible that what they say is true and their actions are consistent. Trust also grows out of a sense that one will be treated fairly by others. Trust also depends on how much employees experience respect through support provided for professional growth, the inclusion of employees ideas in decision making and through care both within the workplace and life. Trust in organizational strategies and top management is the most critical component in creating commitment towards a common goal. Senior leaders need to place a high value on integrity and trust and then communicate that value to all associates. Key factors in building trust The five critical areas that directly impact the level of trust people have in their organization are:- The organization vision. The organization values. The compensation system. The work environment. Personnel decision. Management consultant Jack R Gibbs explains that distrust in people are likely to occur when Top management is feared. Excessive pressure is placed on people. Sales are low. The vision of company is unclear. QUALITY: The organization should work in order to assure high quality of management and leadership in all parts of the organization. To work methodically in improving Management Quality all links must hold, in the long chain from management policy, through management system, programs and processes, all the way out to the individual employee. This kind of quality assurance of management requires a complete and consistent structure or model, and it must be possible to measure present status and improvements Over the past few years, employees have increased their focus on organizational characteristics that enhance employee work experiences and assist employees in balancing their jobs and personal lives. This focus on workplace quality has become significant enough for business press publications such as Fortune and Working Mother to publish annual lists of companies that excel in creating a high quality of work life for their employees.. Fulmer et al. (2003) argue that employee attitu des affect behaviors and their performance. They argue further that employee attitudes can influence workplace quality through the attraction and retention of good employees. They argue that if employee attitudes resulting from high workplace quality produce a sustainable competitive advantage, then listed firms should exhibit better financial performance than do non listed firms. There is some evidence that companies successful in creating positive employee attitudes about their workplace possess a valuable competitive advantage, which leads to improved operating and market performance. A high Management Quality is characterized by the following Our organization has updated and documented mission statements, vision and strategies. Our policy describes how we wish to relate to our employees. Participation and a high degree of independence are corner-stones of our management system. Everyone regards himself as owner of their personal objectives and the organizations vision and objectives. We encourage open communication. Our policy describes how we work in order to ensure leaders of high quality in all places. We create good opportunities for our managers to be highly motivated in their task. We phase out leaders who are inadequate in their jobs. INRODUCTION OF ORGANISATION:- INFOSIS: An Infosys technology is founded in 1981 in India. Currently Infosys has over 58000 employees worldwide and have over $2 billion annual revenue. Infosys currently has over 15000 software developers working on projects with Microsoft technologies. Infosys BPO Ltd. is one of the fastest and leading BPO solution providers in the world. Having Infosys Technologies Ltd. as its parent company, it boasts of best-in-class systems and processes and financial strength and stability. The company started its operations in 2002 and has received numerous awards and citations such as: 10th among 50 Best Managed Vendors in the Black Book of Outsourcing, 2006 5th among 35 Rising Stars in The Global Outsourcing 100 of the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals, 2006. Infosys won the Outsourcing Institute and Vantage Partners first-ever customer relationship management award. Infosys is increasingly focusing on value-based pricing models for its offerings. QUALITY AT INFOSYS:- Infosys follows the best software engineering practices. Infosys is CMMI-5 certified but for a formal process oriented certification their CMMI level appears to be an outcome of what they actually practice. Infosys doubles it revenue every 2 years, reaching $ 2 billion in 2006.Company currently trains 4500 new recruits every 14 weeks at its own training campus in Mysore. Companys campus at Bangalore was magnificent. The 50 buildings were a glass pyramid shaped multimedia facility housing, a large dome shaped library, sports centers, refectories futuristic electric cars are used for visitors. INFOSYS WINS TELSTRA AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN QUALITY IN 2005 Infosys is the first IT Company to receive Telstra award for excellence in quality from over 11000 vendors. Telstra assessed Infosys against its other suppliers and determined it as the winner based on a rigorous appraisal of its quality and ongoing commitment to developing viable solutions and providing Telstra customer with better value. TRUST INFOSYS: Trust is the foundation of all successful interpersonal relationships, both personal and business. Trust is the confidence or belief a person feels toward a particular person or group. Trust is, therefore, one of the primary binding forces in any interpersonal relationship. Trust is present in Infosys strategies and among the employees. 1:-Infosys organizational vision is clear: Infosys vision is attainable and does not ignore the role that individuals play in achieving the organizational goals. 2:-The work environment in Infosys is very good. 3:-Infosys values:- Values are beliefs or convictions that guide behavior, Support the overall organizational vision. Typical values in Infosys include:- Exceeding customer needs, engagement, and innovation. 4:-Infosys compensation system is good. LITERATURE REVIEW WELL-BEING AND TRUST IN WORKPLACE:-The research on well-being and trust in workplace is done by John F Helliwell and Huang:-They say that they were the first to know of to provide Income -equivalent values for workplace trust. The estimated values of trust in the workplaces are very large, and remain so even when we make a number of adjustments designed to remove risks of over-estimation. Our workplace trust results are independently estimated from two Canadian and one US survey using different samples and different question wordings. That all three surveys should show such consistently large effects convinces us of the robustness of our results. In this paper we have built on Subsequent extensions by Helliwell, Huang and Putnam (2009). 2:-TRUST IN WORKPLACE:-Research is done by Robert W Rogers President, DDI. And by Sheryl Riddle Sr. Vice president consulting services DDI. In their research they said that trust plays an important role in the organization. According to them Leaders can foster high levels of trust among teams by encouraging team members to follow six fundamental steps: Maintain one anothers self-esteem. Support and praise one another. Keep sensitive information confidential. Stand up for one another. Avoid gossip or unfair criticism of others. Appreciate one anothers skills and differences. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:-Two types of data are used:- Secondary Data:-Secondary data is taken from books, magazines, internet, research work, journals. Primary Data:- Primary data is collected from Infosys campus at Bangalore. QUESTIONER:- 1-What is your company do for building trust in workplace? Ans-The company vision is clear. The goals set by top management are attainable and Infosys does not ignore the role of individual in the achievement of companies goal. 2-What did the company do for quality in workplace? Ans- A company follow the best software engineering practices. Infosys is CMMI-5 certified. 3-Why do the company use visual studio team system? Ans-The Company use visual studio team system because it will increase exponentially over the next few years. We expect to grow this area to over 25000 developers. 4:-What did Infosys do for creating employment? Ans: The Company currently trains 4,500 new recruits every 14 weeks, at its own training campus in Mysore. The average age of the companys employees is 25 years. 5:- What did the company do for society? Ans:-1. Conducting rehabilitation camps at tribal areas, drought hit areas. 2. Construction of hospitals. 3. Rehabilitation of mentally retarded through other local organization. DATA ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION:- From the above data we comes to a conclusion that quality and trust in workplace are very important factors because if the workers have no trust in organization they do not work properly for the achievement of the organizational goals. The organization should work in order to assure high quality of management and leadership in all parts of the organization. For better quality organizational missions, policies, strategies must be clear. Everyone regards himself/herself as owner of their personal objectives and open communication must be there in an organization so that everyone shares their views about the organizational goals. BIBLIOGRAPHY:- Well being and trust in workplace:- About the Infosys company Monograph:-Trust in workplace By Robert W Rogers, President, DDI And Sheryl Riddle, Sr. vice President consulting services DDI. Building trust in workplace:-
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Essay --
Mindy Pang Pearl Final (Analysis /Synthesis) 1. I think it is ironic that Kino is being followed by trackers because all throughout the story, Kino makes connections with animals. Kino and Juana are compared to being animals that are chased down by hunters. As Kino is supposedly an animal, it is ironic because trackers are known to follow animals. Just like animals, Kino and Juana try to escape the hunters, going to the mountains, where there is high elevation, something an animal would do. Another example of Kino’s comparison to an animal is when Kino needs to find a strategy in which the trackers won’t see him, so he takes off his clothes (what us, humans wear), as an animalistic technique, since animals don’t wear clothes. His own son also â€Å"becomes†an animal, at least to the trackers, who think the baby’s cry was a coyote cry, and this causes Coyotito’s death by a gunshot from them. This also brings us to the irony of Coyotito’s name, and as readers, we find out why he was named this at the end of the story. Steinbeck also describes the characters literally as animals; for example, â€Å"Kino hissed at her like a snake, and Juana stared at him with wide, unfrightened eyes like a sheep before the butcher.†Not only does this help us picture what is going on, but the author is also trying to make more references to animals. These are only a few of the examples of when the author creates animal imagery/ reference, but because the author compares Kino and his family to animals so often, it is ironic how they is being followed by trackers. 3. The brief introduction connects to rest of the story very well. John Steinbeck explains the book’s parable. The introduction is pretty self-explanatory. The story is not just about Kino, it i... ...d to harm Kino, mugging him, injuring him, attempting many times to steal the pearl, destroying his precious pearl. Kino could no longer protect himself, like he used to. He tried his best, but now his protection â€Å"shell†has been cracked and he is no longer as strong as he used to be, just like an oyster without a pearl. The oyster protects its precious pearl on purpose, and has a shell to help protect it, but when the pearler forces the shell open, the protection is gone. The canoe had its wood, as a layer of protection, blocking out things on the outside that could potentially harm things that are inside the boat, but the canoe was destroyed and its protection is now useless. Kino, the canoe, and the pearl all caused and meant trouble. Now they all have lost, they have all shattered, they have been destroyed. Now, they all represent and have become something else.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mercedes Benz of U.S.A “The Best or Nothingâ€Â- Mercedes Benz Essay
Mercedes Benz is one of the most recognizable names in the world. If you mention car, luxury, dependable, performance and â€Å"The Best or Nothing†, the first name it comes on your mind is Mercedes Benz. History of Mercedes Benz is the greatest out there, but I am going to focus on the Mercedes Benz USA, also known as MBUSA. MBUSA is a division responsible for distribution and marketing of Mercedes Benz products in the U. S. The headquarters of MBUSA are in Montvale, New Jersey. There are two dealership locations of MBUSA in northeast Ohio, one in Willoughby and the other one in Bedford. Also included in their division are Maybach, Smart and Sprinter. Although founded in 1965, MBUSA started importing Mercedes Benz in 1952, and the iconic car that started it all was 300SL Gullwing. It was founded under Max Hoffman; the current CEO of MBUSA is Steve Cannon. Other key personnel at MBUSA are Harald Henn CFO and VP, Inigo Mazquiaran GM of Corporate Finance and Joachim Schmidt Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Mercedes-Benz. Over the following years, MBUSA grew into a nationwide organization, now employing over 1500 people. The company also has 356 associated dealerships that employ 21,500 people themselves. MBUSA operates in the Car Dealership industry, in the distribution and marketing division of car sales industry to be more specific. With 305,072 passenger vehicles sold in the U. S. in 2012. SWOT Analysis Strengths: 1. Mercedes Benz has a strong brand value and global leader in premium cars 2. Leader in innovation i. e. 1st to introduce diesel engines, fuel injection and anti-locking brakes Weaknesses: 1. High maintenance cost of Mercedes Benz car 2. High prices compared to competition Opportunities: 1. Developing hybrid cars and fuel efficient cars for the future 2. Fast growing luxury automobile market & increased income Threats: 1. Ever increasing fuel prices 2. Intense competition from global automobile brands
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Little Engine that Could essays
The Little Engine that Could essays I sell here gentlemen, what all the world desires: power. Matthew Boulton, once boasted, speaking of his steam engine factory. James Watt, Boultons business partner significantly improved an inadequate form of the steam engine and marketed his new, more fuel-efficient invention (Ashton 25). Better engines were produced, and more uses were found for steam-power. Steam power fueled the Industrial Revolution by cutting manufacturing costs of goods significantly and quickening production (Ashton 26). The world was no longer dependent on manpower and horsepower. The steam engine forced the creation of railroads and improved transportation while causing a noticeable change in the economy. These changes clearly affected the way that people lived and thought about industry. This vital ingredient of the Industrial Revolution is still recognized as one of the greatest inventions of the time (Steele 47). The cost-effective and portable steam-engine powered the Industrial Revolution, an d consequently led to a significant change in Western commerce. The steam engine transformed the manufacturing world by making work significantly cheaper and more accessible. Prior to using steam power only animals, humans, wind, or moving water could be used to create power. However, animals and humans can not be harnessed together in large numbers to effectively create enough power. Wind and moving water both were usually found in the deep countryside, therefore once the goods reached the cities the cost was extremely high (Gordon 144). One steam engine was able to do the work of hundreds of horses (Siegel 18). On account of the steam engine, it was the first time in history that power was virtually limitless. This source of power was not only mighty, but inexpensive. William Blake, an economist during the rise of the steam engine wrote, Even a fit person can produce only a horsepower-hour o ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Overview of the Early American Colonial Regions
Overview of the Early American Colonial Regions  The history of the 13 American colonies that would become the first 13 states of the United States dates to 1492 when Christopher Columbus discovered what he thought was a New World, but was really North America, which along with its indigenous population and culture, had been there all along. Spanish Conquistadors and Portuguese explorers soon used the continent as a base for expanding their nations’ global empires. France and the Dutch Republic joined in by exploring and colonizing northern regions of North America. England moved to stake its claim in 1497 when explorer John Cabot, sailing under the British flag, landed on the east coast of what is now America. Twelve years after sending Cabot on a second but fatal voyage to America King Henry VII died, leaving the throne to his son, King Henry VIII. Of course Henry VIII had more interest in marrying and executing wives and warring with France than in global expansion. Following the deaths of Henry VIII and his frail son Edward, Queen Mary I took over and spent most of her days executing Protestants. With the death of â€Å"Bloody Mary,†Queen Elizabeth I ushered in the English golden age, fulfilling the promise of the entire Tudor royal dynasty. Under Elizabeth I, England began to profit from transatlantic trade, and after defeating the Spanish Armada expanded its global influence. In 1584, Elizabeth I commissioned Sir Walter Raleigh to sail towards Newfoundland where he founded the colonies of Virginia and Roanoke, the so-called â€Å"Lost Colony.†While these early settlements did little to establish England as a global empire, they set the stage for Elizabeth’s successor, King James I. In 1607, James I ordered the establishment of Jamestown, the first permanent settlement in America. Fifteen years and much drama later, the Pilgrims founded Plymouth. After the death of James I in 1625, King Charles I founded Massachusetts Bay which led to the founding of the Connecticut and Rhode Island colonies. English colonies in America would soon spread from New Hampshire to Georgia. From the foundation of the colonies beginning with the founding of Jamestown until the beginning of the Revolutionary War, different regions of the eastern coast had different characteristics. Once established, the thirteen British colonies could be divided into three geographic areas: New England, Middle, and Southern. Each of these had specific economic, social, and political developments that were unique to the regions. The New England Colonies The New England Colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut were known for being rich in forests and fur trapping. Harbors were located throughout the region. The area was not known for good farmland. Therefore, the farms were small, mainly to provide food for individual families. New England flourished instead from fishing, shipbuilding, lumbering, and fur trading along with trading goods with Europe. The famous Triangle Trade occurred in the New England colonies where slaves were sold in the West Indies for molasses. This was sent to New England to make Rum which was then sent to Africa to trade for slaves.​ In New England, small towns were the centers of local government. In 1643, Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven formed the New England Confederation to provide defense against Indians, Dutch, and the French. This was the first attempt to form a union between colonies. A group of Massasoit Indians organized themselves under King Philip to fight the colonists. King Philips War lasted from 1675-78. The Indians were finally defeated at a great loss. A Rebellion Grows in New England The seeds of revolt were sown in the New England Colonies. Influential characters in the American Revolution such as Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, William Dawes, John Adams, Abigail Adams, James Otis, and 14 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence lived in New England. As displeasure with British rule spread through the Colonies, New England saw the rise of the celebrated Sons of Liberty - a secret group of politically dissident colonists formed in Massachusetts during 1765 dedicated to fighting against taxes unfairly imposed on them by the British government. Several major battles and events of the American Revolution took place in the New England Colonies, including The Ride of Paul Revere, the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the Battle of Bunker Hill, and the capture of Fort Ticonderoga. New Hampshire In 1622, John Mason and Sir Ferdinando Gorges received land in northern New England. Mason eventually formed New Hampshire and Gorges land led to Maine. Massachusetts controlled both until New Hampshire was given a royal charter in 1679 and Maine was made its own state in 1820. Massachusetts Pilgrims wishing to flee persecution and find religious freedom traveled to America and formed the Plymouth Colony in 1620. Before landing, they established their own government, the basis of which was the Mayflower Compact. In 1628, Puritans formed the Massachusetts Bay Company and many Puritans continued to settle in the area around Boston. In 1691, Plymouth joined the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Rhode Island Roger Williams argued for freedom of religion and separation of church and state. He was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded Providence. Anne Hutchinson was also banished from Massachusetts and she settled Portsmouth. Two additional settlements formed in the area and all four received a charter from England creating their own government eventually called Rhode Island. Connecticut A group of individuals led by Thomas Hooker left the Massachusetts Bay Colony due to dissatisfaction with harsh rules and settled in the Connecticut River Valley. In 1639, three settlements joined to form a unified government creating a document called the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, the first written constitution in America. King Charles II officially united Connecticut as a single colony in 1662. The Middle Colonies The Middle Colonies of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware offered fertile farmland and natural harbors. Farmers grew grain and raised livestock. The Middle Colonies also practiced trade like New England, but typically they were trading raw materials for manufactured items. One important event that happened in the Middle Colonies during the colonial period was the Zenger Trial in 1735. John Peter Zenger was arrested for writing against the royal governor of New York. Zenger was defended by Andrew Hamilton and found not guilty helping to establish the idea of freedom of the press. New York The Dutch-owned a colony called New Netherland. In 1664, Charles II granted New Netherland to his brother James, Duke of York. He just had to take it from the Dutch. He arrived with a fleet. The Dutch surrendered without a fight. New Jersey The Duke of York granted some land to Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley who named their colony New Jersey. They provided liberal grants of land and freedom of religion. The two parts of the colony were not united into a royal colony until 1702. Pennsylvania The Quakers were persecuted by the English and wished to have a colony in America. William Penn received a grant which the King called Pennsylvania. Penn wished to begin a â€Å"holy experiment.†The first settlement was Philadelphia. This colony quickly became one of the largest in the New World. Declaration of Independence was written and signed in Pennsylvania. The Continental Congress met in Philadelphia until it was captured by British General William Howe in 1777 and forced to move to York. Delaware When the Duke of York got New Netherland, he also received New Sweden which had been founded by Peter Minuit. He renamed this area, Delaware. This area became part of Pennsylvania until 1703 when it created its own legislature. The Southern Colonies The Southern Colonies of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia grew their own food along with growing three major cash crops: tobacco, rice, and indigo. These were grown on plantations typically worked by slaves and indentured servants. England was the main customer of crops and goods exported by the Southern Colonies. Sprawling cotton and tobacco plantations kept people widely separated, preventing the growth of many urban areas. An important event that occurred in the Southern Colonies was Bacons Rebellion. Nathaniel Bacon led a group of Virginia colonists against Indians who were attacking frontier farms. The royal governor, Sir William Berkeley, had not moved against the Indians. Bacon was labeled a traitor by the governor and ordered arrested. Bacon attacked Jamestown and seized the government. He then became ill and died. Berkeley returned, hanged many of the rebels, and was eventually removed from office by King Charles II. Maryland Lord Baltimore received land from King Charles I to create a haven for Catholics. His son, the second Lord Baltimore, personally owned all the land and could use or sell it as he wished. In 1649, the Toleration Act was passed allowing all Christians to worship as they pleased. Virginia Jamestown was the first English settlement in America (1607). It had a hard time at first and didn’t flourish until the colonists received their own land and the tobacco industry began flourishing, the settlement took root. People continued to arrive and new settlements arose. In 1624, Virginia was made a royal colony. North Carolina and South Carolina Eight men received charters in 1663 from King Charles II to settle south of Virginia. The area was called Carolina. The main port was Charles Town (Charleston). In 1729, North and South Carolina became separate royal colonies. Georgia James Oglethorpe received a charter to create a colony between South Carolina and Florida. He founded Savannah in 1733. Georgia became a royal colony in 1752. Updated by Robert Longley
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Reflection 10 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reflection 10 - Assignment Example is Wynne who argues that advanced language aptitude is something which is possessed by humans alone and the decisive factor which differentiates humans from apes. The kind of linguistic abilities exhibited by Kanzi are only the result of his imitations, so the very idea of ape language synonyms with parroting. Savage-Rumbaugh, on the other hand, defends her argument in favor of Kanzi and ape language by claiming that the linguistic achievements of her subject, Kanzi, are a living proof that apes can also learn a human language. This idea that language and many other unique cognitive abilities are uniquely possessed by humans is groundless and prejudiced. One important reason why Savage-Rumbaugh’s research on Kanzi cannot be equated to parroting is that Kanzi did not develop his linguistic capacities through rote learning or behaviorist methods. Rather, his learning began from a very young age when he was younger. This young age is a very critical period for learning language f or both ape and human babies. Like human babies, Kanzi’s responses also reflect same
Friday, November 1, 2019
A scary time to raise a child Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A scary time to raise a child - Research Paper Example While offering nourishment and ensuring that a child does not starve is a major issue when it comes to parenting because it is another mouth to feed in the household, it can be difficult. There are other scary factors to also face when it comes to raise a child which can be deemed as scary. A person may not have time to be a good parent, there is an environment that is intimidating to bring another human into and changing habits in order to raise a child may also be difficult. To raise a child is not as easy as what some people may have expected due to some of the hazards in the world today where there are always situations to fear and worry about. Many times parents do not have time to raise their child. This could be because children are often being raised in single parent homes and there is a lack of people to provide care giving. Parents may be used to being on their own schedule, struggling to make ends meet to pay bills and to afford personal needs for food, shelter and clothing just for themselves. Children are expensive and require a lot of time and nurturing so that they will grow up to become members of society that can grow and prosper. Due to constant demands of the pressure from a present job or from trying to find a job, parents cannot ensure to be fully responsible to their child. They often require daycare or babysitters to help them raise their child until the child is old enough to attend school. As a result of this, they may have less time to pay attention to their childs growth and development which can be detrimental to the child. Most children are also out of school during the summer and while their parents are at work, they are left to be cared for by someone else. As a parent, one has to assume that the babysitter or daycare workers are trustworthy and reliable. The ideal situation is where parents can be flexible so that they can balance work and family responsibilities. Some parents are finding that workplaces
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