Saturday, December 28, 2019
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Zara Fashion - 3014 Words
Strategic Operation Management Assignment Zara fashion Zara is a clothing and accessories retailer selling stylish apparel at affordable prices, and it is also the most profitable brand of the Spanish clothing retail group Inditex SA. Ortega planned for this new Zara outlet, located near his factory in La Coruna in northern Spain, to sell this overstock merchandise himself. Since then, Zara has expanded into 500 stores in 68 countries as of January 2007 and has become a leader in customized fashion retailing. This assignment presents core competencies to help Zara achieve competitive advantages in fashion industry. Besides, we also offer five competitive objectives about quality, speed, flexibility, dependability and cost to evaluate†¦show more content†¦Zara is ready to choose crowded streets or center position of the city to locate stores and always changes the store layout in every two weeks. Though above analysis, Zaras core competencies ensure the four criteria of sustainable competitive advantages: valuable, rare, difficult to imitate and exploited by organization meaning cannot be replaced. Zaras products express a unique style that has created sustainable position in customers minds and make them feel in each of Zaras product. The attraction of Zara is creative in each product, innovative and unique characteristics. So it is not easy for competitors to achieve the results. Next, the essay will concern about five performance objectives that help Zara achieve competitive advantage in business. About quality, beauty, affordable prices and fashion are factors leading to magic success of Zara as well as other brands of Inditex, but it is not easy to do that. Amancio Ortega is president of the corporation with 32,000 employees, but he still has habit of operating as a family company with a clever and simple style. Zara operates with closed model from research, design, production, distribution and retail. Diversity, abundance and frequent changes of clothing design have become the biggest competitive advantage of Zara. The competitors expect to have the attraction like Zara. Most customers feel loss or lackShow MoreRelatedZara Fashion2487 Words  | 10 PagesZARA Fashion 1) With which of the international competitors listed in the case is it most interesting to compare Inditex’s financial results? Why? What do comparisons indicate about Inditex’s relative operating economics? Its relative capital efficiency? Note that while the electronic version of Exhibit 6 automates some of the comparisons, you will probably want to dig further into them? The four companies shown above have very different business models. Inditex owned much of the productionRead MoreZara Fashion Clothing : Zara1024 Words  | 5 PagesINTRODUCTION ZARA FASHION CLOTHING: Zara is one of the retail sale format of Inditex group and well-known an international fashion clothing brand which is very famous for its apparel and accessories. Zara is a place where we can buy all the latest fashionable clothes in the world as they launches 10,000 designs every year. Zara is one of the Spain famous fashion clothing brand which is located in 70 countries in the world. Zara company is started earlier in 1975 by Amancio Ortega, a famous businessRead MoreZara It for Fashion Case Study1595 Words  | 7 PagesExecutive Summary Zara has relied on Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s) and Point of Sales (POS) terminal operating on Microsoft DOS which are not linked to the headquarters or other stores for its daily transactions. Although, the system has proved to be stable and reliable over time, it has become obsolete and cannot be supported by the providers. I recommend that the company invest on a new system like Windows, UNIX or Linux operating system which will enhance connectivity and flexibilityRead MoreFashion and Zara6167 Words  | 25 PagesZara Case Study: Fast Fashion from Savvy Systems After studying this case you should be able to: Understand how Zara used a technology-dominated strategy to make its parent company, Inditex, the world’s largest fashion retailer. List the factors leading to the demise of Gap. Understand how the application of technology to data collection and analysis allows Zara to spot trends and gain insight into the future preferences of customers. Identify the strategies, and the technologies used to implementRead MoreZara Fast Fashion2084 Words  | 9 Pagesefficiency? Note that while the electronic version of Exhibit 6 automates some of the comparisons, you will probably want to dig further into them. Background: Inditex is an international fashion retailer that designed, manufactured and sold apparel, footwear, and accessories for women, men, and children through Zara and other five chains around the world. The six retailing chains were organized as separate business units within an overall structure that also included six business support areas andRead MoreZara: It for Fast Fashion1266 Words  | 6 Pagesmachines leaving them incompatible with DOS. Because Zara’s core business model is vertically integrated, it could specialize in speed and efficiency and the fast fashion trend. By assessing the pros and cons of the new IT infrastructure with Zara’s brand image, they determined that implementing the new POS networking system is beneficial for Zara because 1) it creates a more robust and scalable system that is more responsive to Inditex’s supply chain network, 2) it removes the risk of the system becomingRead MoreZara, Fast Fashion1561 Words  | 7 Pagesmarket. Along with the globalization and technology development, consumers are easier to access to fashion. As a result, the customers are changing and the companies are evolving to deliver customers satisfaction. Zara, the most profitable brand of Spain clothing retail group Inditex, has leveraged its unique strategy to achieve success and will be expected to maintain a sustainable growth in the fashion industry. Zara’s core competencies can be divided into four areas: process development, distributionRead MoreZara It for Fast Fashion Case Notes903 Words  | 4 PagesZara IT for Fast Fashion Case Notes Identify decision issue, and your role as a decision maker Salgado and Sanchez need to decide if it is the right time to update Zara’s information technology. The key concern is the outdated operating system they use for their point of sale (POS) terminals. Should they purchase the current POS machines from their vendors so that they can support their needs in case the vendor changes their machines to new technology? Or should they move to using new operatingRead MoreEssay on Porter Analysis of the Zara Fashion Chain457 Words  | 2 PagesPorter Analysis of the Zara Fashion Chain The Zara fashion chain, with 546 stores in 30 countries today ?from which 340 are outside Spain- and ?2914,3 millions of total sales in 2002, is undoubtedly the group?s locomotive (Inditex, 2003). In 2002 it represented 33% of the group?s total stores, accounted for 72% of the group?s total sales and contributed to the holding?s total profits for ?540.4 millions (Inditex FY2002 Results Presentation, 2003). Moreover, Zara with 75-90 new stores withinRead MoreThe History of the Fashion Store Zara2181 Words  | 9 Pageslargest fashion distributors, has eight major sales formats - Zara, Pull and Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home y Kiddys Class- with 3.147 stores in 70 countries around the world.            Inditex Group is comprised of over one hundred companies associated in textile design, manufacturing and distribution. The achievements of the company and the uniqueness of its management model, which is based on innovati on and flexibility, made Inditex one of the largest fashion distribution
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Teaching Infographics in Business System †
Question: Discuss about the Teaching Infographics in Business System. Answer: Introduction: This particular essay has provided an in-depth evaluation on the importance of using diagnostic tools for evaluating the communication skill and competency of an individual. After making a critical analysis on five diagnostic tools the study has focused to identify two major communication issues that need to be improved for maintaining a successful interaction. At the end of the study an action plan for next 6 months has been prepared on how to improve those communication issues. Self-Perceived Communication Competence Scale is the diagnostic tool that indicate how much competent an individual is in communicating effectively with a person in any kind of situation. In this specific assessment there are 12 set of questions. 0 stands for completely incompetent and 100 signifies competent. In this very specific assessment I scored 59 that indicates low competency of self perceived communication competence scale. The second diagnostic tool that I have used to evaluate my communication skill includes nonverbal immediacy. This specific communication tool indicates that how much efficient I am in interacting with other without making verbal communication. Non verbal communication generally includes written communication or communication through facial expression or body language. While managing an entire team an individual should have a proper body language so that the participants do not feel monotony in making a communication. In this specific assessment I scored 1 10. This specific number signifies that I am comfortable enough in maintaining a strong non verbal communication with the participants. As a result, people who are from different linguistic backgrounds and culture would not have to face difficulties in communicating with me. The diagnostic tool of intercultural communication implies on how much an individual is flexible in communicating with the people of different geographical backgrounds and attitudes. In this very specific assessment I have scored 52 that signify a high score. These particular marks indicate that I am having enough skill and competency in communicating with the people of different cultural and psychological backgrounds. On the other hand, talk-aholics scale implies that an individual is very much flexible in handling the situation by making effective communication with the participants. In this very specific assessment I have scored 35 which are comparatively low. This particular score signifies that I am not having enough flexibility in communicating with the participants when it is actually needed. Willingness to listen Diagnostic tool implies o n how an individual person is competent and patient in listening to the problem of others. In order to make an effective communication I should have the competency in listening to the problem of others so that the participants do not hesitate in dealing with the individual effectively. In this very specific diagnostic tool I have scored 90. This specific score implies that I am having enough skill and willingness in listening to others. As a result, the participants can feel comfortable in communicating with me. Findings of diagnostic tools: After evaluating the five diagnostic tools based on which I have judged my communication skill and competency include Self-Perceived Communication Competence Scale, nonverbal immediacy, intercultural communication, talk-aholics scale and Willingness to listen Diagnostic. The score of Self-perceived communication scale implies that I am having lack of efficiency in communicating with the participants effectively in any kind of situation. People are from different geographical boundaries and attitudes. While dealing with others I should have the patience of communicating with every individual such a way that participants can get a solution after making the interaction. From the score of Self-perceived communication scale it can be evaluated that I do not have efficiency in handling every situation competently. In nonverbal immediacy, intercultural communication I have received a good score that signifies I have the skill of dealing with the participants of different cultural background s and attitudes. I am having flexible body language based on which people having linguistic barrier can feel comfortable in communicating with me properly. Talk-aholics is the tool that signifies I am having efficiency in communication with other proper when anyone needs support from me. In this specific assessment I have got a low score that signifies I need to improve on developing my communication skill while talking to others. Willingness to listen Diagnostic is the last diagnostic tools where I have received a good score. This particular score signifies that I am having enough competencies in giving priority on the point of view of others as well. However, after evaluating these five diagnostic tools it can be concluded that in order to be a good communicator I should be a perfect speaker as well as listener who should have enough skill and competency in communicating with the participants in any kind of situation. The two communication issues that I have identified for within me include lack of Self-Perceived Communication and lack of Talk-aholics scales. I have been associated with a private business organization for last three years in the post of a senior project manager. While dealing with the employees I have faced numerous communication issues while making an effective communication. I have observed that some of the group members within a specific team were not working properly. They intended to depend on others performance. In this kind of situation, I should indentify those particular individuals who are not providing their best effort for organizational performance. As a project manager I have identified those performers from the group properly. Due to the lack of Self-Perceived Communication Competence Scale I failed to make an effective interaction with the employees properly by arranging a business meeting. I lacked that much of confidence in explaining the importance of individual performance within a specific team. On the other hand, I have faced another major issue in my entire professional career. I have observed that I tend to give unnecessary reaction at the workplace while dealing with the pressure. In order to handle any kind of crisis I tend to give unnecessary pressure to my employees. My way of approach changes towards them which is very much de-motivating for an individual performer. On the other hand, it has also been observed that I fail to keep my standpoint properly when my senior managers need a proper explanation from me. Therefore, I have decided to improve on my talk-aholic scale so that I can find the confidence of keeping my own point of view where it is needed. Two issues of diagnosis: From the above mentioned evaluation I have identified that I am having two major issues separately on two different diagnostic tools. Being a professional I need to have that much of confidence so that I can at least communicate with my team members at the time of conducting a meeting or conference. I have observed however that employees are not getting my point of view properly due to the lack of appropriate approach. I am not very much communicative by maintaining my proper gesture and body language so that people can understand my point of view. On the other hand, I have observed that people belonging to different geographical backgrounds and attitudes are associated with a particular business organization. Therefore, the primary responsibility of me as a senior project manager is to treat every single employee with equal respect and dignity. This specific study has provided an in-depth overview on how my way of communication should be there based on which people belonging to diff erent geographical backgrounds and attitudes can make an effective interaction with me. However, due to lack of proper confidence I failed to make an effective communicative approach with the employees that consequently became a major drawback. From the diagnostic tool of Talk-aholics scales, I have faced numerous issues in making my own point of view in front of the senior managers due to the lack of confidence. I intend to remain quite while my manager throws any question related to my job. In this kind of situation, I am proved in a negative way at my workplace. My managers consider the fact that I do not have any strong logic for defending myself. This kind of complication has affected my career fervently. Another issue that I have found out while dealing with my team members includes lack of efficiency in handling major crisis. I do not have proper efficiency in making a proper communication with my employees at the time of crisis. In this kind of situation, being impulsive I tend to provide overburden on the employees. As a result, employees fail to provide their best effort to the organizational services. However, in this kind of case I should make a good communication with the employees so that they do not lose thei r confidence. If a particular employee fails to meet organizational target I should maintain a friendly approach with this individual so that the employees can share their own opinion as well as difficulties. Theoretical approach for acquiring competencies: In order to improve the various modes of communication different eminent scholars have provided theoretical concepts on how to improve communication skill and competency in order to be a good professional. Grunig (2013) evaluates the concept of active learning. As per the opinion of this specific scholar a sender while sending a particular message to the receiver, have both verbal and non-verbal aspects. Therefore, the sender should have that much of competency and learning skill to transmit the proper message to the receiver. While dealing with the project I have faced large number of difficulties in transmitting my message properly to my team members. At the same time, it is undeniable that people belonging to different geographical boundaries are not very much comfortable in sharing their problems and difficulties. Therefore, being a responsible manager I should have proper skill of learning so that I can communicate with the employees properly. On the other hand, effective listen ing is also very important for collecting resolving the issues at workplace. Toth (2013) initiates this particular concept This specific concept implies that an individual should have patience in listening to the problem of others as well before resolving the issue. I have observed that while dealing with the team I used to avoid in listening to the problem of my team members. As a result, they intended to show their intense level of dissatisfaction in showing any kind of interest for providing good services for the business organization (Drucker, 2017). However, as a project manager I should have that much of patience in listening to the problem of my team members so that they can gain confidence. Without having their support and co-operation, I would never be able to perform well towards the business services. This specific part has focused to make a detailed action plan on how to improve the communication issues in next 6 months for the betterment of career. Action plan Activities Time Member of mind tool club After being the member of mind tool club I would get the access of 139 various communication tools from where I can improve my communication as well. At the same time, after being the member of mind tool my level of self-confidence will be increased automatically. As a project manager, I would not have to face difficulties in interacting with my team member effectively. 15th October, 2017 Attending training session for rendering multilingual flexibility While dealing with the position of project manager I would have to communicate with people from different geographical backgrounds and attitudes. Therefore, I personally believe that multilingual flexibility is highly important for making an effective interaction with the various employees at the workplace. For this specific reason, I can receive a training and development session for rendering multilingual flexibility. Therefore, people should have to face any kind of hesitation in communicating with the employees. 1st November, 2017 Arranging group activity for being flexible I have observed that I should evaluate my earning process by going through practical experiences. People belonging to different geographical backgrounds and attitudes are not flexible in making interaction with each other. Therefore, a group activity is highly needed for making the entire environment very much comfortable. In addition, it is also undeniable in order to conduct different kinds of group activity I should have enough confidence. Therefore, people belonging to various cultural backgrounds and attitudes will feel comfortable in participating in the group work only when my way of communication would be perfect for every individual separately. 15th November, 2017 Self-learning process I would like to start an effective self-learning process as well. Self-learning is going to be successful only when I would take different initiatives for developing my communication skill. I can talk to my friends more effectively regarding any kind of issue so that they can rectify my mistake. Before, providing a particular approach to anyone I should discuss with my friends. As a result, they would be able to provide me necessary solution on which areas should I work more for rendering more improvement within my gesture, body language as well as communication skill. 1st December, 2017 Reference List and Bibliography: Austin, E. W., Pinkleton, B. E. (2015).Strategic public relations management: Planning and managing effective communication campaigns(Vol. 10). Routledge. Bargiela-Chiappini, F., Nickerson, C. R. (2014).Writing business: Genres, media and discourses. Routledge. Baruah, T. D. (2012). Effectiveness of Social Media as a tool of communication and its potential for technology enabled connections: A micro-level study.International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,2(5), 1-10. Chow, A. T., Erving, R. H., Kim, J., Robert, R. M. I., Russell, J. E., Ying, W. (2012).U.S. Patent No. 8,155,155. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Covello, V. T., McCallum, D. B., Pavlova, M. T. (Eds.). (2012).Effective risk communication: the role and responsibility of government and nongovernment organizations(Vol. 4). Springer Science Business Media. De Grez, L., Valcke, M., Roozen, I. (2012). How effective are self-and peer assessment of oral presentation skills compared with teachers assessments?.Active Learning in Higher Education,13(2), 129-142. DeKay, S. H. (2012). Interpersonal communication in the workplace: A largely unexplored region.Business Communication Quarterly,75(4), 449-452. Drucker, P. F. (2017).What Makes an Effective Executive (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Review Press. Fall, L. T., Kelly, S., MacDonald, P., Primm, C., Holmes, W. (2013). Intercultural communication apprehension and emotional intelligence in higher education: Preparing business students for career success.Business Communication Quarterly,76(4), 412-426. Fleisher, C. S., Bensoussan, B. E. (2015).Business and competitive analysis: effective application of new and classic methods. FT Press. Grunig, J. E. (Ed.). (2013).Excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. Guffey, M. E., Loewy, D. (2012).Essentials of business communication. Cengage Learning. Mason, K., Leek, S. (2012). Communication practices in a business relationship: Creating, relating and adapting communication artifacts through time.Industrial Marketing Management,41(2), 319-332. Ruck, K., Welch, M. (2012). Valuing internal communication; management and employee perspectives.Public Relations Review,38(2), 294-302. Toth, C. (2013). Revisiting a genre: Teaching infographics in business and professional communication courses.Business Communication Quarterly,76(4), 446-457. Ulmer, R. R., Sellnow, T. L., Seeger, M. W. (2013).Effective crisis communication: Moving from crisis to opportunity. Sage Publications. Waldeck, J., Durante, C., Helmuth, B., Marcia, B. (2012). Communication in a changing world: Contemporary perspectives on business communication competence.Journal of Education for Business,87(4), 230-240. Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C., Griffin, M. (2013).Business research methods. Cengage Learning.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Untitled document-2 Essays - Pauline Epistles,
Philemon Paper Skyler Coryell Philemon is a letter that paul wrote and is a letter that is in the Bible. Paul wrote a lot of letters that are in the Bible, and this is just one of them. In this paper we will figure out why Paul wrote this letter, what Paul wanted to do to fix the problem that is within the letter, what Paul's argumentation is and how I think his argumentation is proposed, and why this letter is specifically in the bible and what we can learn from this letter being in the Bible. This isn't the only meaningful letter in the Bible but we are going to look why this one is meaningful and why it is in the Bible for a certain reason. Paul writes this letter because he sends a slave back to his owner, but he wants the owner to welcome the slave back into his place. He wants him to welcome the slave back not only just to be a slave but he wants him to welcome him back as a brother of Christ. This letter isn't addressed to only one person it is addressed to three people those three people are, Philemon, Apphia, and Archippus plus the church in Philemon's house. This letter comes to them because Paul send the letter with slave. Pauls basically is returning the slave back to the owner and these men and he writes them this letter. In the letter Paul tries to help the slave out for when he returns him to the slave owner and the place he ran away from. In the letter Paul said that he could have kept the slave away from the owner and could have kept him free, but he wanted to give him back to the owner because he thought that he deserved to have him back but he also wanted him to be able to have his rights in a certain way. Paul had a specific request/proposal for them to do with Onesimus, the slave, he wanted them to accept/welcome him in as a christian brother. He also offered to pay for any debt created by Onesimus' departure. He offered to do this because he had a desire that Philemon might have refreshed his heart in Christ. I don't think that Paul was really giving an argument, I think he was more giving a request and proposal. He was looking out for the slave and he was trying to make people closer with not only each other but Christ. He was hoping that these people would help themselves by getting closer with Christ and bringing them together as people in Christ. But I think he could have done something better rather than give the slave back to the owner, I feel like he could have helped the slave and could have just set him free. He could have let the slave continue to run away rather than send him back but he thought that would be wrong because he thought Christ would be upset with him. To convince them he tells them he will pay for the debt as long as he accepts him as a brother of Christ and he wants them to refresh their hearts with Christ. He also tells them that he wishes to visit them and asks them to prepare a guest bedroom for them. A personal letter like this is in the Bible because they want to show us what Christ can do when people are in need and are in trouble. I believe they also put this in here for some history of our nation and what happened in the past. I think they want to show us that even though this was a very hard time for this slave and for the owner, but they showed that two people that are opposites and that aren't supposed to like each other can be brought together by Christ. I believe there are multiple things that we can learn from this letter. I believe that we can learn that Christ can truly change things from a bad situation into a better situation just by bringing people together that don't deserve to. I think the
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