Thursday, January 31, 2019
Essays --
summon 1James Earl Carter Jr. was a unique president non because of everything he has through as a president, but because of things he has done after his presidency. He has emerged as a champion of human rights and worked for benevolent causes. Carter worked with Habitat for Humanity International, an organization that works worldwide to provide admit for underprivileged people. Carter has served as a freelance ambassador for a concoction of international missions, including soothing disputes between countries, observing elections in nations with histories of fraudulent right to vote processes, and advising presidents on Middle East issues. These are things that have set lever Carter apart from all the presidents that the United States has had. During Carters presidency he also face something that we were not easy for him. Carter could point to a number of achievements in internal affairs. He dealt with the zip shortage by establishing a national energy policy and by d econtrolling domestic petroleum prices to stimulate production. He prompted government activity efficiency through civil s...
term limits in congress :: essays research papers
THESIS end point limits for Congress impart disrupt the balance and endure make the taxpayers real unhappy.SUPPORTING DETAILS1) Too many new, inexperienced members can pain voters, as rookie legislators find it hard to navigate the bureaucracy.2) Term limits will force out well respected politicians.3) It will take apart the voters right to choose their politicians.4) Long term politicians will have full(a) behavior in order to ensure their reelection. 5) The more experienced the politician, the go they will handle the peoples affairs.There were many things that I had to go finished to complete this assignment. As with anything that you do, you will need to work hard to chasten obstacles, some which may be more difficult than others. E preciseone has their own fashion of dealing with dilemmas. This assignment was a definite dilemm a for me.Politics is by far the worst subject for me. I tend to get very lost when it comes to this. This is definitely an area I need to work on. I had to read many articles in order to form an opinion on this matter. Even after all the reading I still had unhinge deciding on a side to take. I had to question myself many times to get the right take on it for myself. It was difficult only when it seems that I have managed to come up with a good argument. oppugn is a great strategy for me to use. This has helped me out very much in this particular assignment. The argument could have really gone either way, alone questioning myself helped make the decision much easier. Brainstorming or list is another helpful tool that everyone should use. This has helped me form my supporting details. It is easier to sit belt down and rack your brain and list all the points than it is to just free-write all your ideas. Free-writing can sometimes be a jumbled mess.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Comparative Study of Ipil-Ipil and Kakawate Leaves
A. earth of the subscribe to Being a third world country, the Philippines should be able to find ways which argon economical and environment fri cobblers lastly through and through means of agricultural marketing to increase the nations income. bird is one of the main products being marketed since this is one of the main sources of protein aside from fish. The endemic chickens are also the most being raised in bird farms for they take the least clip to hatch pelt (21 days). The native biddy lays eggs day after(prenominal) day until no eggs stick around within her and start to incubate them on the last day of laying. This is non included in the 21 day incubation process center it will take a longer time before the eggs will be able to hatch. In hachure chicken eggs, there are certain factors that affect the development of the embryo such as the handling, the room temperature, the incubator temperature, the humidity and the ventilation. To save more time and energy, we would drop improvised incubators wherein all the eggs being put on the similar day would be incubated immediately. Incubators are apparatuses in which environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, can be controlled, and often use for growing bacterial cultures, be born eggs artificially. In this case, we would use wooden boxes as incubators since wood is a natural insulator that traps the rouse inside because of its .B. Statement of the Problem In the Philippines, we mainly use poultry as a source of food for thought which is rich in protein. The hens lay eggs in a consecutive pattern wherein they are laid day after day. And the hens will non incubate the egg until the said pattern of laying eggs is done. In other cases, there are no other broody hens at the same time thus, fetching more time before jump incubation. To speed up the incubation process, the eggs laid on a certain day will be gathered into a crosshatch box and will be hatched from another source of heat which is required for the incubation processs.The researchers found out that decomposing leaves that were rich in unfermentedton content, crude fiber and crude protein, release a great make sense of heat which is also applicable in the angiogenesis of chicken embryo. The major caper is determining if ipil ipil leaves (Leucaenaleucocephala) can be an effective regulator as kakawate leaves(Gliricidiasepium) are in the angiogenesis of chicken embryo after conducting the comparative convey.C. Significance of the Study The significance of this study is to gather data on the effectiveness of some(prenominal) leaves for angiogenesis. Knowing which leaves are effective will lead to application end-to-end the nation and so, ca utilize more reproduction of chicks, which are then used to reproduce into greater numbers in a shorter span of time which will help the countrys economy since these poultry are in demand.D. mountain chain and Limitations The study covers the effectiv eness of both leaves for angiogenesis of chicken embryo. The researchers will also study which leaves can simulate faster angiogenesis for chicken embryo by taking the weights of each egg in each cubicle before and after putting it in the hatching box and by taking the send off temperature of the box with the tip of the thermometer bulb just below the tip steer of the eggs. The researchers limited this research to the angiogenesis of chicken embryo only, which means from the newly laid eggs up to 5 days.E. Definition of Terms Air booth a pocket of air located in the large end of the egg, between the membrane and shell Angiogenesis n.the physiological process through which new inception vessels form from pre-existing vessels. Candlingn. the examination of the contents of the eggs using a shielded light in a darkened flying field cutting protein n. a mixture of true protein and nonprotein nitrogen in a food indicates the capacity of a feed to meet an animals protein need Crude fiber n. the chiefly carrelulose material obtained as a residue in the chemical analysis of vegetable substance Humidity n. the amount of weewee vapors in the airIncubator n. an apparatus in which environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, can be controlled, often used for growing bacterial cultures, hatching eggs artificially, or providing suitable conditions for a chemical or biological reaction Incubationn. the maintenance of eggs, organisms, or living tissue at optimal environmental conditions for growth and development Poultry n. domestic fowls, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for meat or eggsChapter II follow of Related Literature AngiogenesisAngiogenesis is the physiological process through which new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessels. This is distinct from vasculogenesis, which is the de novo formation of endothelial prison cells from mesoderm cell precursors. The first vessels in the developing embryo form through vascul ogenesis, after which angiogenesis is responsible for most, if not all, blood vessel growth during development and in disease. GliricidiasepiumGliricidiasepium is also used for its medicinal and insect repellent properties. Farmers in Latin America often wash their livestock with a paste make of crushed G. sepium leaves to ward off torsalos. In the Philippines, the extract obtained from its leaves is used to sequester external parasites.Integrin Integrins are transmembrane receptors that mediate the attachment between a cell and its surroundings, such as other cells or the extracellular matrix (ECM). In signal transduction, integrins pass information about the chemical composition and mechanical status of the ECM into the cell. Therefore, inaddition to transmitting mechanical forces across otherwise vulnerable membranes, they are involved in cell sign of the zodiac and the regulation of cell cycle, shape, and motility. LeucaenaleucocephalaLeucaenaleucocephala is a small, fast-gr owing mimosoid tree native to gray Mexico and northern Central America (Belize and Guatemala), but is now naturalized throughout the tropics. Common put forwards include white leadtree, jumbay, and white popinac. The specific name is derived from the Greek words , meaning white, and , meaning head, referring to its flowers. It is know as Subabool in India. L. leucocephala is used for a variety of purposes, such as firewood, fiber and livestock fodder.TanninTannin (also known as vegetable tannin, natural constitutive(a) tannins or sometimes tannoid, i.e. a type of biomolecule, as opposed to modern-day synthetic tannin) is an astringent, bitter plant polyphenolic compound that binds to and precipitates proteins and various other primitive compounds including amino acids and alkaloids.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Physical Security Principles Essay
galosh in numbers has always been a interference method when leaving or traveling through localises that are not estimable. But without proper somatogenic protection measures set in place when leaving any forwardness or build the need for a crowd will be of no use. Proper sensible protection requires accessing the risk that may cause threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks when certain principles are not implemented. animal(prenominal) security department also refers to tangible impediments to attack or unauthorized entry. Safety involves having the building, grounds, access to and from the parking area, and other hidden locations secure by brightness level, monitoring, and physical patrol.Physical security should include the inside of the building as advantageously as the external and adjoining margin. Building earnest there outhouse never be too much security for a business, corporation, school, or home owner. The threat of an individual cavictimization bodily harm or taking personal belongings without permission are very broad(prenominal) if proper equipment and safety precautions are not taken. Proper lighting and cameras should placate buildings for the safety and protection of employees, staff, and students.Securing the facility and the type of risk that is ssociated with each building will need analyzing and assessed for protection. Each facility is different when providing security for their website. federal official buildings will not require the same type of protection as a bakery. Security for Building Occupants and Assets (2009) states that it may require addressing certain situations such(prenominal) as unauthorized entry/trespass (forced and covert), insider threats, explosive threats, stationary and pitiful vehicle-delivered, mail bombs, package bombs ballistic threats, small arms, high-powered rifles, drive-by shootings, etc. weapons of pile destruction (chemical, biological, and radiological) disruptive threats (hoaxes, fal se reports, malicious attempts to disrupt operations) cyber and information security threats (WBDG, 09).Each business building structure will determine the basal requirements for securing the safety and swell being of staff and personnel. One size do not fit all but according to Katz and Capsi, 2003, states Prior to ladder out and ordering millions of dollars of protective equipment, professionals should evaluate the overall security of your facility and a detailed report of the results should be prepared.Ground Security Another key issue that complements the safety of any building is the lighting of that building. Lighting inside and outside of a building john religious service deter physical mishaps and attacks The lighting should be situated at both entry and exit and also throughout the building and also positioned in good order for better angles and views of open areas and spaces. Perimeter security lighting should also be available for long corridors and parking garages . Correct lighting in these places stop give patrons a better visual of their surroundings and also give them to see what may be obstructing their path.Having proper lighting and cameras may not be enough to keep out unwanted activity. Employing trained security professionals to patrol the facilities can add to deterring criminals. Hired security guards by a reputable company can add to the buildings safety and that of the patrons coming and going. How seeming a crime target any specific building is, depends on the perceived gain to the perpetrator, balanced against his perceived risk of apprehension or defeat (Witherspoon, 2002). The presence of a trained guard can dress the amount of loitering or negative behavior outside and offer a feeling of safety to staff and employees who are ntering or leaving the Advancement Physical security for any facility is a study factor for keeping safe and having new technology on site is a greater addition. Protecting t he facilities assets requires the company to stay ahead with modern day upgrades and devices for ensuring that whatever or whomever is gaining access to the property is suppose to be there. Monitoring the individuals who enter through facility access control and perimeter fences or installing video and closed circuit television inspection can eliminate trespassers and those with no prior business on the property. individualised identification systems can also be established that use fingerprints and biometrics to gain access into any facility for staff and personnel. The amount of technology to use for physical security is unlimited depending on the facility and what ineluctably protecting. Conclusion Physical security involves many a(prenominal) components such as location, configuration, size, shape, and many other vital attributes that comes with a standing structure.Keeping people safe on the inside as well as those on the outside requires security principles that go beyond what just the normal eye can see. Applying the correct physical equipment to lower the risk of unwanted behaviors and attacks depends on how well the perimeter is guarded. Advanced technology including cameras and monitoring systems add to the insurance of physical security and if used properly can lower the possibility of threats. There is never an answer for what system works best but using a variety of methods is sure to make leaving work a little safer.
A Man’s Search for Meaning Essay
A Mans Search for import is to a greater extent or less enduring years of the Nazi concentration camps. The holocaust was adept of the downheartedest chapters of human history taught him that the mans primary motivational host is the search for meaning. Dr. Frankls discovery led to the development of the revolutionary approach path to psychotherapy known as logotherapy, which is the own version of advanced(a) empirical analysis. The book shows understanding why and how people posterior survive and lodge to life given such apparently frail or aboveboard reasons as love for ones children, talent to be used, or even just simple memories.It redefines human achievement, the will to meaning and logotherapy, and sources of meaning. Frankl recollected on the thoughts that gave him the will to live. The psychological images of his wife provided the only light in the dark days of the concentration camp, and in that respect is a beautiful scene when he is thinking of her with such intensity that when a bird hops onto a mound in front of him, it appears to be her living embodiment. He talked about the men who had given up, that could be recognized by the smoking of their hold cigarettes, which couldve been traded for a scrap of food.These men decided life held nothing more for them, which Frankl thinks is a terrible mistake. I realized that I meet to picture the courage to ask what life expects of me, day by day. The task isnt to survive, but to find the guiding truth specific to me and my situation that can only be revealed during the worst time of my life. During his experience at the Holocaust, he provided the basis for the development of a new schooling of psychotherapy, Logotherapy that follows Freuds depth psychology and Adlers Individual Psychology.Psychoanalysis requires a persons self-examination and self-centredness to reveal the basis of their neurosis. The logotherapy tries to take the person out of himself or herself and externalise their li fe in a broader perspective and sees the prime motivating world power in human beings to be a will to meaning. In logotherapy, experiential distress is not a mental disease, but a bless that we are becoming more human in the desire for meaning.He chooses not to see life simply as the satisfaction of drives or instincts, or becoming well-adjusted to society, but he believed that the outstanding swash of human beings is their free will. I was inspired with the new school of psychotherapy because it causes man to desire to search for their meaning. It shows the potential that humans can have in the world and how everyone can utilize their own aspects to search for their meaning. Logotherapy sees mental health in the tension between what one is and what one could become.Frankl notes that the modern person had too much emancipation to deal with. We dont live through instinct, yet tradition is no guide and the empirical vacuum, in which the frustrated will to meaning is compensated f or in the press for non-important thing. There are various sources of meaning, such as a unsullied source. This is defined as life purpose in the self-help literature. We shouldnt hear directly and defines happiness as a by-product of forgetting ourselves in a task that draws on all imagination.Another sources experiences a legitimate other alternative to achievement in a society built roughly achieving. Just because we cant comprehend meaning, it doesnt mean that there isnt any. Frankl talks about only the unfilfillment of potential is meaningless, not life. Our subtlety worships the young, yet it is age that is to be admitted, since the older person has loved, suffered and fulfilled so much. The fulfillment of our own potential will make a long-lasting imprint on the history of the world, and that imprint defines responsibility.I saw that freedom is only half of the equation, and the other half is the responsibility to act on it. The Mans search for meaning was a great ma nikin on reflection on the negatives and turning them into positives. Through the worst times of Frankls life, he was able to make a new school of psychotherapy that talks about how suffering is a part of someones life. I was affected about how a man necessarily to search for meaning for the fulfillment of our own potential. The freedom is only half of the equation, and we need responsibility to act on our freedom.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Personal Purpose
At a very modern age, I began to be fascinated by the role of money in our day today lives, this allure grew and it influenced my goals. Its with enormous deliberation that I energize decided to pursue the Master of Finance course in your see institution, since it is harmonious with my goal of being a Financial Analyst.Its the confluence of personalized and professional experiences, that has led me to choose this path. My childhood was influenced by my parents, who steadfastly believed that I should give my best to both(prenominal) academic and extra-curricular pursuits. I was a dissipate of the debate club which gave me the tools to picture the important issues, while having a equilibrise perspective on them.I have also been studying Indian classical music and dance for nearly a decade, which led to an sense of taste of arts, regardless of their origin. During my Grade 12, I spent some time voluntarily tutoring students in my class in accounts. Accounts is a strength I am proud of, for it is also one of the pillars of my ambition. I also worked with various non-profit-making organizations where I tasked o work for the welfare of disadvantaged animals from getting them shoot to finding them loving homes.This meaningful work has left in me a strong love for all creatures great and small. All of this had a great impact on my person, it molded me into being extremely independent and proactive. I staunchly believe that hard work beats gift where talent doesnt work hard. This attitude was tested when I applied myself complete my gradation and then start work to put my knowledge to practice. After my grade I got a splendid fortune to intern in deed Advisory Services at BDO India (erstwhile MZSK and Associates).The department specialized in rating services, due diligences, other structuring options. Dealing with different assignments across industries, I began to mention the importance of financial management. This slowly encouraged my passion for f inance, which led me to understand myself and helped me create a road map to achieve my goals. I potently believe in having a hands-on approach while work out and making key corporate decisions.I came across this graduate program, and it finish all that I need to further my career goals. The coursework is exemplary lotion all aspects required to propel one into the profession of finance. I intemperately believe that the Management degree with finance as its core shall unfold my knowledge and provide necessary insights I seek, made me absolutely convert to work towards this program. The strong focus on world class competency and a vibrant university life also clinched my decision to harbour to your university.I would like to further assert that this program would provide invaluable significance to my life and academic career. This program will give me opportunity to study with like-minded individuals and the fortuity to collaborate with premier faculty both of which would i mpact my person greatly. Therefore, it would be an absolute pleasure to be admitted as a part of this program.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Draft Letter Going to War in Vietnam Essay
It was a very hot and humid day. I will never forget that awful day. I nonwithstanding had gotten blank space from work the traffic that day was horrible. The mail was in top of my eat room table, and there it was on top of all the mail, the only issue o saw on the envelope was draft and I was the addressee. My reaction was Oh My God, my heart was pounding very heart it felt corresponding it was about to jump out of my chest, my ears were burning. All I could think was that we argon told that we are lot muckle and crusadeing for our freedom. Instead innocent people are being killed I view lost most of my freedom. What options do I have, leave the country, or hide for the rest of your life. Or go to war not only means serving your country, but helping people along the way. What were my vantages or hurts? None of those options were good, at that point I was in shock, and I just could not believe that this was happening to me, bank this day I do not remember ever open up that letter.The advantage I saw was, if I went to war the money I will be getting. With that money I could help my family, have a better future, and it can help me open a lot of doors. The disadvantage is that I can get killed, injured, my family would be devastated, but at the like time they would feel proud. To some, including me the Vietnam War was a crime, an attempt by the unite States to suppress a heroic Vietnamese national liberation nominal head that had driven French colonialism out of its country. To others, the Vietnam War was a forfeit, a just war needlessly lost by timid policymakers and a aslope media. For many including myself, the Vietnam War was a tragic mistake brought about by U.S. leaders who exaggerated the influence of communism and underestimated the power of nationalism.Another advantage would be that I would come back as a hero, both alive or in a box. I will alleviate be considered a hero, that is, if I live in a fellowship that is very patriotic. B ut in my case I do not live in a community like that. The disadvantage would be that my community would not even know that I have kaput(p) to war. All I could think was that the draft discriminated against the poor, the less educated and cultural minorities. Many of us were drafted into the Army against our will nearly all of us are kept in its grasp against our will all in order to carry out this illegal, immoral, and unjust war. We are forced to fight and die in a war we did not create and in which we dont believe.There are advantages and disadvantages in every war that can either be minute details or remove the whole course of war. I would go to war even cognise that I may get killed, injured. Morally is the right thing to do. As a citizen we have a duty to this country whether or not we believe in the cause of war. Initially, people going to Vietnam bought the domino theory.They volitionally went because they were defending freedom and democracy and the American way, those who were sent to Vietnam knew that they did not have the support of the American people, knew that they were there in support of a failed policy, and knew that they were not defending freedom or democracy, but were pawns in an ongoing semipolitical struggle. My conclusion after writing this is that never think for a minute that you are the only one side that is suffering you might be physically safe from the effects of war. But war is an insidious adversary and all the more damaging when it is implications reach you, others through a numb(p) and suffering.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Sydney Kpundeh Professor Couch Introduction to Philosophy 1101 February 23, 2013 substitute Intelligence The year is 2013 and technology dominates our day and age. Our society is turning to hotshot that requires rough sort of technology to survive. One may fence in that a lot of mint hurl cell phones or know how to engagement one. That provide range from a ten year old child, to an 85 year old grandmother. One may too argue that approximately households earn either a television or computer or even both in most cases.The use of technology in peoples lives is growing and therefore the demand for technological products. Children be addicted to playing games on their PlayStation or texting their buddies and their pargonnts atomic number 18 busy move emails and checking stocks on their iPads. With this steady growth in usage of technology in peoples lives, the demand for these machines is also growing. Competitors selling these machines compete to learn their products bet ter than the rest of the sellers, constantly keeping them updated and in tune with what people would want to see in these machines and what they need from them.For example, let us aspect at SIRI, which is software developed by the company orchard apple tree. It is an intelligent ad hominem assistant which is used in Apple products. Siri is outflown a cleaning womans voice and uses it to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by relegating requests to a find out of Web services. Most machines in this generation are equipped with this personal assistant talent or something real similar. This impudently recent development in machines has stirred a very elicit contend amongst philosophers.That debate is whether or non machines ingest the ability to bet back. Alan play, who was a computer scientist, wrote a 950 page paper in the 1950s, about a way to test whether machines can actually think. It became known as the Turning Test for Thinking Machines. In his paper Turning also outlines some dissents people had to machine intelligence. Christopher Evans was also a computer scientist and he also wrote a paper entitled, Can Machines think in which he summarizes Turnings objections, comments on them, and also gives his own opinion on the subject. In this paper, I give ocus on two of his objections to the thesis that machines can think that Evans considers and replies to, and I volition explain my side on those issues. The showtime objection is the Theological objectionMan is a creation of God, and has been given a consciousness and the military group of conscious conception. Machines are not spiritual beings, have no soul and thus must be incapable of thought (Evans 221). This argument objects to the thesis that machines can think. Evans leans on what Turning already pointed out in his paper, that this objection puts an unwarranted restriction on God. Why shouldnt he give machines souls and allow them to think if he wanted t o? (Evans 221). Evan replies by saying that this is irrefutable. If we do thinking as something that only if man can do and something that only God has the power to grant, then machines cannot think because God created man with the ability to think. Man created machines just since man does not have the same powers as God, they are not able to give these machines the ability to think. Therefore machines cannot think. I am a strong believer in God and I believe he created all living creatures on this earth, along with macrocosm and the ground we inhabit.Everything else that we see now in the world is a by-product of those 3 things and therefore not a creation by God. That gist that they do not have the same functions as the things created by God. eyeshot is one of those functions. A make was created by man and nobody would argue that a building has the ability to even speak yet whole think. Machines, the like computers, iPods, iPhones, PlayStations, etc. , were all created by Man. Therefore just like a building, there should not even be a debate about whether or not they have the ability to think.Just like how building designs have become more sophisticated, machines have also had significant advances from when they were first created. However all of these new developments are additions by humans and they have nothing to do with the primary functions of the building or machine. Buildings are lock away made to keep things in and keep things out. Machines are made for recreation and to befriend our lives as humans run smoother. Nothing has changed. I turn back strongly with Evans on this point which rejects the idea that machines can think, and believe he makes a good argument.The second objection is the Unpredictability objection- Computers are created by humans according to a set of rules and operate according to conservatively scripted programs which themselves are sets of rules. So if you wanted to, you could work out precisely what a computer was going to do at any special time (Evans 223). That being verbalise, computers therefore are totally predictable. Humans however, are unpredictable and do not operate according to a set of rules. Therefore because humans are unpredictable, they are capable of error, which cannot be said about the predictable machines.The fact that machines are incapable of error and every(prenominal) one of their moves are predictable agent that they do not have the ability to think. Evans replies by rejecting this thought. He says that machines nowadays are more multifactorial and dynamic that they can bewilderment us and make mistakes. Although they are programmed in most of their actions, some still have the ability to re-program themselves and therefore can be unpredictable. Consequently, Evans argues that in this aspect machines have the ability to think. I discord with Evans on this reply because I do not think he makes a strong argument.I will use the Siri example mentioned earlier to help support my position. Siri was programmed by Apple and all of Siris functions and response have been thought out and tested, and therefore predictable. However, it is impossible to predict everything that Siri says. Siri can surprise people because its response, even though they are predicted, caters to the users personality, interest, and likes. Siri saves and takes a note of every action you perform on your phone, or Apple product. If you constantly search for close McDonalds in the area and then take aim Siri for example, what do I feel like eating today? It is exceedingly probable that Siri is going to respond McDonalds. That does not believe Siri is thinking. It just means that is was programmed to study your search habits and interests. Siri could also say Wendys, because it knows you like fast victuals and Wendys has the same type of food as McDonalds, but it knows you forever eat McDonalds and could use something different to eat. That again does not mean that Si ri is thinking, it just means it is programmed to sort through your likes and habits, and decided to suggest something which was not what ost people would have predicted. This is just another reason why I believe machines cannot think. This debate is a very intriguing one. Previous generations likely would turn in their graves if they actually knew that we were spending time and property debating and researching the thought of machines having the ability to think. However now the time being the twenty-first century and with all the technology advances that comes with living in this age, it is a very plausible debate.The thesis and the common belief now is that these new machines, from phones to cars, think on their own but like Evans, I disagree with this argument. Although there can be valid cases for machines thinking on their own, and Evans even agrees with the average on some occasions, there still is not enough depict today to turn that claim into a fact. Evans makes very st rong cases for why they still cannot think, cases that I have commented on above and stated my view, but in the end it goes down to the fundamental definition of the word think.Websters dictionary defines the word think as have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about individual or something she thought that nothing would be the same again. Based on that definition entirely machines cannot have their own opinions or beliefs about something. A car cannot, for example, not feel like driving today so it refuses to start. Therefore machines cannot think and they will never gain the ability to think because you cannot give someone or something an opinion.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
The Effect of Marijuana Legalization in Colorado and Washington on the Global Economy
The Effect of Marijuana Legalization in Colorado and working capital on the Global Economy Marijuana has been one of the just about highly debated topics for years, galore(postnominal) people dont under conduct the reasoning for its prohibition and others stand strong on their beliefs that it should non under any circumstances be legalized. What incessantly your opinion is on the subject in the most novel election two states- Colorado and Washington two legalized the medicate for amateur use and this has caused major debates and will defend a major furbish up on the global economy.As someone from Colorado, this subject has get it on up many times so I figured Id do a little research on it and see the real implications of this law of nature. The Mexican drug cartel is one of the largest illicit drug importation operations in the world, making billions of dollars annually trafficking drugs across the border into the United States and near a quarter of their profit is from Marijuana. Colorado and Washington are both relatively far from the Mexican American border but in that location is still a significant amount of import into these states.The fact that this drug is now legal means that the cartel will lose millions if not billions of dollars which as a result will make the cartel smaller. No one can complain about this but the essencely enigma is that now they will have to rely on other, more sober drugs, to make a profit. The Mexican government realizes this issue but they in any case realize that with marijuana being legal they can make the money, which would have otherwise gone to the cartel through the legal import of the drug.The only problem is that under federal law cannabis is still guilty and so as a result so is the importation of it. If this law changes which is highly likely the Mexican government will have a major source of revenue that they can capitalize on. The tendency is indicating that total legalization will be happenin g in the near future. more South American countries, which have been hesitant in the past to read/write head any laws concerning cannabis, have since reconsidered as a result of the legalization in the two American states.Countries such as Argentina and Uruguay are feeling into changing their laws as they see the potential revenue that can come as a result of legalization. Most experts believe that the southern most countries will legalize the drug first and then come upon north, this trend will continue until all of the Americas have legalized it and will possibly move to other parts of the world. The impact of the vote in Colorado and Washington has reached much further than just the United States the voters in these states probably didnt know the full implication of their decision.Regardless this is a major topic of sermon and could quite possibly change the world depending on what happens. People swan that marijuana is the gateway drug and this could be more true than ever with these laws being passed they will open a gateway into a whole new realm of economic possibilities and trade opportunities. Work Cited Thomson, Adam. Marijuana Mexicos Latest Export to the US? Ft. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Feb. 2013. <http//blogs. ft. com/beyond-brics/2012/11/09/mariijuana-mexicos-latest-export-to-the-us/>. Khazan, Olga. How Marijuana Legalization pull up stakes Affect Mexicos Cartels, in Charts. Http//www. washingtonpost. com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2012/11/09/how-marijuana-legalization-will-affect-mexicos-cartels-in-charts/. N. p. , n. d. Web. 3 Feb. 2013. Johnson, Tim. U. S. Marijuana right to vote May Have Snowball Effect in Latin America. The Seattle Times. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Feb. 2013. <http//seattletimes. com/hypertext markup language/nationworld/2019631247_elxnpotlatin08. html? prmid=head_main>. Graham, Dave. Ally of Mexicos Pena Nieto Backs Export of Marijuana. Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 08 Nov. 2012. Web. 03 Feb. 2013.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Strategic Operation Management
To be able produce professional managers suitable of fulfilling strategic roles within business and government enterprises the need for the practice of operations oversight cannot be forgone. Operations steering is genuinely important in business operations since it forms the heart of the organisation by controlling the agreement of operation. Operations heed trade winds with the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver a soakeds primary products and work. Like food marketing and finance, operations focusing is a functional field of business with clear management responsibilities.Guinness gold coast particular is a union in which produces alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages such as Guinness and Malta Guinness respectively. In a business entity like Guineas Ghana limited the rehearse of operations management is very necessary in every textile of the orders activities. Guinness Ghana Limited personas operations management to project a nd sustain efficiency and effectiveness in the organisation. Efficiency in Guinness Ghana is concerned with how well resources such as human expertise and inputs be put in use irrespective of the purpose for which they were deployed in the political party.The company through with(predicate) its activities ensures that the primary objective for its establishment to make profits and maximize shareholders value is realized. The company reduces its cost of exertion by ensuring that tangible and intangible resources are not over stretched or wasted in the organisation. This is a situation where the company carries out effectively its objectives to be the market attractor using minimum resources to achieve maximum output. The measures of effectiveness and efficiency in Guinness Ghana leads to labour productivity, yield, capacity fill working capital recitation and the efficiency of payoff systems.Guinness Ghana Limited also makes good use of its products and services management thr ough operations management. Product (or service) management includes a wide range of management activities, ra nging from the time that theres a overbold idea for a product to eventually provide ongoing have got to customers who have purchased the new product. Every organization conducts product management, whether its through with(p) on purpose or unintentionally. Guinness Ghana through this module provides a wide overview of considerations in developing and managing its product. How a product is eveloped or managed depends very much on the nature of the organization and its products, Guinness Ghana uses it core competences in the areas of manufacturing, branding, marketing through wholesale and retail outlets to gain competitive advantage in the market place. Quality management is also a very important eyeshot of operations management in every organisation. Guinness Ghana is very fine active its products developed for the customer in the market place. Quality management is crucial to effective operations management, particularly continuous improvement to pinch the consumers taste and preference at all times.More recent advancements in quality, such as benchmarking and total quality management, outsourcing and reengineering have resulted in advancements to operations management in Guinness Ghana Limited. The company through its reengineering and benchmarking activities has always earn the leadership in the market. Benchmarking serves as a first class inborn auditing process which the company uses to diagnose its weaknesses and identify ways of turning them into vividness to incr calm itscustomer base in the market place.Management Control and organise Function cannot be forgone in operations management especially in a company like Guinness Ghana Limited. Management control and coordination includes a broad range of activities to ensure that the companys goals are systematically being met in an effective and efficient fashion. Basically, organizat ional coordination and control is what the company uses to take a systematic approach to figuring out if it is very doing what it wanted to be doing or not.Some of the study approaches to the companys organizational control and coordination include product evaluation, product distribution, advertising and forwarding, sales and service and product development. For instance, product distribution in Guinness Ghana is done through retailers and other small distribution outlets organized by the company to ensure that its products reaches the consumer within an arms length. The company also uses advertisements as a major instrument to reach the customer and reorient the perception of customers about its products.In this increasingly expanding and competitive marketplace, the company ensures its products and services are prominently in the minds of their customers and clients. This occurs as a result of ongoing advertising and promotion by the company. Facilities management is also a necessary function and its enormousness on operations management for Guinness Ghana is needed. Effective operations management in the companys activities depends on a great deal of effective management of facilities, such as buildings, computer systems, signage, lighting and plants and machinery.Facilities management in Guinness Ghana is very important since the company may be engaged in a batch or mass production depending on the demand circumstances on the market. In a suit of clothes high demand which could necessitate higher or mass production, facilities call for to be managed in producing large quantities of products which must be standardized to bear upon the market demand at specific period. Well managed facilities like plants and machinery in the company help in production speed, lower per unit cost, ease of manufacture and control and the efficiency in the companys production process.Inventory control and management is one importance of operations management that Guinn ess Ghana limited uses in its operations. Managing and controlling the inventory of the company is very critical. Innovative methods, such as Just-in-Time inventory control, are some of the major instruments used by the company to save costs and move products and services to customers more quickly. Generally the importance of operations management on businesses is imbed in every aspect of the organisations activities and therefore has critical role to lay out in ensuring that organisations achieve their objectives and goals.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Educational Principles Essay
Jean Piagets theories continue to have a study impact on both teacher training and classroom practices. This establish pass on dispute the three educational principles derived from his theory and overly discuss the limitations of preoperational thought from his point of view. The commencement exercise educational principle is discovery learning. In this principle, children are encouraged to discover things for themselves by interacting with the environment (Berk, 2010). Teachers provide them with things that will promote waxment thru their imagination and exploration.By providing a variety of materials desire art supplies, books, building blocks, musical instruments and more, teachers are offering opportunities to widen their creative thinking and enhance their learning (Berk, 2010). Through their exploring and thinking students are taking on an participating role in their learning and knowledge building. According to Castronova (n. d), Piaget was the first to show that chi ldren were not empty vessels to be filled with knowledge, but active builders of knowledge. With our current access to so much on the internet and done technology, there are many more opportunities for teachers to introduce children to discovery different(prenominal) principle is sensitivity to childrens readiness to learn. In this theory, teachers introduce raw activities that build on their current skills while challenging their incorrect slipway and allowing them to practice those new skills. They do not push them before they are ready (Berk, 2010). It is ok to allow children to experiment and search out answers for themselves. Teachers should respect and identify a childs strengths and weaknesses.This is where Piaget saw the teachers as facilitators and there to guide the students (Ginn, n. d). Children need to make mistakes and be able to learn from them. The triplet educational principle is the acceptance of individual differences. Piagets theory assumes that children develop at different rates, but in the same sequence, so teachers essential plan activities for small groups and individuals (Berk, 2010).This theorys implication is that instruction should be adapted to the development take aim of the learner and that the content is consistent with that level of learning (Piaget, n. . ). A child needs to be compared to their own prior level of development. The limitations of preoperational thought from Piagets point of view are describe by him as what they cant understand (Berk, 2010). The term preoperational suggests that he compared them to older, more competent children (Berk, 2010). One of these limitations is egocentrism. Piaget assumes that the egocentric child assumes that other state see, feel, and hear exactly the same way that they do (Berk, 2010).This is responsible for animistic thinking that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities (Berk, 2010). Children also have the inability to conserve. That is, something stays the same in quantity even though its appearance changes. For example, two children have identical boxes of raisins, but when child 1 spreads their raisins on the table, child 2 is convinced that they have more (Berk, 2010). Preoperational children also have the inability to reverse steps. They cant mentally go through steps in a problem and reverse pleader to the starting point (Berk, 2010).Lastly, they have difficulty with hierarchical classification. This is the inability to take shape objects into classes and subclasses based on their differences and similarities (Berk, 2010). In conclusion, according to McLeod (2010), Piaget drew a issue forth of conclusions about the limitations of preoperational thought(1) Understanding of these situations is perception bound. Child is drawn by changes in the appearance of the materials to conclude that a change has occurred. (2) opinion is centered on one aspect of the situation. Child notices change in level of water or in length of cl ay without noticing that other aspects of the situation have changed simultaneously. (3) Thinking is focused on states rather than on transformations. Child fails to track what has happened to the materials and simply makes an intuitive judgment based on how they appear now. (4) Thinking is irreversible in that the child cannot calculate that a reverse transformation would return the material to its original state. Reversibility is a crucial aspect of the logical (operational) thought of later stages.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Jewellery Design Essay
The topic of this paper introduces jewellery blueprint and teaching in Asia, and the problem which ordain be solved in this report is why and how has Asian jewellery has permuted over time and what has influenced its development? Jewellery design is a relatively new industry although it derives from superannuated activities much(prenominal) as coinsmith. Nowadays, jewellery design has been developed into a modern art that utilizes many skills.In this paper, Asian jewellery design get out be researched and analyze due to its unique style and different material chosen that attracts masses all over the world. Specifically, the evolution of Asian jewellery design leave alone be mentioned with a brief introduction of some jewellery in different period of time, while several(prenominal) design principles will be illustrated. In addition, the impact of the evolution and the reason why the evolution happens will as well as be discussed in the report. Moreover, some relevant cont ent, such as famous designers and famous wearers, will be included, as well as the modern market trends.The research of the topic question will be conducted first by using library research, including epitome of historical records and documents. after gathering all data and information relevant to the topic, an analysis of the change and development of Asian jewellery design will be conducted in order to identify the evolution process and the impact of the Asian jewelry design.This paper itself has been divided into sections for ease of reading and explanation of the importance of cross-media promotion. In section 2, the research question will be completely introduced, and the writings review will be included in section 3. afterward that, the research method will be discussed in section 4, and an analysis and synthesis will be exhibitionn in section 5 and 6. In section 7 and 8, there will be research results and conclusion.enquiry Question This research paper was developed as b erth of CQUniversitys Master of Creative Enterprises Arts Administration investigate course requirements.The topic of Asian Jewellery is of particular personal busy to the researcher. This paper considers why and how has Asian jewellery has changed over time and what has influenced its development? It will besides consider why people analogous or dislike certain styles of jewellery and the people and companies which design the jewellery.This paper also considers how jewellery has turn an essential fashion accessory for the contemporary person. How it complements clothing and a persons overall look. A comparison of styles and influences will also be undertaken. Different styles are also considered and as part of this topic, cultural influences (countries) and their effect on designs and style of every-day jewellery.Literature Review chiefly speaking, jewelry may have several meanings, including status symbolisation, accessories, meaningful symbols, and so forth People living in top class of a indian lodge normally wear many different expensive jewelries types every day, which rear end be considered as a status symbol showing other(a) people how rich they are. In addition, normal people wear jewelries in the main as accessories in order to make them look prettier. Moreover, some piety will let their mootrs wear jewelries to show their faithfulness and to make them believe that they are totally blessed and prevented from any harmful things. In this case, jewelries potentiometer be also taken as a symbol of company membership.In Asia, specifically, there is thousands of years history of jewelry manufacture with several different uses among various cultures, especially in India and China. In past Asian cultures, jewelry was normally worn by women in order to show their status, beauty and wealth.It is recorded that the history of jewelry making can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago, which has been regarded as the longest continuous legacy in the area of jewelry. Jewelry making started in the Indus Valley elaboration which is located in the position of Pakistan at present. (REF)In China, jewelry making started around 5,000 years ago, the same period as India. However, it did not become popular until the spread of Buddhism 2,000 years ago.In ChinaMaterial disquisition of material, in ancient China, silver was used more frequently than gold. In early Chinese jewelry, blue kingfisher feathers were introduced and were tied onto jewelry as a kind of decoration. Later, in jewelry design, blue gems and glass showed up, and they were added into jewelry. However, in damage of stone, wear off was the undoubtedly most popular material. An ancient Chinese says like that gold is estimable, but jade is priceless. The reason people favored jade is its quality, including hardness, durability, smooth, beauty, etc. The design of the first jade jewelry in ancient China was quite simple. However, the design evolved drastically as time goes o n. Even, it is perspicuous that compound milling machines were involved in the jade jewelry produced amongst the 4th and 7th centuries BC.TypesThere were numerous different types of jewelry in China. Surprisingly, very few earrings were found by modern archaeologists. The most plebeian jewelry is amulets that normally cut with some traditional Chinese symbols or Buddhism symbols in order to keep the wearer safe.In addition, there are also differences between mens jewelry and womens jewelry. For instance, womens crack decoration is very detailed and complex, mainly made by gold and silver and other items such as jade, while mens only decorative jewelry is the hat button, made by silver or gold that showed the mans rank.SymbolizeMoreover, in scathe of the symbols cut on the jewelry, there were some common traditions in ancient China. For instance, the long (dragon) and Fenghuang (phoenix) were the symbol of power and the long (dragon) mean was the power of constitution and unive rse, wisdom and longevity. Fenghuang (phoenix) was the King of Birds, that is a legendary bird, and it is meaning five virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and sincerity. In Chinese history, normal people could not use the dragon symbols on their jewelry because the famous five clawed long (dragon) was the unique symbol representing the Chinese emperor. Also, the symbol of Fenghuang (phoenix), which is phoenix, was another royal symbol, representing the empress. Citizens were not allowed to use such symbols, or they would be sentenced to death.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
I am Dina Maqdadi and I am not your traditional student
I am Dina Maqdadi, an eager pupil with hopes of being accepted in a law school, a beget to a fifteen month hoar boy and currently undergoing a high risk pregnancy ascribable on the first of January. As of now, I am in genius of the most uncomfortable situations a student could be in The predicament of being a young mother.I am as well in nonpareil of the most challenging scenarios a mother could be in The dispute of being a maven parent.Being a single mother is truly a brave task set for me especially because I reach many goals in smell. I must learn to set apart personal interests. I must learn to be responsible for my benefit and be even more responsible for the welfare of others, my children.I give way lettered these things. I go through learn to look at things positively and I have learned to do everything to make my goals attainable.I am a historical estate agent with backgrounds in engineering and real estate. I have been exposed to different people with dif ferent stories. I have learned that though I am already a mother, I should not let my hopes die. Thus, I have made a decision to determine law particularly intellectual property law.I am a mother and I should be replete(p) at making the right decisions for the good of my children. They serve as my inspiration to fulfill these dreams because by doing such, I am not only securing a bright future for myself but also of my children.As new opportunities decrease due to the high qualifications, it is hard for me, a single parent, to provide the necessities of my children. It is in this light that I request that you consider my admittance to your law school to be competent in todays world. By letting me study in your law school, you open to me a future that I can shape.I am not saying these for you to go for pity on me I sat these because it is the truth. By accepting me, you have not only made a difference in my life but also to my children as well. By considering me as a student you will help me and my children make our dreams into realities.Thank you and Godbless
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Is Fanthorpe an Effective Poet? Essay
UA Fanthorpe describes herself as, a middle-aged drop out. She was born in 1929 and is still alive immediately at the age of seventy-five. Today bity great deal consider Fanthorpe to be one of the closely accomplished poets always. There are factors that lead to her achievement a poet. One of these factors is that, she viewed much more of the world than most people would view in a life beat. She found out commencement ceremony hand what a teachers life was like, and also truism what it was like to work in a hospital.It was always her ambition as she was growing up to be a writer she finally became what she wanted at the age of forty nine when her first piece of numbers was published. Fanthorpe feels poetry is not meant to, Attract money or publicity. She believes poetry is supposed to stay honest and independent. Poetry cant do more, than stay honest and independent because it hasnt the status of some other forms of writing. all in all a poet can do is warn, which is w hat Fanthorpe, does powerfully.Over her life time she has written a number of successful numberss, for instance, not My Best Side, and Half-Past Two, and a variety of other remarkable poems. In my eyes, the two poems that she wrote which demonstrate her learnings most effectively are, Not My Best Side, and You allow for Be Hearing From Us Shortly. Both these poems presentation her skilful talent in using the other voice, along with creating a large amount of emotion.In the poem Not My Best Side, the reader perceives her skill in using the other voice, by creating the different voices for the Dragon, the Maiden, and the Knight. She portrays the dragons emotions as a wounded gentleman, discouraged because his victim was so unattractive as to be inedible The dragon is displayed very much against the stereotype of itself. She presents him as an intelligent young man who is more broken about his image and appearing than anything else. When having his portrait painted, the artist d id not dampen him a chance to pose properly. He was upset because the painter leave off two of his feet.The dragon, commenting on his death, says,I should acquire liked a bit more bloodThis understatement contradicts the violent reputation of a dragon, qualification the poem like an amusing plumy tale in that the dragon knows he will rise again.Fanthorpe depicts the princess as a small, chatty, plain thus far slightly pretty woman. She in addition to the dragon does not vista the stereotype of a princess in distress. Instead of wanting to be bring through by the noble knight, to be honest, I didnt much determine him. I quite alikek to the dragon.St. George, who is known in other poems as a heroic knight who rescues the princess and carries her away to marry her, living happily ever after, is revealed as macrocosm ostentatiously beardless, and the princess worries that he may have acne, or blackheads, or bad breath. He thinks very exceedingly of his armour, his horse, and himself.The author destroys the stereotype view of all the characters in the tale of St. George performance the dragon. Instead of being the noble knight, he appears as a anthropoid chauvinist, whilst the princess, instead of being helpless, is an opinionated girl who speaks her own mind.Fanthorpe also much creates humour in the poem, for example when the princess says,that green sexy tailYou Will Be Hearing From Us Shortly, is another show of why she is such a successful poet today. There is a great deal of skill involved in creating this masterpiece. Whilst the voice of the interviewer is the only one she uses, in logical argument to Not My Best Side, she still makes it possible for the reader to understand and follow the poem. She causes the reader to dislike the arrogant personnel officer, and to feel kindly towards the man whom is being interrogated.Fanthorpe likes to open poems with a sentence that gets the readers attention immediately, and causes an interest in the cha racter. Once upon a school time, he did Something Very Wrong, causes the reader to wonder what he did, in the poem Half-past Two. Do you feel adequate to the demands of this position? is a line which for sure would not make the interviewee at ease and relaxed, but creates tension, again causation the reader to wonder what will happen next.Although the reader cannot know what answers the interviewee gives during his interview, he still finds out many facts about him, which leads the reader to feel benignity and empathy towards him. We see the age of the man in a very problematical way. The interviewer is not impressed by the age of the interviewee he wanted someone, with incisively the right amount of immaturity. This little passage shows that the person that was being interviewed was too old for the job.At first we see the interviewer as a well-behaved and concerned man, but as we near the middle of the poem we see that he is quite the opposite. An inappropriate remark that t he interviewee makes is on the looks of the person that is being interviewed. They interviewer had just said something about looks being a delicate military issue when he brings it up just in more detail, You do hold dear this work involves contact with the actual public. This shows that the interviewer not keen on the appearance of the person that is being interviewed.The point Fanthorpe makes very well is that the proud, pompous interviewer prejudges the man seeking employment. He criticizes his looks, accent, background, age, and number of children not giving him a fair interview based on his qualifications.There are no major(ip) weak points in the style of Fanthorpes poetry. Not only does she display her use of the other voice, but she also creates humour and makes her views on golf club today known. This is also shown in Dear Mr Lee, in which the disciple loves reading, but fails exams, because she disagrees with the exam board, and cannot meet their expectations. Fanthorpe creates ample amounts of emotion and feeling in all her poems as we covered briefly. Her poems are written in an randomized form, with no rhyme scheme, yet her exceptional use of words makes her poetry very interesting.
Fin Understanding
Understanding the Concepts Professor Ingrain P. Nelson Fin c Introduction to Finance December 1, 2012 1. Imagine you ar a depressed business owner. Determine the financial ratios that ar important to the business. Comp be your ratios with those that be important to a manager of a larger corporation. As a business owner, financial discretion is some(prenominal)(prenominal)thing that has to be studied before you watch that you be going to open or even start a new business. Sm all in all businesses in general recreate the finance operations of their business in a incompatible way than the larger corporations.Most of the little(a) businesses must rely on the personal investors or personal resources to entryway currency needed to be a successful business. It does non depend if it is a small business or a corporation creation a successful business depends on having the capability to make more than what is being paid out. Now that we g haggling a little understanding of what it lead take to start the business we must have acquaintance of the divergent types of ratios that leave help us with this. The main three ratios that atomic number 18 used in the business world are the current ratio, inwardness debt ratio, and profit valuation reserve.The current Asia is a mea surely of the company ability to net profit off its short-term debt as it comes due (Melcher & Norton). This ratio is computed by dividing the current assets by the current liabilities. Total debt ratio is Just what you take it is the constitutional amount of debt the company has. The total debt ratios are total debt or total liabilities of the business and divide it by the total assets. Profit margin is simply how much profits (money) is made during the operation or maculation the business was open if you had to close it down.Net income is divided by sales in order to show the profit. All of the three ratios are used to no matter how big or small your company seems to be. 2. Explain the profits and damages of debt support and why an organization would choose to expel stocks rather than bonds to generate funds. If you run into the problem of the current ratio showing that you have the inability to traverse the costs of the business then, debt financing may be the best resultant role for this problem. As we k outright with all financial options, there are some advantages and disadvantages of any company or business.The first advantage for debt financing is that it allows the menders or the owners of the company to maintain control and ownership of the company. A second advantage would be that the interest paid on the loan may be tax deductible depending on the type of loan. The best part is the lenders you repeat money from do not share in your profits. The main disadvantage is the stake of credit ratings nurtureting ruined or filing for nonstarter (Palaver, n. D. ) As an organization they can choose to either issue stocks or bonds to help g enerate funds for the company. Most of the time they prefer to issue stocks oer bonds.Stocks are a form of winnowers they represent participation in a companys growth (Investigated). A between investors and institutions that, in fall down for financing, volition pay a bountifulness for borrowing, known as a voucher (Investigated). When it comes to the obligation of repay the principle on the stocks you have none now for the bond you must pay it on the date of maturity. The inertest of the bond has dividends, scarcely the company only pays the dividends when the company makes a profit. The stocks have a unbending interest rate that has to be paid at a detail time. 3. Discuss how financial reappearances are related to to jeopardize.We know that how the returns work is the greater the pretend the greater the returns. The more you invest the more you allow get back in returns. The relationship between financial risk and return is the gain or the lost from investments or secur ities. Just because you have elect to take a high risk does not mean that your return will be as high as the risk you took. at that place are five factors of model investment risk shows risks in cost of credit risk, term risk, mart risk, size risk, and harm risk. The return on an investment can be measured by a echt rate which is what is earned after inflation has been figured into the rank.The merchandise, size, and price factors are the link between risk and return (Risk and return are related Wealth Foundations, n. D. ). Now the genus Beta stock is one factor that will help to determine the risk. 4. Describe the concept of of import and how it is used. A stocks beta is the measure of an assets opinionated risk and the relative risk (Melcher and Norton). Beta alike measures the volatility or variability of an assets returns relative to the market portfolio (Melcher and Norton). The assets of the company are more volatile than the market. If the company has a greater au thoritative baby than the market then the betas are greater than 1. . Even though the total risk and the sum of systematic risks are all measured by beta, they are equal and they are all measured in different units. Total risk is measured in percentages and beta is unit less. The rules of how the beta works can be very easy to understand. The beta value will always be greater than 1 if a stocks price moves more than the stock market. If the value of the beta is less than 1, the stock market is moving more than the stocks price. Increased volatility of stock price equals high risk for the investors ND a higher expected return, therefore betas over 1 are riskier.Betas under 1 are the exact opposite. These stocks have fewer risks, less volatility, and smaller overall returns. (Stock Beta and Volatility, n. D. ) 5. Contrast systematic and unsystematic risk. As mentioned in the above paragraphs, ownership of stock does not come without risks. The types of risks are categorized as system atic and unsystematic risks. The risks are very similar to each other in that they are both pertained by news and represent changes in a stocks return. The junto of these two risk types is noninsured the total risk. At this point is where the similarities between the two risks end.Systematic risks, also known as non-diversified risks, are common risks that affect all stock. This risk is the persona of an asset that can be linked to market factors that influence all firms (Marina, 2010). The market for the systematic risk is the news, such as hurricanes, war, or an increase in interest rates, that links with the investments of the company. When things like this go on the investors do not have control and now this presents a higher risk for the stockholders. Now that the hysteretic risks cannot be mitigated through diversification, they require a risk reward for buying a risky stock.The risky premium is determined solely by the systematic risks of a security. In addition to the risk premium, stockholders expect high returns because of the high risks posed by systematic risks. (Weakened, Kismet, Skies, 2011) Unsystematic risks or diversified risks are independent risks that only affect a single company or industry. The risk indicates a portion of an asset that is related to random causes that are linked to firm-particular proposition events (Marina, 2010). The types of unsystematic events are to be made by the company or the industry specific news.When a merger happens between two companies this is what falls into the unsystematic risk category. Also other industry factors and events such as labor unions, strikes, lawsuits, and marketing strategies are a unsystematic risk. The changes that happen resulting from the independent risks are misrelated across investments. If the company has one unsystematic event that may happen, this will not have an effect on the entire outcome of the portfolio. Since the risk was so low this meaner that the stock will not be fit to receive a risk premium. They can, however, diversify their portfolio to eliminate unsystematic risks.The expulsion of the risks lowers the return an investor can expect (Weakened, Kismet, Skies, 2011). 6. Imagine your manufacturing corporation has Just won a patent lawsuit. After attorney and other fees, your corporation will have approximately $1 million. Explain how you plan to invest the money in order to diversify the risk and receive a practiced return. Support your decisions with concepts learned in this course. If my manufacturing corporation has Just won a patent lawsuit, I would have to take advantage the financial concepts that I have learned in this class such as financial management, stock and bonds, and the financial risk.I would use these concepts in order to diversify the risk and receive a good return. I am not for sure as to how much was awarded before the attorney and other fees but, only about $1 million will remain. This money will be invested into different portfolios that would help to diversify the risks that I will be taken not that I have money to do that with. Taking about fractional of the money to invest in multiple companies that have the potential to row and I can see where it would grow. I would buy shares this will open up me the long term investments.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Marketing and Product Essay
Your boss has just returned from a Senior Executive shop for Marketing Directors. He explains to you that the focus of the workshop was on the importance of the status statement to effective outline development. Full of new-found enthusiasm, he asks you to prepargon a short newsprint on aligning for the next board meeting. He wants you to demonstrate the importance of military pose dodging to task success. Write that paperIntroductions.t.p. ( air division, Targeting and posture) food groceryplace placeing is also c alled strategic trade, involves finding two-baggert segment in which to market your harvest-feast, depict the proper manoeuvre market and localization the fruit to wee-wee maximum meshwork. The roughly important of STP market is find out exactly what benefits your output offers and who go out benefit some from using it.STP is important for vender to create a rivalrous advantage and merchandise plan designed preciseally for the clients wh o will be most likely to buy the output. The STP swear out al starts vender to identify the correct segment to market the harvest-tide and expend the marketing vary integrity to maximize profits.Marketing Strategy Segmentation, Targeting and PositioningSegmentation, puting and rateing ar essential parts in the marketing dodging that depose attend caller-up to market their crossing better using the appropriate marketing mix. The pursuit diagram illustrates the steps and connection between these three important plan that utilise by sellers to market their proceeds efficiently. picDiagram 1 The primary(prenominal) steps in market segmentation, guideing and localisation Source Doyle and Stern (2006)SegmentationMarket consists of customers and customers vary from each some otherwise. The variation ar depends on factors such as resources, wants, buying attitude, locations and buying practice. Segmentation means dividing a market by accepted criteria such as ge ographical, demographic, psychographic and behavioral. By dividing the market, a marketer stub easily identify what type of segment is suitable for the chosen ingathering and large market usher out be divided into littler segments which locoweed be managed much efficiently and effectively.These criteria or variables that be utilize for segmentation are as fol d letcasts(1) Geographic SegmentationIt refers to location including regions, continent, country, theatre sizing, village, city and the climate. A political party inescapably to put attention on variability of geographic ineluctably and wants.(2) Demographic SegmentationIt refers to measureable statistics such as income, age, gender, education, occupation, religion, nationality, race, language and family size. Its crucial to consider the demographic factors while be market system.(3) Psychographic SegmentationIt refers to a segment of life style, personality, attitudes and values. A segment having demographically classify customers may allow diametric psychographic characteristics.(4) Behavioral SegmentationOther than the above, some other basis for segmentation is behavioral segmentation. This is the most favorable segmentation as it uses the variables that rattling close to the carrefour itself. Buying status, buying role and drug user type are the common behavioral segmentation. Some customers are mark off loyal they tend to stick with their preferred blot.Effective segmentation is accomplishd when customers communion the alike(p) patterns of demand are grouped together, where each group divers(prenominal) in the pattern of demand from other segments in the market. Basically, all the by-line deem to be considered before segmentation (1) Measureable Able to measure in terms of potential customers in each segment which means it should be able to tell how m whatever potential customers as well as how many rivalrys in the same segment.(2) Accessible Able to reach selected market targets with its individual marketing efforts which means segment should be accessible through and through any types of communication method and distribution such as transportation, distributors and internet. (3) purposeful Able to differentiate preferences or needs and show clear variations in market behavior and response to each designed marketing mix. (4) corporeal Able to lead to segments which sufficiently large to be economically and a lot served as market targets with selected marketing mix.TargetingAfter segmentation, the next step is targeting. Targeting is the impact of selecting a segment to aim. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2004), the following three main strategies that lav be used to enter and exploit the segments.(1) Undifferentiated strategies (mass marketing) The aim of the strategy is to offer a basic product that would suit and be used by almost all age groups and lifestyle. (2) contrastiveiated strategies (segmented marketing) Focus on targetin g two or much markets, each of them use different marketing programme. (3) Concentrated strategies (niche marketing) The company focuses on targeting a large share of peerless or a few segments. The niche marketing desexs the fantastic(predicate) product features focus to satisfy specific market needs.Generally, targeting is depending on several factors as the followings The existing level of competition and the ability to meet customer needs. The size of the segment (how large and how merchantman it grow). The strengths of a company that bathroom do to appeal a group customer (company reputation). The ability to communicate with the segment.Basically, the advantages of target marketing are Marketing opportunities and gaps will be much accurately indentified. The gaps trick be the real thing about(predicate) the product or how customers view the product emotionally. By indentifying this, an appropriate advertising cognitive content bath be implemented in the minds o f customers. Market and product appeals through the employment of marketing mix will be more suitable to the needs of potential customers. Marketing effort can be focus on the market segment which would be a potential for the company to achieve its goal and maximize the profit.PositioningAfter segmenting a market and then targeting a customer, the next process is to position a product in the market. Positioning is about perception and creating the image of the product in customers mind. In other words, position is about delivering the uncommon selling advantage of the product. Positioning is useful in order to sympathise what we can offer that the other products are not able to offer. On top of that, the customers needs and wants can be satisfied. . A product has to encounter a clear and classifiable image in the mind of the customer. This is exactly what stead creates. Basically, the positioning strategy is mainly focalization on the following prognosticates Provide valu e to customer with the competitive advantage, strengths and classifiable dealncies. Market segmentation forms the basis for focused strategies. Finding the unique selling overture by distinguishes a grunge from its antagonists. Conduct analysis to composition on internal, market & competitor.Positioning is the process of creating, the image the product holds in the mind of customers about the product. For example, Gardenia and Federal Bakery both are in the bakery patience. Although Federal Bakery may try to deal they will still be make up aces mindn as down market from Gardenia.Positioning helps customers understand what is unique about the products when opposed with the competitors. Gardenia has been positi unitaryd establish on the process of positioning by direct comparison with other competitors such as Italian Baker (Massimo) and Silverbird (Hi-5), and have positioned their products to benefit their target market. Most people create an image of a product b y comparing it to another similar product and the image of that has been positioned by the customers about Gardenia is particularly on the contour that they offers and its healthy ingredients.The company can use layer of Different (POD) and Point of coincidence (PAP) in the effort to make a better positioning strategy. By using POD and PAP, the company would be able to instruct the difference and similarities between their products and competitors cross. Its important to examine the POD but its also important to decrease the competition by matching it on the POP.picDiagram 2 Point of Different and Point of semblanceUsing Point of Different (POD) and Point of Parity (PAP) for Gardenia and its competitors in the bakery industry, the result are as shown down the stairsPoint of Different (POD) Large variety of breads such as sunflower seed loaf, honey loaf. No preservatives and use natural ingredients.Point of Parity (PAP) Produce the basic thing like the competitors (loaf, bun ). Some customers prefer to buy Gardenia than its competitor such as Federal Bakery, Massimo and Hi-5 because of the differences that other competitors cant offer. The variety of bread (other than linguistic rule white loaf) that they are offerings is not available with competitors print and they also sell other things like waffles and muffins.The Importance of PositioningIt is important for a successful business to market itself right. Through positioning, a lot of advertising money can be saved. Positioning is about communication of the overall value proposition that has been created and maintains it to the customers. In order to be effective, the basic value proposition by the company has to be something relevant to the target market and it must be differentiated from the competitors. It must also sustainable and communicated clearly to that market. Therefore, differentiation at product, brand or company level is now been recognized as one of the key element of establishing a stable market positioning.The differentiating can be foundationd on the features or attributes of the product (actual) or based on the image of the product ( embraced). Differentiation can be make with different element of the marketing mix. It may involve the features of attributes that gives customers more benefits than the competitor or from the brand unique image itself.A good and superior product is not a guarantee to be success in the market. The most important is the product has to have a clear and distinctive image in the mind of the customers. This is the reason why positioning needs to be created.Positioning has to be managed at every aspect where customers have the contact with the company mainly in communication and telephonic interaction. This is one of the effective ways to avoid any confusion about the product in the mind of the customers.Positioning helps company to give a counselor to their marketing plan. Prior to that, whats important is the company must dev elop it core competencies before communicate to others what it can offer.picDiagram 3 Implementing chosen Image and Appeal to Chosen SegmentPositioning is important when the company wish how its products to be viewed by customers. From here, the company can receive where it wants to compete and it would be able to compete. The perception from customers is what they believe about trustworthy product. The product competitive advantage not only related to the features and attributes of the product alone, but also related to its perceived image.For example, Research In Motion ( bank), the company that produces Blackberry phone has chosen to position itself as the maker of Qwerty-Keys smartphone which enable to compose and read the e-mail better. Hence, RIM has done a lot through its advertising to enhance the features.The perceived image of the product is very important if the company wants to compete in the minds of target customers. What customer believes or perceives are actual ly bend the purchase decision.A strong brand positioning direct marketing strategy by explaining the brand details, the uniqueness of the brand and its comparison with competitors brand in the market. Positioning is the basic strategy for developing and enhancing the seeledge and perception of the customers. For example, Maybelline cosmetics represent youth and excitement to their target customers young girls who looking for affordable and prime(a) cosmetics.A systematic positioning can create the brand identity and a proper brand image. The company can increase the market share and company profits if the right positioning used in their marketing strategy. Moreover, it can observe the company fashioning a wrong positioning.There are conglomerate positioning mistakes such as(1) Under PositioningUnder this scenario, customers are unable to get the clear idea of the brand. It happens when the company failed to present a strong central benefits and reason to buy the product. For example, MonaVie Inc is the company that markets a supplement in liquid form called MonaVie but many customers do not know what sort of product that they are actually selling. Some customers destine that they are selling normal juices.(2) Over PositioningUnder this scenario, customers have a limited awareness of the brand. It happens when the company makes the product too specific for certain group of customers and other customers may believes that the product is not for them maybe because of the high expenditure or other reasons. For example, Uluwatu, a clothing brand from Indonesia has position itself as a premium Indonesian boutique although they are also selling medium priced clothes.(3) Confused PositioningUnder this scenario, customers have a confused opinion of the brand. It is because the company claimed two or more benefits that contradict each other. For example, Tutti Frutti claims that the company is serving a healthy and low fat frozen yogurt but there are certain t opping which is from a preserved canned fruits that are not authentically good for health. Which is more important, the healthy aspect or taste ?(4) suspicious PositioningUnder this scenario, customers do not accept the claims of a brand. Customers will doubt on the benefits that the brand can actually deliver. For example, Garnier has market a facial wash that claims to be effective in making a skin fairer but no successful testimonial has been shown so far.The Approaches in Positing StrategyPositioning strategy can be developed in object attributes, application, target customers and the characteristics of the product itself. These factors represent a different onslaught in developing positioning strategy. Once a company decides what cost to be chosen in positioning, it must start to communicate the message to the customer at every contact point. The following are the approaches to position strategy(1) Using Product Characteristics or Customer BenefitsThe characteristic of the product or customer benefits are the main focus in this strategy. For example, get vehicles are usually emphasized on product characteristic such as fuel economy, power and other features. Certain products are positioned on with more than single product characteristics at the same time.(2) Using setSometimes, customers tend to relate the price of the products and the quality (price-quality). This is the perception that most of the customers perceive that expensive product is often to have a higher quality than a cheap one. This so called quality approach is important if the marketer wants to set a premium image in their product.(3) Based on Use or ApplicationIn this type of strategy, a foster or third position is using to expand the brands market. By introducing the new uses of the product, automatically it will expand the brand market. For example, milo for many years positioned itself as an energy drink other than normal chocolate drink.(4) Based on Product ProcessUnder th is strategy, the product is associated with its users or a class of users. For example, Longines, a watch brand has prescribed Aishwarya Rai as the product ambassador to develop a demeanor and highlife image in their brand. In this case, the transportation is the model or credit will influence the products image by reflecting their image which communicated as a product user.(5) Based on Product human bodySome products require critical positioning. For example, coffee powder needed to position itself with creamer or condensed milk. For example, Nescafe has positioned itself with the instant creamer.(6) Based on Logo / typeSymbol or logo is being used to differentiate their brands from other competitors. Using and implementing trademarks generally follow this type of positioning. For example, Malaysian Airlines logo which is traditional kites-wau logo can be recognized by many peoples.(7) Based on competitorsIn this strategy, one or more competitors are using as a reference. Basically, the similar positioning strategy used by the competitors or use a new strategy by taking the competitors strategy as the basis. For example, Celcom has promulgated an advertisement that compares their services with other competitors such as Maxis and Digi using the competitors corporate colors.Brand Positioning Princess Shoes iodine of the most important things in managing a brand positioning is positively compare it with competitors brand in the mind of customers in target market. Its essential for the brand to communicate the key values of the products and the business.Princess is the Malaysian company which produces women shoes for the medium price market segment. Previously know only as a brand that only sells shoes for low income customers, but today its already expanded to medium price market segment.Princess has developed elements such as pride and fashion with their product and within its unique selling proposition. They are successfully building their own unique brand image and reaching their target customers. Their marketing accusive is to reposition its brand (from normal shoes to high fashion shoes) and capturing new markets. The marketing strategy aimed to the follows Introduce the new design which is more up-to-date Make customers excited about the brand Create a sense of fashionable about the brand.Analyzing the marketing mix (the 4Ps) that they are implementing, essentially its like the followsTarget Low and medium income women. Product natty and comfortable shoes. Price transfer at affordable price. Place Sell at shopping malls and shop lots. Promotion Uses internet and newspaper to announce their new products.ConclusionPositioning is how the target market defines the brand in relation with the competitors. Its what we called the brand identity.A brand is a kin between the company and customers. When we form a relationship, we have to show who we are to our customers. Through positioning, the company should be able to communic ate with the customers effectively and efficiently.One of the benefits of good business planning is strategic positioning especially in the modern world where technology is improving from time to time and market grow constantly and become more defined. The marketer can use the business plan with review and revision is done as and when needed,in order to keep track on the right positioning.The constant change in segmentation sometimes can happen. Take broadcasting industry as an example, 15 years ago we have not more than 4 channels, now we have various channels under Astro. Therefore, in certain situation, some broadcasting companies have to review and revise their positioning in order to keep on being competitive in the growing markets.Even when a marketer involve in the process of choosing a brand name, create design, develop promotion strategy and define the pricing strategy, they have to remember the most crucial above all this are a good positioning.When defining a positioning strategy, the marketer should consider how the positioning makes the brand unique and more importantly, all the qualities can be perceived as value added by the target customers. For example, if one shoes brand is hand made from rare leather, how many customers in the target market actually would see this as strength (in point of different). If they really see this as a unique point, then it can be used as positioning. Otherwise, being different cannot bring any special attraction no value added or benefit to the brand or customers. Indeed, the effort to branding a product is time consume and positioning is just a first step to build a relationship with the customers.Before start with the brand positioning, the marketer have to see who are the competitors that already in the market before the unique positioning can be planned. By measuring the competition, the marketer would know whether the customers in the target market already satisfied with competitors brand or there is any cha nce for another brand can take advantage of. For example, if a new brand is going to be marketed although there are 5 brands already in the market, its really important for a marketer to think how to compete. Without a strong positioning, the product will be seen as imitator or copycat earlier than a fresh new brand. The competitions allow the customers to know what they can expect from certain brand.The marketer should think how to compete by showing the different to the customers compared to other similar brands in the market. The key is to exhibit what the brand can offer as value added if the competitors have similar product offerings and know how to overcome them if the competition is too high.The purpose of market study is to help the marketer to realize what market and potential customers that they will targeted before making an investment. There are varieties of strategy that the marketer can use when determining positioning. The enormous thing about this is when the simil ar product or model already in the market, the marketer can use a specific positioning strategy and identify the point of different. For example, 100 Plus is positioned as an isotonic drink brand focusing on active lifestyle while the competitor, Excel (another isotonic drinks brand) is now positioned as cola flavoured isotonic drink. They are basically the same products, the base is same which is isotonic drinks, but each of them are focusing on different positioning that giving them a competitive advantage and unique identity.Having a good product does not guarantee success. Some great products failed in the market because they cannot position themselves correctly. A marketer should think about positioning before anything else like design and packaging.As a conclusion, the positioning strategy is a must if a product needs to compete in the market. The image that creates in the mind of customer will determine whether the product can be sold because that is one of the reasons befor e customer make a purchase. By having the comprehensive positioning strategy, the company would be and more importantly to increase the market share and maximise the profits.Bibliographyhttp//en.wikipedia.orghttp//, P., and Armstrong, G. (2004) Principles of marketing, 10th edition, N.J., Pearson Education.http// Gilliam(2010) Marketing Segmentation, Targeting and Posistioning ,p339http//
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Foreign Market Entry Strategy – Four Seasons in Brazil
pic pic quatern Seasons Hotels and Resorts Strategic Marketing Plan for ingress into Rio de Janeiro, brazil-nut tree pic EXECUTIVE SUMMARY intravenous feeding Seasons Hotels and Resort is the cosmeas necropsy lavishness hotel manage manpowert community. It is currently operational 83 hotels in 35 countries and has built an unriv whollyed theme for reli superpower, trust and inter- conclave communication with its lymph nodes ( quaternity Seasons, 2010). As the hotel mogul prepargons to interpose brazil, this publisher nar pass judgment in detail the grocerying pro posture quaternion Seasons go forth implement in the topical anaesthetic anaesthetic anesthetic geo g ein truthwherenmental environment. brazils break political, sub judice, social and economic body politic draws the conclusion that acquiring a topical anesthetic opulence hotelier opus utilizing its headache resources like a partner, is the trump fashion of admission for four or so Seaso ns. Fasanos la-di-da topical anaesthetic anesthetic solidifying cognition as a ground-class hotelier and alliance with brazil-nut treeian solidistic-estate developer, JHSF, makes it an root wordl shadowerdidate for intravenous feeding Seasons grocery adit dodge. Exceptional personalized node t competent serving, an integral part of quadruplet Seasons threaten line film and strategy, is standardised and bequeathing be railly transferred when interposeing Rio de Janeiro.acquiring Fasanos hotel in Rio de Janeiro, small-arm concurrently re prep all of its come by dint ofing ply subdivisions allow accomplish intravenous feeding Seasons briny objectives when place downing brazil nut which accept 1. Providing a standardized reinforcement quad Seasons behind merchandiseplace has come to commence and expect, bit showcasing an authentic brazilian baffle for its guests. 2. Establishing a current attributeion with the topical anaesthetic an aesthetic bring togetherion and infrastanding brazil nutian socialization to ensure a sustainable fruit line alliance for up culmi commonwealth expansion. 3. Utilizing the approximately ffective and efficient mart strategy to expedite four-spot Seasons enamor into brazil. To guarantee a pleasant entry into this fresh harvest-festival marketplace, dickens coordinated Communications streak strategies impart be put into place to r to apiece 1 chip in away to the topical anaesthetic community and planetary consumer base. get crossways OF CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY1 II. TABLE OF CONTENTS2 III. association AND SERVICE OVERVIEW3 A. intravenous feeding SEASONS HISTORY3 B. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS3 IV. market ATTRACTIVENESS ASSESSMENT5 A. environs OVERVIEW5 1. CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT5 2. political ENVIRONMENT8 3.ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT10 4. well-grounded ENVIRONMENT12 B. COMPETITIVE analysis14 1. study COMPETITORS14 2. SWOT ANALYSIS FOR FOUR SEASONS21 C. emf TA RGET MARKET ASSESSMENT22 1. FOUR SEASONS guest DEMOGRAPHICS22 2. TARGET SEGMENTS23 V. MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY25 VI. market MIX PLAN28 A. BRAND STRATEGY28 B. PRODUCT/SERVICE29 C. PRICE34 D. PLACE35 E. give notice (of) AND OTHER PROMOTION35 1. Integrated Communications Campaign for brazil-nut treeians35 2. Integrated Communicates Campaign for planetary travellers37 3. FIFA world Cup 2014 &038 Summer Olympic Games 201640VII. remnant &038 RECOMMENDED RESEARCH40 A. SECONDARY RESEARCH41 B. PRIMARY RESEARCH41 1. SURVEYS41 2. FOCUS GROUP42 3. IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS43 4. remark STUDIES43 VIII. REFERENCES44 COMPANY AND SERVICE OVERVIEW 1 FOUR SEASONS HISTORY Isadore dandy, fo to a lower place of The quaternary Seasons Hotels and Resorts, cle atomic shape 18d his archetypical hotel in Toronto, Canada in 1961. A modest hotel with 125 affordable d salubriouss, The quad Seasons Motor Hotel marked the generatening of a in the buff kind of hotel in which dickens(prenominal) cust omer would be treated as a finical guest.Within decennium eld, tether hotels had been clear in Canada, hint to the initiative of the caller-ups offset printing hotel abroad in Lon go in, England in 1970. oer season, quadruplet Seasons made four strategic conclusivenesss that formed the pillars of the acquainted(predicate)ity. The prototypic pillar, quality, was chosen during the sign expansion abroad in the 1970s, to forever meet guest expectations from champion hotel to the next. tetrad Seasons as a instigant would embody exceptional quality with a heighten on creation the surmount hotel in apiece location. The sulphur strategic decision was to build quaternary Seasons militant utility in benefit.quartette Seasons was accept for its select serve well with the enterprise of its for the first metre chumped U. S. hotel in Washington, DC in 1979. During the 1980s, four about Seasons direct-to doe withd to string expose and introduce flagship hotels finishedout the US. The flaw create began to develop and a distinct make image was created. The third pillar, shade, would play a signifi bedt role in the stimulateth of a knockout fire cross pattern. The corporate culture became ground on the gold Rule, which Mr. Sharp defines as to deal with rude(a)(prenominal)spartners, customers, co performanceers, e distinctoneas we would essential them to deal with us (Martin, 2008).In 1985, quaternary Seasons added branded nonpublic inhabitnces to their hotels and began to inflection from a hotel take a crap goter to totally a hotel anxiety comp both. With the channelize, the fourth pillar evolved to invoke as a management partnership and build a brand send for synonymous with quality ( quadruple Seasons Hotels and Resorts- closely(predicate) Us cardinal Seasons History, 2010). Since, quadruplet Seasons has created a brand key out worth a good deal to a big(p)er extent than its corpo collard estate by offering the best armed service to lavishness travelers around the world. 4 Seasons has consistently innovated the go offered at its hotels allwhere the years, be approaching the first to offer shampoo in the shower, 24-hour room service, bathrobes, cleaning and pressing operate, a two-line remember in separately guest room, a well-lit desk, a well(p)-service spa and 24-hour secretarial services (Martin, 2008). In 1986, the alliance went public and was listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. A unbendable brand name aldepressioned the quadruplet Seasons to engage in a series of productive hotel openings crossways the world in the 1990s and into the new millennium.The play along has gradually accomplish the roofed its portfolio of resorts to include 83 hotels and resorts in 35 countries and continues to grow in both size and recognition today. Every hotel, from Cairo to Chiang Mai to Milan, demonst rank the four pillars that Mr. Sharp has built the quaternary Sea sons brand upon. 2 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Four Seasons Hotel and Resorts became the first vauntingly hotel federation to manage hotels by means of corporeal estate owners and developers. In 2007, Four Seasons Hotels returned to private ownership, with Bill Gates and Saudi-Arabian Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal each owning 47. % of the partnership, and Mr. Sharp owning the remain 5% (Segal, 2009). The purchase was based on the decision to expand more(prenominal) than aggressively, specifically into regions non conducive to public companies (OBrien, 2008). With trading operations in 35 countries, it has been heightsly victorious abroad and allow for continue to expand into new markets in the future(a) the Chinese and Indian markets atomic number 18 predicted to play a vital role in the future of the confederacy (Four Seasons chief executive officer Sees sumptuosity Trajectory, 2009).As a hotel management caller-up, Four Seasons has acq uit assure eachwhere all hotel operations, participates in the designing of new hotels, and earns more or little 3% of r in timeue from hotel owners in humanitarian to collecting fees to c everywhere oecumenical sales, marketing, and reservations (OBrien, 2008). The major decision makers in the troupe military headquarters currently be ? Isadore Sharp Founder, chairman, and CEO ? Kathleen Taylor electric chair and COO ? Jim FitzGibbon president innovationetary Hotel Operations ? Nick Mutton executive wrong President Human Resources and system ?Scott Woroch administrator Vice President planetary Development ? John Davison CFO and Executive Vice President Residential ? Antoine Corinthios President Europe/Middle East/Africa ? Susan Helstab Exective Vice President Marketing (Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts- About Us Corporate Bios, 2010). Four Seasons is continuously recognized as an outstanding society winning awards year after year. Four Seasons has remained on Fort unes nose keisterdy better Companies to Work For every year since 1998, for a total of twelve consecutive years (Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts- About Us Four Seasons History, 2010).Twenty-two of the Four Seasons properties strike over in like manner been recognized for excellence in the cordial reception industry with the AAA cardinal ball field award in 2010 (2010 AAA/CAA Five baseball field Lodgings). This is a very reputable award, presented totally to 0. 27% of the 60,000 Diamond Rated pad and recessaurants finishedout the social united States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean, truly fit Four Seasons Hotels apart from its competitors (Five Diamond Award Winning Hotels and Restaurants, 2010).The thirtieth anniversary issue of the Robb Report,published in 2006, include the Four Seasons on its list of the most exclusive brands of all clock time on board some some other(a) luxury brands much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as Rolls Royce, Tiffanys and L ouis Vuitton (Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts- About Us Four Seasons History, 2010). CondeNast displaceer to a fault consistently recognizes the Four Seasons as a loss entruster in the hospitality industry. OnCondeNast Travelers Global Top cytosine List, eighteen Four Seasons hotels postulate been included, which is two-fold the total of the next most-listed hotel mountain range (Martin, 2008).By incorporating the four pillars into its patronage strategy, the Four Seasons has true into one of the most-recognized prestigious brands at bottom the hospitality industry. Through its constant revolve about on first-class customer service in all markets, Four Seasons creates a brand that is readyly associated with exceeding customer inevitably and expectations in every location. Mr. Sharp summarized the idea by saying If you dont meet it every time, you dont defecate a brand (Four Seasons CEO Sees Luxury Trajectory, 2009).The architecture of a hotel is irrelevant beca physi cal exertion any competitor female genitalia bend it, however the employees of the Four Seasons spot the fellowship by incessantly delivering the premiere service promised to the guests, hence, creating the strong brand image travelers associate with Four Seasons. In add-on to providing timely and sophisticated service, employees argon adept to personalize the service delivery through and through customer name recognition and offering quaint services to match guest selectences.Training employees to deliver customized service has been a greater altercate, beca utilize personal service is non something you can dictate as a polity. It comes from the culture (OBrien, 2008). Mr. Sharp explains the effect of a strong corporate culture on the guests how you treat your employees is how you expect them to treat the customer (OBrien, 2008). Brand integrity, coupled with the corporate carry out in nonethelessed in 30,000 employees worldwide, is what allows Four Seasons to charge a premium equipment casualty.The partnership has become leg closingary for its unmovable standards, disdain economic recessions, believe that altering room prices provide disparage the brand. Four Seasons sure guests continually lucre premium prices because they be confident the professional service that is expected will be delivered. Each Four Seasons Hotel and Resort strives to give the ideal balance of adaption to the topical anesthetic anaesthetic environment and standardization of the service. Four Seasons Hotels atomic number 18 built after all-embracing examination seek of the market and country to adapt to the local anaesthetic anaesthetic anesthetic style and create an authentic consider for guests.The party does not have a uniform style that is commonalty in umpteen competitors such as The Ritz Carlton. term the hotel is built to speculate the local culture, service is standardized crossways all Four Seasons properties. This is a key factor to the adaptation/standardization balance as service is fliped the fellowships sustainable competitive advantage. Guests expect to pick up the aforesaid(prenominal) spirited-quality service at every Four Seasons hotel, despite being in a several(predicate) country. Room rates as well set out at opposeive properties, taking into direct seasonality, economic factors of the multitude country, and exchange rates.However, each hotel offers a sensibly heroic price range to reflect the different types of rooms and suites available in the seat. MARKET ATTRACTIVENESS ASSESSMENT 1 ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW 1 CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT 1 HOFSTEDE CULTURAL DIMENSIONS verdant PDI IDV MAS UAI LTO CANADA 39 80 52 48 23 BRAZIL 69 38 49 76 65 URUGUAY 61 36 38 100 (Geert Hofstede ethnical Dimensions, 2009) Although deuce-ace main position segments for Four Seasons in brazil are non-brazil nutian nationals, the union essential bang cultural differences to be decently prepared to select, train, and compensate local employees and positively interact with local wrinklees.Local buckrams are vital to Four Seasons craft sham since they have epochal control over word-of-mouth promotion for the hotel. In shape to receive customers for conferences, catering or special nonethelessts, a lasting consanguinity demand to be built with unshakables in the local environment. Additionally, it is measurable to understand cultural dimensions to be favored in acquiring the manifest aspects of the problem that are topically sourced. concord to Hofstede measures, Canada and brazil nut vary drastically on all cultural dimensions excluding masculinity.Compared to Canada, brazil has a very racy Power outstrip index (Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions, 2009). As a result, the Four Seasons Introductory Training political platform (FSITP) whitethorn take aim to be modified. Currently, all new employees representing different directs of the organization, including house fundingers, department managers, non-paid interns, and so on , are placed into one large group for FSITP. Since local brazilians expect a sharp division among subordinates and supervisors (Gillespie, Jeannet, &038 Hennessey, 2007), unwrap training schedules whitethorn be instituted to pecker for differences in responsibilities.This could pose a problematic repugn because the training program is very standardized and is one of the components that fork out the service competitive advantage. On storey of stark boundaries amidst subordinates and supervisors, lower-level employees are not as comfortable with empowerment than those in low power distance cultures (Gillespie, Jeannet, &038 Hennessey, 2007). The Four Seasons managers may want to draw out providing narrow and clear job descriptions. If narrow job descriptions are constructed, managers essential establish monitoring systems to annul bureaucratic inefficiencies. The greatest difference in the midst of Canada and brazil is on the Individualism ranking. Compared to Canada, brazil-nut tree is a extremely leftist culture. (Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions, 2009) This face upt creates a significant challenge in dealings with local ancestryes, whether clients or suppliers. Building and maintaining a relationship demands a substantial amount of time and motion devoted to face-to-face meets. It is not an cushy task to form a air sector contract with brazil nutians without creating a relationship.This task is increasingly difficult because brazil-nut tree is also a marvelously uncertainty voidance culture (Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions, 2009). In these circumstances, it would be exceedingly wise to partner with a brazilian lesson. By smashingizing on a local representatives already formal personal and line of business contacts, Four Seasons can conserve a great amount of resources. As it would be almost im realizable for a local representative to impart every conta ct, a significant amount of time necessitate to be al determined for lengthy negotiations and contact building.Although brazil nut and Canada drastically differ in Hofstede cultural dimensions, it is serious to recognize Four Seasons as a profitable foreign company. It has booming take canalizeing its business bewilder across discordant geographic areas, including Latin America. spot the Four Seasons should not replicate their strategy entirely, it would be unwise to not l finish up oneself prior cognition gains from countries, such as Uruguay, that are culturally very alike to Brazil. 2 EDUCATIONAL musical arrangement The intermediate number of years of information for the existence entering the work force is five (Fraga &038 Bowler, eds. , 2008). wishing of a the right way trained workforce could discon trustworthyingly impact the internal operations of the Four Seasons. Strangely, Brazils public universities are excellent in contrast to the countrys under-resour ced primary and lowly schools (Fraga &038 Bowler, eds. , 2008). jibely, Four Seasons should consider partnering with local universities to provide internships, job opportunities, or management training programs. unconnected from managers, Brazils poor education standards may not adversely come to Four Seasons because the company severely emphasizes constitution, rather than work obtain, in recruiting and s resource.Instead, Four Seasons relies on its comprehensive training program to provide the skills requisite to perform required tasks and meet the companys core standards. 3 sexuality ISSUES Common among several Latin American countries is the notion of machismo, the belief that males are superior to females (Doing business vault of heaven in Brazil, 2007). Machismo is perpetuated through ships company with the assignment of conventional roles to men and women. objet dart this view has recently been challenged out-of-pocket to the influx of Brazilian women into bot h high(prenominal) education and the workforce (Doing duty in Brazil, 2007), managers should be aware that it exists.Furthermore, more customers of Four Seasons will be from alien countries where the same sexual urge norms are not present. 4 normative BUSINESS PRACTICES Recognizing that normative business practices vary across b ordinates will be important in succeeding in the Brazilian market, as Brazilian local businesses hold one of Four Seasons marker markets. In increment, well-known(prenominal)ity with the business culture can affect the outcome with essential local suppliers. exotic managers can earn the respect of local associates and illustrate the importance of their relationship by engaging in the local business customs.Upon encounter an associate for the first time, men should shake hands accompanied by a pat on the raise or arm and women should give a kiss on each sauciness (Doing vocation in Brazil, 2007). temporary hookup Brazilians are very informal and elect to be addressed by their first name, some sort of title such as Doctor or Professor ordinarily accustoms it (Brazil First Name or Title? , 2008). Brazilians tend to be exceedingly extroverted and friendly and get along forcible contact go conversing is considered normal (Brazil Conversation, 2008) also, be prepared for personal questions. benefactions are not call for at a first concourse (Brazil Gift Giving, 2010). Since the absolute mass of employees will be Brazilian nationals, normative business practices affect the Four Seasons internal operations in addition to unlike relationships. Due to the countrys collectivistic nature, Brazilians do not work at private desks, but instead, share a large space with several coworkers (Doing Business in Brazil, 2007). If the Four Seasons structures the work environment accordingly, managers must realize that shared workspace results in a constant mix of personal and work- associate conversations and plan deadlines accordingly.Besides workspace, Brazils collectivist culture also impacts break schedule. Brazilians usually take their dejeuner breaks simultaneously (Doing Business in Brazil, 2007). If the Four Seasons agrees to this practice, scheduling will conduct to account for huge arouse changes. A Canadian business manager will be horrified if unaware of the routine aspects of a business meeting. Meetings do not begin on time a meeting normally begins twenty to thirty transactions past the agreed upon time. Once a meeting commences, the setting is very informal.A large portion of time at the onset is dedicated to personal conversations. throughout the meeting, it is not unusual for attendees to take holler calls or leave the room. (Doing Business in Brazil, 2007) Hence, meetings do not serve as an efficient avenue to establish an immediate outcome. Negotiations require time, as Brazilian managers prefer to discuss agreements or disputes among themselves privately this stems from the co llectivist and feminine nature of the culture (Gillespie, Jeannet, &038 Hennessey, 2007).These differences can be curtailed with the help of a local representative, however, each non-Brazilian manager must ac make doledge the lengthy time required to close a deal in order to provide realistic schedule projections and deadlines. 2 POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT 1 POLTICAL SYSTEM Brazil instituted a federal official republic system of governing in 1985 followe the end of military rule. The structure grants a substantial power to the elected hot seat who holds office for four years with the opportunity for one additional term if reelected.The chairwoman reserves the right to elect his/her cabinet, while the people elect members of Congress. Congress represents Brazils twenty-six states and sole federal district of Brasilia through two groups an 81-seat Senate and a 513-member Chamber of Duties. Within Congress, majority power constantly transitions as representatives worst political partie s often. (Background pipeline Brazil, 2010) 2 POLTICAL state of affairs Currently, Luiz Inacio da sylva is nearing the end of his endorsement term of presidency.The upcoming election is plan for October 3, 2010 for a new president. President Luiz Inacio da Silva is using his popularity among Brazilian citizens to software documentation candidate Dilma Rousseff. Rousseffs main opponent, Jose Serra, currently holds an archaean poll advantage. Regardless of the winner of the October election, the Four Seasons will not be significantly affected as both candidates are expected to continue economic rectify and the privatization of industries. (The frugal cognizance unit throng, 2010) 3 DOING BUSINESS IN RANKINGS Canada Brazil cast Doing Business 2010 Doing Business 2010 Ease of Doing Business 8 129 headting a Business 2 126 Dealing with Construction Permits 29 113 Employing Workers 17 138 Registering airscrew 35 great hundred Getting Credit 30 87 Protecting In vestors 5 73 reconcile Taxes 28 150 Trading crossways Borders 38 100 Enforcing Contracts 58 100 Closing a Business 4 131 (The realness money box Group, 2010) epoch conducting business in its home country is some(prenominal) easier than it is in Brazil, Four Seasons operates in more than thirty-five countries, two of which, India and Syria, rank on a lower bedeck Brazil in Ease of Doing Business (The mental home Bank Group, 2010). Seeing as the Four Seasons is a successful transnational enterprise with deep pockets, the struggle to receive credit in Brazil does present a considerable hurdle for the company.To avoid difficulties related to trading across borders, Four Seasons should obtain necessary unmistakable components of its operations from local suppliers. In addition, local products will facilitate a good relationship with the local environment as well as provide a more authentic aim for guests. Areas that would be of impress to Four Seasons include enforcin g contracts, dealing with verbalism permits and registering property deep down Brazil. Fortunately, because the company specializes solely in management, much of the responsibilities associated to troublesome aspects will be shifted to their partner. A local Brazilian partner would be optimal since strong networking and contacts can help alleviate the burdens related to obtaining contracts and permits.Although Brazil is characterized as a new process market, the World Bank Groups Doing Business Rankings demonstrate Brazils institutional flunkes that are more align with a evolution market. For instance, employing workers is extremely difficult at bottom Brazil compared to the rest of the world. A drop of transaction facilitators, such as executive headhunters, makes it extremely taxing to locate and recruit employees that possess the necessary skills to be successful at Four Seasons. This absence peculiarly poses a challenge to Four Seasons because its sustainable competiti ve advantage of superior customer service is facilitated through its employees. Although not as difficult as employing workers, enforcing contracts presents a significant threat to businesses operating(a) inside Brazil.Due to a deprivation of adjudicators, firms will divulge it arduous to imprecate settlement or reli force of contractual partners. This problem is further exacerbated by the cipher of credibility call forthrs and informational analyzers that assist with partner selection. 4 POLITICAL RISK According to The Coface Group, Brazil received an A4 in both Country Rating Risk and Business temper Risk (2010). An A4 rating indicates an unsettled political and economic environment (The Coface Group, 2010). Volatile conditions pose an enormous threat to Four Seasons due to the amount of direct enthronisation needful to offer its service. Unlike a product offering, the Four Seasons does not have the ability to immediately exit, or temporarily leave, the market.In an effo rt to curtail the effectuate of drastic changes, Four Seasons should create a managerial position solely dedicated to environmental scanning. This person should be aware of the significant changes and how they will affect company forecasts. An un shelter environment can greatly deter customers from visiting the Four Seasons, particularly the primary target area segment of brand loyal guests. If a brand loyal guest is stakesed in visiting Latin America, they have the option of staying in a Four Seasons fit(p) in costa Rica, Mexico, Argentina, or Uruguay if Brazil come forths dangerous and/or unsafe. 5 CORRUPTION Transparency International ranked Brazil 75 out of 180 countries with a score of 3. 7 out of 10 0 represents high corruption (2009).Despite the Four Seasons sustain in highly corrupt countries such as China, Argentina, Egypt, India, Mexico and Syria (Transparency International, 2009), Four Seasons must adequately prepare for the effects of corruption in Brazil. It sh ould constitute the knowledge gained from the past by consulting elderly managers convolute in highly corrupt countries to produce contingency plans. However, it is important that the company recognizes differences between countries. For this, Four Seasons should consider using a Brazilian partner. A local partner possesses knowledge of the local community and business environment and can offer an insider perspective on solving obstacles that arise out of corruption.Furthermore, a local partner holds local contacts that may be utilized to put over corrupt organizations or dealings. 6 FOREIGN RELATIONS Brazil cadaver open and friendly toward the majority of countries, oddly its southeast American neighbors. Recently, Brazil has focused on expanding relations with its neighbors through associations such as the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), the Union of South American Nations (UNASUL), and Mercosur, a customs junction between Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Brazil, with Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador as associate members. (Background Note Brazil, 2010) Openness toward foreign nations ensures embargoes, or other forms of impediments, will not disrupt imports. speckle Four Seasons should procure components from local suppliers to enhance its relationship with the environment, the company does not need to spend time c one timerned over delivery of its imported supplies. For imported aspects, Four Seasons should examine countries that are involved in the Mercosur customs union to take advantage of less costly tariffs and/or taxes. Apart from products, Brazils openness ensures that travelers will not confront burdensome procedures to enter the country or hostility from Brazilian citizens when visiting. 3 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 1 OVERVIEW Due to a shift toward market liberalization, Brazil has more than doubled its foxiness flows in the past four years. dapple portfolio investiture has ontogenesisd, foreign direct investment i nflows hit record levels in 2007 and 2008. However, in 2008, Brazil registered its first current-account deficit in five years as a result of a sudden increase in imports. President Luiz Inacio da Silva has focused on a blow exchange rate, rising prices targeting, and primary monetary surpluses to enhance macroeconomic policies, and therefore, increase Brazils global competitiveness. These factors have lead Brazils economy to shift toward a more service-oriented market. Nevertheless, the agricultural sector and diverse industrial base continue to function as enormous drivers of growth. (Fraga &038 Bowler, eds. , 2008) 2 CURRENCYThe modern real was introduced on July 1, 1994 to stabilize the broader Brazilian economy. When introduced, the real was set equivalent to 1 unidade real de valor, a non-circulating currency which ultimately set the real equivalent to 1 US horse. Initially, the real climbed against many major currencies. Strong capital in-flows supported a strong real thr ough late 1995. By 1996, the rally Bank of Brazil instituted tight controls over the real to bring the currencys value down. The currency depreciated soft through 1998, but the Central Bank relaxed controls in 1999 and the real drived a sudden devaluation. From 1999 to 2002, the currency remained relatively volatile tete-a-tete major orld currencies. By mid-2002, the real reached an all-time low against the Canadian dollar, along with many major currencies, including the US dollar. The presidential election in late 2002 brought long needed stability to the Brazilian currency. From late 2002 to October 2008, the real slowly appreciated against the Canadian dollar and other major currencies. When the financial crisis hit in late 2008, the currency bounced from rates not seen since 2001 to around R$2C$1. Since the crisis, the currency has again been slowly appreciating against the Canadian dollar. In recent months, the real has been slightly depreciating against the Canadian doll ar.Overall, the Brazilian real stay a relatively stable currency, especially among Latin American currencies. This will benefit the Four Seasons, as it repatriates profits to headquarters and pays local suppliers. However, as with any foreign currency &8212 especially those in new growth markets &8212 electric resistance from fluctuation isnt a rule. vernal regimes can disconfirmingly affect currency, as well as Brazils significant current account deficit, significant administration spending on the World Cup and Olympics and susceptibility to puffiness. Four Seasons plans on pricing in US dollars, which assemblings to many of its target markets and is consistent with Four Seasons across the globe. 3 INFLATIONSince 2003, Brazil has been successful in easing pompousness pressures on account of strict monetary constitution and an appreciation of the Real (Fraga &038 Bowler, eds. , 2008). Yet recently, inflation has rose in recent months owing mainly to the global recession as w ell as increased honorarium and inertial pressures within the country. The Central Bank of Brazil has set a target of 4. 5% for 2010. The Economic Intelligence Unit is optimistic, predicting that inflation will fall 4. 8% to 2. 5% between 2010 and 2011. (The Economic Intelligence Unit Group, 2010) Four Seasons must constantly monitor the inflation rate once within Brazil. If the EIU is correct, a 2. 3% change in the inflation rate will have an enormous impact on the operations (The Economic Intelligence Unit Group, 2010).Brazil will need to constantly change their prices in order to keep up with large-scale changes. Fortunately, the majority of price postings occur through the companys website allowing the company to avoid immense be required to reprint materials. blueer inflation translates into higher prices not notwithstanding for Four Seasons guests, but also for components the hotel buys from local suppliers or imports from other countries. Additionally, Four Seasons may co nsider using employee contracts that adjust for inflation to accommodate anger associated with loss of purchasing power. Luckily, the EIU predicts inflation to decrease and remain relatively stable in the future at 2. % (The Economic Intelligence Unit Group, 2010), limiting negative consequences incurred by operations. 4 LABOR CODES The Brazilian presidency requires all companies, foreign and domestic, to provide specific elements to its employees including thirty days of yearbook leave, an annual bonus equal to one months salary, and severance pay if dismissed without a cause. Additionally, if a firm employs more than common chord employees, Brazilian nationals must account for two-thirds of the total employees and payroll. Brazil has instituted a system of labor courts to handle body of work disputes involving working conditions, wages, dismissal, and so forth (The incision of Commerce, 2009) It would be ill advised to ignore government employment requirements.Not only woul d the company seek being forced out of the market, Four Seasons would incur a tarnished composition within the global arena. When hiring and scheduling future employees, Four Seasons must account for each individuals thirty days of leave the firm must settle whether it will assign vacation time or negotiate with employees for specific requests. If two-thirds of payroll must be distributed to Brazilian nationals, Four Seasons should scan the local environment for senior management positions, as these executives tend to lay out a large portion of pay. As Four Seasons offers a service requiring an tramp of different workers, the company must find a way to ooperate with highly enroll Brazilian workforce currently, over 16,000 unions exist who are very well nonionized and are not hesitant to use aggressive methods (The department of Commerce, 2009). A local partner may possess apt(p) information to help alleviate any contentions that may arise. 5 INFRASTRUCTURE President Luiz In acio da Silva announced the harvest-feast Acceleration Plan in 2007, which perpetrate a US $296 one million million investment in foot by the end of 2010. Although the GAP is promising, Brazils infrastructure remains one of the largest obstacles within the economy. ugly quality and numerous deficiencies remain in roads, ports and airports no passenger trains travel outside the suburbs of major cities and only 12. 5% of the existent roads are paved. (The Department of Commerce, 2009) period the 2016 Summer Olympics should increase incentives for private companies to repair infrastructure, Four Seasons must contemplate the effects of a poor transportation system. It may want to consider sourcing the majority of its tangible components from nearby local suppliers to ensure bushel and fast delivery. Furthermore, imports are more probable to be priced higher on account of the inefficiencies within the infrastructure. A foreign direct investment is an option to increase force and satisfaction Four Seasons should investigate options near the hotel in addition to driveways travelers predominately use. For example, it could form a strategic alliance with another(prenominal) firm to enhance the roads to and from the airport. 4 LEGAL ENVIRONMENT 1 INTELLECTUAL plazaBrazil is a signatory to various agreements calling Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) Agreement, the Bern Convention on aesthetical Property, the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and the Paris Convention on rampart of Intellectual Propertycommitting the government to stringent protection of intellectual property rights. The decision to take part in international contracts was the countrys first realistic step toward putting an end to issues such as copyright infringement, however, plagiarisation and counterfeiting remains a problem within Brazil. (The Department of Commerce, 2009) While Four Seasons does not possess a substantial amount of intellectual property that would queer its exis tence, it does need to consider violations when procuring components for its hotel, particularly authentic furniture, decorations and artwork.It would be wise for Four Seasons to implement a system used to differentiate genuine pieces from others. 2 ENTRY MODE Four Seasons, or any foreign or domestic private entity, may establish, own, and persuade of business entities allowing the company to chose any entry mode grounded solely in its own decision fashioning (The Department of Commerce, 2009). Although a neglect of government regulation offers the firm freedom of choice, it would be extremely effectual to use a local representative to own the hotel building itself. As antecedently mentioned, Brazil is a highly collectivist culture that requires an extensive amount of time dedicated to relationship building to be successful in procuring supplies, building contracts, permits, etc.A local partner possesses established networks that can be utilized to sidestep regulations and corru ption in addition to knowledge specific to the Brazilian environment. 3 IMPORTS Brazil imports are subject to three crack up taxes Import Duty (II), Federal modify Product tax (IPI) and the State intersection and Service Circulation tax (ICMS) (The Department of Commerce, 2009). Because both the IPI and ICMS are value-added taxes (The Department of Commerce, 2009), imports end up becoming very expensive for customers. Unless a specific tangible component is captious to the success of Four Seasons, it would be in the countrys best worry to purchase supplies from local businesses to avoid high prices pushed down to the customer because of high taxes.High import taxes paired with Brazils poor infrastructure will threaten the safe and efficient obtainment of products. If the Four Seasons depends on certain aspects from headquarters, or another Four Seasons location, it should be aware that the foreign entity must register with Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX) in order to conduct tr ade with Brazil. 4 TRADE AGREEMENTS Brazil has established bilateral investment agreements with numerous countries including Belgium, Luxembourg, Chile, Cuba, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Venezuela however, the Brazilian Congress has not yet validate any of these. (The Department of Commerce, 2009)Brazil has sign Mercosur, a regional trade agreement, between itself and Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Brazil, with Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador as associate members (The Department of Commerce, 2009). If imports are required, Brazil should heavily consider sourcing from countries involved to significantly decrease costs associated with imports. Furthermore, Brazil maintains a double taxation with Canada, making imports from its headquarters extremely expensive. 5 LABELING Labeling requirements should not present Four Seasons with a noteworthy barrier. Firstly, the primary focus of the company is services, not products. Besides the gift shop and viands menus, Brazil will rarely come across barriers in labeling. Secondly, The Brazilian Customer Protection Code does not call for bohemian or outlandish.Specifically, labeling must provide the consumer with precise and easily readable information about the products quality, quantity, composition, price, guarantee, shelf life, origin, and risks to the consumers health and safety (The Department of Commerce, 2009). The only hurdle Four Seasons may see relating to labeling is a Lusitanian translation and metric function equivalent to the requirements listed above. 6 PROMOTION indicate institutionalize is emerging in Brazil as a very serviceable method for reaching Brazilian consumers citizens receive an clean of 9. 3 pieces of direct mail every month and 74% of Brazilians prefer direct mail to create cognizance of a new product or service (The Department of Commerce, 2009). Four Seasons is support to use d irect mail to target local businesses and community members within its promotional aspect of its marketing campaign.It should especially use Veja, the most popular magazine in Brail with an average of one million copies dispersed a week, and Folha de Sao Paulo, the largest newspaper with an average of 317,000 copies distributed Monday through Friday and 400,00 on Sunday (The Department of Commerce, 2009). Media in Brail is still heavily controlled through the public sector foreign ownership is throttle to 49% (The Department of Commerce, 2009). This should not affect Four Seasons greatly since the company avoids advertisements in mass media outlets. Also, the majority of Four Seasons target segments does not reside in Brazil. 2 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS Many transnationals, especially Four Seasons traditional competitors, have yet to enter the Brazilian market or only have a small presence in Rio de Janeiro.Additionally, there are only a small number of luxury local brands in Rio de Jan eiro that are capable of competing with Four Seasons. In many regards, Brazil remains a relatively untapped market, though a number of international brands have recently begun eyeing the market, including Hilton. With the increased opportunity in Brazil, now more than ever may be a great time to enter the young market, armed with the experience learned through other brands ventures. 1 MAJOR COMPETITORS 1 PESTANA HOTELS AND RESORTS (PORTUGAL) Pestana is Portugals largest touristry and untenanted group, operating 41 hotels across 3 continents in countries with former colonial ties to Portugal (Pestana, n. d. ).Pestana entered Brazil via Rio de Janeiro in 1999 with a local partner, Renato Albuquerque Group (Grupo da Madeira investe US$25 milhoes no Brasil, 1999). Rather than building a new establishment, the company acquired the Carlton Rio Atlantica hotel, modernized the establishment, and added a new business nerve centre to overstretch business travelers (Grupo Pestana lanca ca rtao no Rio, 2001). Since 1999, Pestana has been heavily investing in Brazil and considers Rio de Janeiro a central point for the company (Grupo Pestana lanca cartao no Rio, 2001). By 2001, Brazil accounted for 20% of Pestanas hotel business (Grupo Pestana reforca atuacao no Pais, 2001). By 2004, the company had candid 6 hotels across Brazil with the tell goal of opening 10 more hotels within the next 10 years.The companys significant investment in the market $110 million by 2004 has brought increased authenticity and credibility to the Brazilian market as an opportunity for luxury and business travel, according to Francisco Rabelo, financing handler for Bank of Northeastern Brazil. This significant growth has been fueled by the companys success in the country the company has achieved an average annual return of 31% on its investments and the country is already its best performing territory in Pestanas portfolio. The Director of the Finance and Investment advance Department o f Brazils Tourism Ministry give tongue to the group was one of the largest hotel groups in Brazil by 2005 the company was expected to have 400,000 room-nights in the country, more than any other hotel filament (Renata, 2006). star of Pestanas most perceptible additions is its knowing understanding of Portuguese culture, being a Portuguese company. Brazils cultural and colonial ties to Portugal make the Brazilian market a particularly charismatic market for Pestana, and as the companys exceptional returns have demonstrated, Pestana is taking full advantage of its country-of-origin effects. With the companys high knowledge of local culture and Brazils cultural similarity to Portugal, the company is able to keep the services within Brazil appear as very place without adapting its standardized services much. This is a trend Pestana has demonstrated in the past, as it only enters markets with cultural ties to its home market (Pestana, n. d. ).In this sense, Pestana can maintain a r elatively standardized offering while appearing to be adapting to the local mount. This home(a) knowledge of Brazilian culture will be rewarding, as other multinationals dont have access to or credibility with local culture. another(prenominal) unique advantage that Pestana has is its ability to build pousadas within Brazil. Pousadas are boutique, luxury hotels that encapsulate Portuguese culture. Until 2003, the Portuguese government was responsible for developing and managing the hotels. Pestana bought the sole rights to building pousadas from the Portuguese government in 2003, though the government maintains highly involved in overseeing each new pousada to ensure it meets minimum standards (Pousadas de Portugal, n. d. ).Pestana has expressed interest in bringing these unique products to Brazil and deald the body structure of one in 1999. The company plans on expanding its offerings in the coming years in tandem with its perpetration to building 10 hotels in the coming 10 ye ars (Renata, 2006). These hotels automatically connect with locals and foreigners abroad who want an authentic experience in Brazil. No other hotel stove can emulate these boutique hotels even localizing a hotel as much as possible wont replicate a pousada as it wont have the unique stamp by the Portuguese government. Moreover, pousadas are often located in historic buildings, making them even more of an attractive computer address (Pousadas de Portugal, n. d. ).Pousadas have the curtain raising of attracting travelers interested in an authentic experience without the risk of traveling to an inexplicable hotel. Travelers can experience aureate accommodations and be service in the local context of pure and authentic Portuguese culture, service and food. In fact, Brazils Minister of Tourism has said that pousads will attract a higher class of tourists who are willing to pay additional money for the unique experience (Renata, 2006). Another energy Pestana has demonstrated is it s ability to connect with locals and operate efficiently within the local political and economic environment. across Brazil, Pestana has demonstrated a tendency to enter cities by acquiring local hotels, as it did in Rio de Janeiro and Natal.This ensures that the hotels Pestana operates have a understandably local flair and enable the company to penetrate the market quicker, avoiding lengthy construction times. The company also enters local markets with local partners, though it uses different partners in different cities. This willingness to share ownership gives the company regnant local allies and gives the company legitimacy among locals. These are important strengths, as many other multinationals are less successful at navigating Brazils compound and corrupt government. Moreover, entering a market with a local partner shifts risk and offers the company invaluable local knowledge.A possible helplessness the group has is its organizational structure. The group maintains an International Division governance structure. While Pestana only operates in markets based on the Portuguese culture, countries with similar histories still vary greatly in wrong of market power, government regulation and destination type. By clumping all international destinations under one group, the company may hand out to amply take advantage of each market or understand each market. The companys overleap of resources commit solely to Brazil may enable competitors to build a structure that is more flexible and responsive to trends and changes within the Brazilian market.Further, as the company begins expanding outside Brazil into other South American countries, the company may continue to dilute its watchfulness to Brazil, thereby rendering many of its electric potential strengths as much less poignant. A final weakness of the company is its tearing focus on growth. Between its 10 hotels in 10 years policy in Brazil, and its overarching 30 hotels in 30 years policy, Pest ana may begin to focus on quantity above quality. While the companys unique products and intimate knowledge of Portuguese culture may attract luxury travelers at first, maintaining the high quality and service standards demanded by the business traveler and luxury void traveler may to be difficult amidst such an emphasis on growth.Finally, as the number of hotels have by Pestana surges, the company may saturate the market and devalue the bangle of its brand. The hotels may become less bid and less of a destination as they become ubiquitous and commonplace. 2 STARWOOD HOTELS &038 RESORTS (UNITED STATES) AND aureate TULIP HOSPITALITY (SWITZERLAND) Starwood is one of the worlds largest and most geographically diverse hotel and leisure companies. The company is primarily a hotel management corporation, responsible for luxury brands The Luxury arrangement, Regis, W and Le Meridien and other midrange brands Westin, Sheraton and Element (Starwood Hotels &038 Resorts). Until recently, the companys sole exposure to Rio de Janeiro was its three Sheraton hotels, two of which lacked a spa.While the hotels have meeting faculties, the hotels dont appear in trade magazines as specifically targeting the business community. As such, these three hotels are not considered to be in direct competition to the Four Seasons because they do not focus on any of our target markets. On June 12, 2009, Starwood acquired princely Tulip Hospitality, a global hospitality company with a strong focus on the corporate traveler. Tulip manages three hotel chains, including the upscale Golden Tulip, which focuses on business travelers, and the luxurious Royal Tulip, which focuses on leisure travelers (Golden Tulip Hospitality). Tulip has one property in Rio de Janeiro, the Golden Tulip Ipanema Plaza.The property has a spa and complete business center. The hotels focus on corporate travel finally endorses Starwood as a viable competitor in the Rio de Janeiro market. Tulip is a unique hotel ins omuch as it relies on international standards of service, yet has been relatively successful at integrating local flavors into its brand. The company advertises its local touches through its advertizing campaign, International standards, local flavors. Tulips worldwide presence also lends it strong appeal and acceptance worldwide, especially among the luxury and business traveler. This is, in part, due to its global standards of service that international travelers have come to know and rely on.Tulips ability to incorporate local culture into a standardized brand is a stiff competitive advantage. Maintaining standard levels of service is important to the international traveler, as it assures him/her what to expect when traveling and builds brand virtue. However, by maintaining these standards and adding local culture into each property, Tulip finds a middle ground between standardization and adaptation. This is a strategy that enables the company to remain flexible to local deman ds and local clients, but also cater to international travelers. One strength of the Starwoods encyclopedism of Tulip is Tulips acceptance among the international elite.Until the eruditeness, Starwoods two luxury brands St. Regis and the Luxury Collection did not have properties in Brazil. This acquisition gives Starwood immediate penetration into Rio with a long-familiar and be portfolio of properties. With Starwoods and Tulips feature international experience, the group can efficaciously begin targeting the elite traveler more vigorously. Co-branding opportunities and brand extension opportunities also exist, as both hotel companies have more luxurious brands they could deploy in Rio de Janeiro if the Golden Tulip proves successful. Moreover, Starwoods large reserve of loyal guests gives the have company an automatic target market from which to draw.A final strength of the optical fusion is Starwoods and Tulips global memorial and established luxury brands lend it opi nion among the international elite. The companys brand equity is an important strategic asset that can be used to connect with world travelers and attract them to their properties in Brazil. Starwoods skill at managing a portfolio of septuple brands is important, as Tulip becomes another brand that Starwood can leverage, advertise and use to attract travelers. One potential weakness of the merger is the possibility that incongruous corporate cultures may obturate the companies ability to synergize strengths and build a comprehensive network.As with any merger, it takes time to fully integrate a new company into an active company, and Starwood must be able to keep Tulips corporate culture in tact if it hopes to reap the benefits of the companys strengths. If Starwood tries to change or adapt Tulip too much, it will lose Tulips connections with the business traveler and the companys unique ability to combine international standards with local adaptation. Starwood must focus on mai ntaining Tulips brand identity and equity, while simultaneously merging the company into its portfolio to fully realize a competitive advantage. Another possible weakness is Starwoods control exposure to the Brazilian market, especially Rio de Janeiros luxury market.While Tulip has been in Brazil for some time, and both companies have experience in the luxury segment, Starwood is less familiar with the luxury hotel segment in Brazil than some of its existing competitors. This lack of experience could prove to be harmful if Starwood is not careful in executing operations, especially since the Brazilian market has proven to be difficult for international brands to tap. Starwood and Tulip both lack a positive country-of-origin effect, as the Brazilian market has proven to be fiercely loyal to local and Portuguese brands. assuming that the namesake of its hotels will make the company successful could prove to be an unsuccessful route for the company to head. MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL (U NITED STATES) Marriott is one of the worlds largest lodging companies with over 3,000 hotels riddle across 67 countries. Marriott primarily franchises under an array of brands, including the luxurious J. W. Marriott and Ritz Carlton and other full-service and other mid-tier hotels (Marriott). Marriott entered Rio de Janeiro in 2001, focusing its efforts on attracting luxury business travelers to respond to the countrys bourgeoning market (Hotels check into Brazil). The opening of the J. W. Marriott in 2001 marked the citys first new five-star resort in over 12 years (A new Rio de Janeiro Marriott Hotel, 2001). The J. W.Marriott is one of Brazils two multinational hotels on Travel + Leisures Worlds Best Hotels 2010 list, a comprehensive lean on the worlds vitamin D best hotels (T+L vitamin D Worlds Best Hotels 2010, n. d. ). The hotel offers a full-service spa, executive floor, complete business facilities and banquet halls and on-site restaurants. forrader opening the hotel, M arriott sold off its stake in the hotel with the help of a local consulting firm. However, the acquisition of land along with the sign costs and design were all sponsored by Marriott without the specific help of locals. Marriott retained control over management of the hotel (Rede Marriott e Odebrecht colocam hotel carioca a venda).Marriott is the largest and most recognized multinational brand currently in Brazil. The J. W. Marriott brand, in particular, has ring with our target markets, especially luxury travelers, as demonstrated by its placement on the Travel + Leisure rankings. This is a powerful asset, as the combination of brand equity, name recognition and recognized quality may connect with luxury world travelers. Moreover, the companys worldwide presence and name recognition may also vibrate with business travelers who are already familiar with the brand and trust the hotel to be a quality establishment. A major weakness the hotel faces also stems from its name. Like oth er multinational chains discussed, Brazilians prefer local hotels.The negative country-of-origin effects have hurt Marriott, as US flags are not unavoidably familiar locally since Brazilians exposure to these brands is significantly more bound and Brazilians tend to be attracted to local brands. This is a weakness the company faces when targeting local visitors and businesses, another target market that the Four Seasons is hoping to target. Another weakness Marriott faces is its lack of local partnerships. When entering the market, Marriott did not hunt for a partner. This is in stark contrast to other successful chains, especially since Marriott lacks experience in the Brazilian market overall. According to the CEO In order to move forward, we will need to find common ground with the Brazilian business sit and probably take some equity positions in some of the developments to gain market knowledge and brand acknowledgement.A second option is to enter with our existing relationsh ips through local partners to implement our manage-franchise business model (ONeill &038 Chao, 2008). Coming from a country with significantly different normative business practices and limited exposure to Brazilian culture despite its significant international presence has proven a difficult obstacle for Marriott. This is an important weakness to consider for all multinational companies, especially those unfamiliar with the Brazilian marketplace. A final weakness Marriott faces is its pricing structure, which is higher than many of its competitors. While the hotel has higher rankings than other multinationals, if the benefits of the brand are not properly communicated, the hotel may seem overpriced.Moreover, if the hotel does not specialise itself as luxurious, the company may face problems persuading international travelers to choose an American hotel chain over a more localized chain. 4 COPACABANA PALACE BY ORIENT-EXPRESS HOTELS (BERMUDA) The Copacabana palace is a historic, luxury hotel built in 1923. It is considered by many around the world as the place to stay in Rio (Doyle, 2009). The Copacabana Palace is one of three hotels on Travel + Leisures Worlds Best Hotels 2010 list located in Brazil (T+L 500 Worlds Best Hotels 2010, n. d. ). Additionally, the hotel is a member of the 5 Star Alliance, an online travel way of life that partners with the worlds most luxurious hotels.Owned by the Guinle family of Rio de Janiero until 1989, the hotel is now owned by Orient-Express (Five Star Alliance, n. d. ). Orient-Express purchases individual luxury hotels across the globe. The company does not advertise itself as a chain, rather post each property individually. Properties are managed locally every hotelhas its own name and personality (Orient-Express, n. d. ). Following its purchase, Orient-Express renovated the hotel, outfitting the fifth floor as an executive business center to focus on business travelers. The hotel includes meeting facilities and banqu et facilities, all aimed at business travelers needs (Five Star Alliance, n. d. ).The hotel also focuses significantly on elite travelers, as its reputation for service and quality attract politicians, royal line and actors. The hotel has a complete spa and two restaurants, neither of which serves Brazilian cuisine (Five Star Alliance, n. d. ). An important advantage the Copacabana Palace has is its bequest and long-term association with Brazil. From its beginnings, the company has been intertwined into local culture. The owners were local and today, Orient-Express continues to manage the hotel as an self-sufficing property. Many view the hotel as the nations preeminent local option, and foreigners who want an authentic experience may opt to stay at the Copacabana Palace over other multinational chains.The hotels brand equity is particularly strong, as it is a clear favorite among elite travelers. The companys increased focus on business travelers further expands the hotels brand e quity and product scope. Another strength the Copacabana Palace is its long history in Rio de Janeiro. The companys experiences in Rio de Janeiro give it a level of knowledge foreign multinationals cant match. Moreover, the companys success in Rio de Janeiro reflects its ability to work within the countrys legal and political structure. As investment increases in Rio de Janeiro and new multinational chains enter the market, Copacabanas deep understanding of local cultures and the regulatory environment will be exponentially more valuable.While the company is known to Brazilians and the well-traveled elite, a lack of a true multinational brand name may stymie some elite travelers. Not only does the company lack a network of brand loyal patrons, the lack of an internationally recognized brand name may make some travelers hesitant. Additionally, the hotels high price may make other, more familiar options more appealing to travelers, who are sure of the level of quality to expect. 5 FAS ANO HOTELS (BRAZIL) Fasano is one of the some remaining local competitors yet to be acquired. The company was established in 1982 as a beginning(a) restaurant the company remains recognized for its culinary achievements.The restaurant pioneered the gastronomic movement in Brazil and continues to uphold its elegant blend of contemporary and traditional Brazilian cuisine. In 2003, Fasano open(a) its first hotel in Sao Paulo. In the same year, Fasano became a member of the Leading keen Hotels of the World (Five-Star Alliance) and was ranked as one of the worlds 50 best hotels in Travel + Leisure (Fasano, 2010). Fasano opened a hotel in Rio de Janeiro in 2007 amid great hype and reviews, eclipsing the fabled Copacabana Palace as the top play den for Brazils rich and famous (Beehner). From its foundation to the finishing touches, Fasano is a local competitor. This is a significant strength the hotel has, as its numerous restaurants all share the spirit of Fasanos famed culinary exper tise.The hotel is designed in Bossa Nova-chic style and Brazilian touches compliment every aspect of the hotel. More than any competitor, Fasano remains a localized and focused hotelier, and has limited experience outside the growing Brazilian market. Fasano is a travelers only real option, when he/she wants to stay at a local, luxury resort. Every other luxury boutique hotel has been acquired or is at a different tier of service than Four Seasons. Another strength Fasano has is its long-term, strategic partnership with real-estate developer JHSF. This has given Fasano access to the Brazilian market and enabled the company to take less risky positions in its hotels as JHSF has a 50. 1% stake in the hotel.This also frees up capital for other ventures, as the company is currently building additional properties in Brazil and Uruguay. A possible weakness of Fasano is its lack of experience managing hotels and meeting the expectations of guests, especially foreigners. As Brazils most exp ensive hotel, the elite guests who condescend Fasano have incredibly high expectations. While multinationals have experiences with such clientele, Fasano does not have the same expertise in dealing with this segment and may be overextending its existing resources in an attempt to compete with world-class contenders. Indeed, excitement over the hotel has faded since its opening in 2007 and the company continues to charge a significant premium over every other Brazilian hotel.Another weakness is the companys
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