Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay on Finance - 1807 Words
Finance Wikipedias accurate definition of finance is The activity of finance is the application of a set of techniques that individuals and organizations (entities) use to manage their financial affairs, particularly the differences between income and expenditure and the risks of their investments I discuss the importance of keeping track and updating financial reports as well as simple bank statements. These are just some of the essentials that I believe we all as a people should acknowledge. There are several detrimental problems concerning our finance as a people and the side that I will be arguing throughout the duration of this paper is that we as African Americans do not recognize the†¦show more content†¦If we really want to understand our finance and how it works, it is necessary for us to understand how the use of financial assets leads to the better use of real assets. Do we as a people really understand how to levitate our finance? A Prominent tribulation involving finance and the Black culture is establishing the know how of operating and dealing with financial situations. Understanding how the financial division works and how it is related to the real sector is why anyone would study finance. Many important personal decisions are financial. Paying for a home or an automobile are two very large examples, but even day to day decisions such as planning a budget, opening a checking account, or making investments call for a knowledge of finance. This is a issue that I believe should be discussed in any natural home, let alone the home of minorities. Most of the time racially we take finance frivolously and this has become a vast distress on growing and raising children in our society. Learning finance and relating to the history of it should be something that we try to incorporate in our teaching as Black parents. There should be a strong emphasis set on the ability to receive credit cards from national companies to our Black children, instead of nonchalantly letting them keep the cards in their possession to set themselves up for failure. Debt is also a financial situation that ourShow MoreRelatedFinance1352 Words  | 6 Pagesfinancial manager differ from the traditional financial manager? Does the modern financial managers role differ for the large diversified firm and the small to medium size firm? 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